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Multi-beneficiary cooperation programmes

Multi-beneficiary cooperation programmes. Management Group for Statistical Cooperation Luxembourg 22 March 2012 Torbioern.Carlquist@ec.europa.eu. Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance. National IPA Specific to one country

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Multi-beneficiary cooperation programmes

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  1. Multi-beneficiary cooperation programmes Management Group for Statistical Cooperation Luxembourg 22 March 2012 Torbioern.Carlquist@ec.europa.eu

  2. Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance National IPA Specific to one country Designed and implemented by EU Delegation in the country concerned (excl. Iceland) Sector approach from IPA 2011 – statistics is generally included in the sector “Public Administration” Multi-beneficiary IPA HR, IS, TR, MK, RS, ME, AL, BA, XK “Statistics” is sub-delegated from DG Enlargement to Eurostat Usually one Statistics project each year Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 2

  3. Completion of IPA 2008 One service contract (4M€) for AL, BA, ME, MK, RS and XK - also HR, TR but to a limited extent – was finalised in September 2011 Implementation of Pilot Projects Implementation of Technical Assistance(some figures between March 2010 and September 2011) Working groups, seminars… 681 persons in 184 meetings Ad hoc consultancies 16 experts in 26 activities Training courses 304 persons in 32 courses Pilot project workshops 250 persons in 17 workshops Traineeships 21 trainees Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 3

  4. Overview of the on-going IPA 2009 Total budget 5.9 M€ of which - 5 grants 3.5 M€ for HR, IS, TR, MK and RS - 2 service contracts 2.0 + 0.4 M€ 1 service contract mainly for AL, BA, ME, XK 1 service contract to complement the grants Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 4

  5. Implementation of IPA 2009 Grants and service contracts started in Dec 2010 (duration 24 m), except IS grant in Jan 2011 (duration 23 m) Grant countries have freedom to manage and implement the project, but they have to report to Eurostat on a quarterly basis (MK, RS: monthly) Interim and final reports of the grant are the base for the payments Money can be claimed back from NSI by Eurostat if not spent according to the plan for the grant Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 5

  6. Planning of future projects under IPA A 3-year plan for the statistics sector has been agreed Eurostat / DG ELARG IPA 2011 - IPA 2013 Each annual IPA project is discussed between DG ELARG and Eurostat Project Fiche for statistics is drafted by Eurostat, contains main outline of content, budget and time table In future, more details about pilot projects will be included Decision is taken by the IPA Committee Financing Decision of DG ELARG is the base for sub-delegation of the Statistics project to Eurostat Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 6

  7. Overview of IPA 2011 Total budget 8.2 M€ of which grants 5.0 M€ service contract 3.2 M€ Grants to 5 countries: HR, IS, TR, MK, RS Not equal amounts to the 5 beneficiaries! Beneficiaries are expected to apply for all data collection projects in the call from Eurostat One service contract mainly for AL, BA, ME, XK Many good project ideas received from Eurostat units Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 7

  8. IPA 2011 time table - grants IPA committee meeting 15 April 2011 Financing Decision 18 July 2011 Terms of reference prepared by Eurostat Call for applications sent to NSIs February 2012 Deadline for grant applications from NSIs 30 April 2012 Evaluation in May 2012 Signature of grant contracts in July 2012 Implementation period Sep-2012– Aug-2014 (24 months) Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 8

  9. IPA 2011 – dates Dates are given by the procedures of DG ELARG for annual IPA programmes Grantsand contracts have to be signed before by the end of November 2012 at the very latest Potential problem: the pilot projects in various statistical domains were proposed in Nov 2010, but implementation starts only mid-2012 Potential negative priorities in the meantime Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 9

  10. IPA 2011 time table – service contract IPA committee meeting 15 April 2011 Financing decision 18 July 2011 Short-listing of companies in Feb 2012 Evaluation of offers in May 2012 Signature of service contract July 2012 Implementation period Sep-2012– Aug-2014 Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 10

  11. IPA 2011 data collection / pilot projects (1) National accounts methodology, own resources Quarterly National Accounts Regional household accounts Regional gross value added European System of Accounts (ESA) - TP tables T8 annual sector accounts European System of Accounts (ESA) - TP tables T2, T9 annual government accounts Agri-monetary statistics: Land prices and rents Agri-monetary statistics: Economic accounts Early estimates for crops Annual Crop statistics Milk and Milk products Livestock and Meat statistics Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 11

  12. IPA 2011 data collection / pilot projects (2) Waste statistics Water statistics Migration statistics Labour Force Survey - improvement according to LAMAS Household Budget Survey (HBS) Survey on Income and Living Condition (SILC) Business Registers Structural Business Statistics (SBS) annexes I-IV and NACE rev.2 Structural Business Statistics (SBS) annex 9 business demography Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) Harmonised Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 12

  13. IPA 2012 time table (tentative) Project Fiches presented to NIPACs 15-16Nov 2011 IPA committee 23April 2012 Financing decision around July 2012 Terms of reference drafted during 2012 Signature of grant, service contract spring 2013 Implementation period mid-2013 – mid-2015 Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 13

  14. IPA 2012 data collection / pilot projects NOTE that this list is not agreed, ie. financing is not secured! National accounts Regional accounts Agriculture statistics Land use and land cover - proposed for HR, IS Trade statistics Crime statistics – Safety survey proposed for HR, IS, TR Health statistics Education statistics Innovation and R&D statistics Structure of Earnings survey Social protection statistics (ESSPROS) Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 14

  15. IPA 2013 There will NOT be a Statistics programme under Multi-Beneficiary IPA 2013 Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 15

  16. IPA 2014 – IPA 2020 New Financial Framework 2014-2020 IPA Regulation is now being amended Statistics can still be part of Multi-Beneficiary IPA Need to guarantee continuity in technical assistance Performance reserve - 10% of IPA funds will go to beneficiaries which perform best under IPA Budget for statistics approximately the same as now Outcome of MBP IPA for statistics is perceived as weak by non-statisticians – partly due to low capacity in beneficiary NSIs Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 16

  17. Multi-annual strategy for cooperation Strategic document for IPA to be updated in 2012-2013 IPA beneficiaries and MS will be involved in the discussion process Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 17

  18. Thank you for your attention Torbiörn Carlquist (design and contracting of future IPA programmes) e-mail: Torbioern.Carlquist@ec.europa.eu Judita Horvathova (design and contracting of future IPA programmes) e-mail: Judita.Horvathova@ec.europa.eu Isabelle Vançon (implementation of on-going IPA programmes) e-mail: Isabelle.Vancon@ec.europa.eu Management Group for Statistical Cooperation 2012 18

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