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This guide explores the intricacies of studying the Bible, encompassing word etymology, translation nuances, grammar analysis, and interpreting figurative language. Discover the power of dissecting biblical words, the centrality of God's Word, and how to properly divide and contextualize verses to gain a deeper understanding of Scripture. With insights on figures of speech, parts of speech, and grammatical elements, this resource equips you to explore the Bible's rich meanings effectively in your studies. Uncover the significance of words, symbols, and the contextual essence of the Bible, enhancing your comprehension of its profound messages.
How To Study The Bible • Tools Needed • Rightly Dividing • The Words • The Context
God’s Words Ps. 33:4-9 “By the word of the LORD were the heavens made” “For He spoke, and it was done” Are Powerful Biblos = “book” Hebrew = 8,674 different words Greek = 5,624 KJV = 12,143 English words
Etymology Words “a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word” Symbols Bible not written in English Translators used words to convey sense of the original writing. Apple Chair
Etymology Greek Manuscript of 1 Cor. 13 The Centrality of the Word of God
Etymology The John 1:1God
Etymology Interlinear of John 1:1 The Centrality of the Word of God
Etymology • Parts of speech • Tenses • Punctuation marks Grammar “I will build my Church” Matt. 16:18 “unworthily” 1 Cor. 11:27 Adverb = unworthy manner If an Adjective = personal unworthiness “Let him that stole steal no more” Eph. 4:28 Let him that stole, steal.
The B.I.B.L.E. • B = Basic • I = Information • B = Before • L = Leaving • E = Earth
Meaning of Words Baptism to immerse, sprinkle, or pour water on in the Christian rite of baptism: To immerse, submerge The Centrality of the Word of God
Church - Matt. 16:18 Ekklesia # 1537 - Out # 2564 - Call The Called Out
Bishop Episkopos Epi = upon Skopos = to look or watch Oversee
World 1. Earth John 17:24 1 John 2:15-16 John 3:16 2. People 3. Sin
Light 1. Radiant energy that illuminates. 2. Used as the opposite of heavy or the shade of some color. 3. Metaphorically in reference to understanding. 4. Deem something unimportant. The Bible uses light in all of those ways (Gen. 1:3; 2 Cor. 4:17; Lk. 2:32; Mt. 22:5)
Hate Lk. 14:26 • “hate not his father” • Love Less • Matt. 10:37
Words Change Heb. 13:5 Conversation = Conduct • Ex. 28:42 Breeches - Trousers • Matt. 1:18 Espoused - Engaged • 1 Tim. 2:12 Suffer – Do not permit
Figures of Speech Literal and Figurative Different Sheep - Jn.1:29 Lord’s Supper Lk.13:32 “fox” Genesis Acts Sheep
Figures of Speech “You scared me to death” “He has tons of money” “I am starved to death” “Dog Kicked the bucket” “Salt of the earth” Matt. 5:13 “Tree planted by rivers of water” Ps. 119:103 “The tongue is a fire” Jas. 3:6
Figures of Speech Parables Matt. 13:24-30 - Sower Parable - parabole Para = beside Ballein = to throw To throw alongside - Compare
Figurative Language Literal unless context forbids it Jn. 4:14 Figurative when literal is impossible Lk. 9:60 “Let the dead bury the dead” Jn. 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches”
Book of Words Ps. 119:162 2 Tim. 1:13 783,137 words
Suggestions For Studying the Bible 30 minutes Schedule 5 Minutes - Review / Preview 15 Minutes - Rapid Reading 10 Minutes - Taking Stock • Look up words • Re-read parts • Summarize, Meditate