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EU PROGRAMMES: DEVELOPMENT COOPERATION INSTRUMENTS. Presentation. The context Financial instruments: geographic & thematic programmes, focus on the Development & Cooperation Instrument Overview of thematic programmes of the DCI: focus on Non-State Actors & Local Authorities programme. 1.
Presentation The context Financial instruments: geographic & thematic programmes, focus on the Development & Cooperation Instrument Overview of thematic programmes of the DCI: focus on Non-State Actors & Local Authorities programme
1 The context
The European Cooperation Fight against poverty Under the Nice Treaty article 177 defined 3 concentration domains for EC Cooperation Economic integration Sustainable development
The European Cooperation Poverty Eradication Under the Lisbon Treaty (art 208) stress puts on Policy Coherence for Development Aid effectiveness
The general framework • 2000 UN 8Millennium Development Goals, fixing poverty reduction objectives for 2015 • 2002 : The Monterrey Consensus, commitment from developped countries to increase financing for development • 2005 OECD Paris Declaration, 60 recipients and 50 donors on aid effectiveness • 2008Accra High Level Forum on aid effectiveness • 2008Doha Conference on financing for development
The European Framework • 2000 : The Cotonou Agreement, a renewed framework for relation with ACP countries (revised in 2005) • 2005European Consensus, the EU development policy (Commission, Member States and Parliament) • 2007 EU Code on Division of Labour • 2007 : new Financial instruments (including the Development Cooperation Instrument)
EU & EC aid implementation EU the largest donor in the world • 27 + 1 donors together responsible for 60% of all development aid (2008: 48,6 billion) • USA provides 22% European Commission on its own: • Second largest donor of humanitarian aid • Third largest donor of development aid (11%, after USA and Germany) • Present in aprox. 140 countries
The RELEX Family… The External relations family: DG External Relations (RELEX) DG Development (DEV) DG Enlargement (ELARG) DG Trade (TRADE) Humanitarian Office (ECHO) …. and Delegations ! Some changes to come….
Division of labour • Political strategies (programming DGs) : DEV & RELEX in charge of the elaboration of the programming documents • In charge of implementation: EuropeAid and Delegations
EuropeAid Mandate ● Created in 2001: in charge of the implementation of external programmes worldwide. ● Aims at delivering development aid in an efficient and effective way. ● Responsible of different steps of the project cycle (with Delegations):identification, feasibility, financing decision, procurement, monitoring, evaluation, audit etc.
The external aid budget 2008 External aid: €12.8 bn(9%) EuropeAid EDF fund: €4.8 bn (37%) Non-EuropeAid Budget: €3.3 bn(26%) Commission budget inside EU: €124 bn (91%) EuropeAid Budget: €4.6 bn (37%) EuropeAid implements external assistance. This excludes pre-accession aid, humanitarian aid, and Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) aid. EC total budget includes European Development Fund (EDF). NB – 2008 provisional figures (April 09) 12
Financial instruments: focus on the Development & Cooperation Instrument 2
Geographic versus thematic instruments • Geographic programmes : EDF, ICI, DCI, ENPI, IPA… • Thematic programmes : IfS, Environment, EIDHR, Investing in people, NSA/LA, migrations….
Geographical coverage IPA ICI E N P I ICI DCI EDF DCI ICI
Geographic distribution of funds - 2008 16 EuropeAid spending per region, ODA and OA, ACP including South Africa and Bananas
Geographic instruments • The bulk of the EC cooperation - Cooperation with Partners States via Country Strategy Papers signed between the EC and national authorities: 3 and 5 priorities in the cooperation. - Involvement of Non-State actors (depends of the context): • Dialogue with state authorities • Capacity-building programmes: internal governance, networking & advocacy capacities etc.
Development cooperation instrument (DCI) Scope I Country specific programmes Funding Average € 1.4 billion p.a. Regions Latin America € 380 million Asia 740 Central Asia 100 Middle East 70 South Africa 140 Scope II Sugar production restructuring Funding Average € 180 million p.a. Region 18 African, Caribbean, Pacific countries Ref Reg: 1905/2006 of 18.12.06
Development cooperation instrument (DCI) (2) Scope III Thematic programmes Funding Average € 800 million p.a. Region All third countries except industrialised / pre-accession Themes Investing in people € 150 million Environment 120 NSAs / local authorities 230 Food security 240 Migration / asylum 60
Distribution of funds by horizontal programme - 2008 21 * Thematic programmes include: non-state actors & local authorities, investing in people, gender, environment, migration and food security
Added-value of thematic programmes • Do not result from a direct negotiation between the state and the EC but proposed by NSA&LAsor managed jointly with international institutions • Complementary to geographic programmes: actor-oriented, can reach more easily the local level. • Illustration of the EU as a « soft power », willing the spread its common values around the world such as fight against death penalty, mitigation of climate change, gender equality etc.
Glossary Non State Actors: NGOs, political foundations, trade unions, universities, cooperatives, etc. Local and regional authorities: Municipalities, provinces, regions and their associations
DCI programmes (4/5) Support third countries in their efforts to better manage migratory flows
To support small scale initiatives from NSA and LA in the field of development & reinforce the capacity of intervention of NSA and LA in the policy making process 3 objectives : promote an inclusive and empowered society in partner countries to facilitate non-state actors and local authorities participation in poverty reduction and sustainable development strategies, raise public awareness of development issues and promote education for development in the EU and acceding countries, support activities to strengthen coordination and communication activities of NSA and local authority networks in the EU and acceding countries. OBJECTIVES OF THE PROGRAMME « NSA-LA » 29
NSA&LA 2009 In-country interventions in priority countries : country based calls for Proposals managed by EC Delegations: 82 targeted countries in AAP 2009 2009: +/- 137,8 m€ (121,7 m€ for NSA, 16,1 m€ for LA) Multi-country, global and regional interventions: global calls for Proposals managed by EC Brussels (Obj 1) Obj 1: +/- 40,6 m€ (30,5 m€ for NSA, 10,1 m€ for LA)
NSA&LA 2009 • Objectives 2 and 3: CfP managed in Brussels • Obj 2: +/- 30,5 m€ (26 m€ for NSA, 4,5 m€ for LA) • Obj 3: +/- 4,5 m€ (3,75 € for NSA, 0.75 m€ for LA) • Direct grants: +/- 3,1 m€ • Support measures:+/- 1 m€ -For more information: Europeaid Unit F1; Contact:EuropeAid-NSA-LA@ec.europa.eu
NSA&LA 2010 • 3 calls for proposals to be launched by EuropeAid (corresponding to the 3 objectives) in spring 2010 • Between 80 & 85 Delegations will launch calls for proposals at the local level • Objective 2: capitalization study to be launched in January concerning Development education projects.
A new multiannual strategy • Previous one for 2007-2010 • Challenge : implementation began only in 2008 • External evaluation completed • Public consultation until 7th March 2010: http://ec.europa.eu/development/how/consultation/index.cfm?action=viewcons&id=4886 • Adoption foreseen before summer 2010
DG DEV : http://ec.europa.eu/development/index_en.cfm EuropeAid : http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/index_en.htm Calls for proposals : http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/funding/index_en.htm http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/funding/documents/call_forecast.pdf Potential Applicant Database On Registration (PADOR) : http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/work/onlineservices/pador/index_en.htm Usefull links 35
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