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Logic Model Workshop Youth Development

Logic Model Workshop Youth Development. Dawn Martz, Foellinger Foundation October 2013. Serving children and families by supporting effective nonprofits. “ Organizational effectiveness is the ability of an organization to fulfill its mission by measurably achieving its objectives

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Logic Model Workshop Youth Development

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Logic Model WorkshopYouth Development Dawn Martz, Foellinger Foundation October 2013

  2. Serving children and families by supporting effective nonprofits.

  3. “Organizational effectiveness is the ability of an organization to fulfill its mission by measurably achieving its objectives through a blend of sound management, strong governance and a persistent rededication to assessing and achieving results.” Grantmakers for Effective Organizations

  4. Foellinger Foundation’sStrategic Intent: Mission-driven Well-managed Results-oriented

  5. The Multi-Dimensional Logic Model OTHER COMMUNITY INFLUENCES Foundation Resources FoundationActivities & Strategies Plan, Train, Implement Evaluate Foundation Effectiveness Agency Resources Agency Activities & Strategies Plan, Train, Implement Evaluate Organizational Effectiveness Program Resources Program Activities & Strategies Deliver, Attend Participate Outcomes for Children & Families COMMUNITY OUTCOMES INPUTS ACTIVITIES OUTPUTS OUTCOMES  2004 Mary Williams & Associates

  6. Evaluation Materials

  7. Evaluation Concepts • Intermediate • Behaviors • Short-term • Knowledge • Attitudes • Skills • Long-term • Condition • Status What did you do? Concrete evidence What difference did it make? CIGRAC

  8. Grant applications include one of these logic models: • Operating logic model - emphasis on organizational effectiveness (Section 1 is the evidence of prior fiscal year community-level impact and Section 2 is focused on improvement) • Program logic model - emphasis on program specific outcomes Organizational Effectiveness Section 1 – Evidence Most recently completed fiscal year program outcomes Section 2 – Strategic Priorities Organizational Effectiveness and Program Improvement Emphasis Operating Logic Model Emphasis Program Logic Model Program-specific Outcomes


  10. Rating the program logic model and measurement framework


  12. Rating the operating logic model and strategic priorities

  13. Questions

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