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The Back Judge. Introduction: Five sets of eyes – how best to use them Man – Zone – Ball Purpose of Presentation: 5 man position Establish initial keys Coordinate keys among crew members “why we do what we do”
Introduction: • Five sets of eyes – how best to use them • Man – Zone – Ball • Purpose of Presentation: • 5 man position • Establish initial keys • Coordinate keys among crew members • “why we do what we do” • Provide a pattern to follow on even man offensive sets vs. odd man offensive sets • Provide thought for developing your own keys and mechanics • Questions
Rule #1 – Don’t Let Anybody Get Behind You. Rule #2 – Don’t Forget Rule #1
Pre-Game: • BJ / HL / LJ should discuss scrimmage keys • Positions on kicks – free and scrimmage • Communication - Coordinating on Sideline at Pylon / End zone catches • Other Duties: • Assist HL with Chain Crew directions • Time game • 25 second clock • Time the team TOs • Coin Toss • Measurements / Change of Quarter • TO positions • Know kicking game rules – Be an Expert!
VISITOR 7 63 3 11 44 89 54 21 36 99 19 44 H U 76 32 45 B CLOCK #45 is the Visiting Team speaking captain. #55 is the Home Team speaking captain. L 21 55 86 R HOME 7 63 3 11 44 89 54 21 36 99 19 44 5-man Game – R & LJ on sideline with Home Team U & BJ on sideline with Visiting Team H is with the Chain Crew going over game instructions R gives Sportsmanship reading to Home Team U gives Sportsmanship reading to Visiting Team Maximum of 4 player captains per team 5-man Game – R & U escort captains only out to the field; R brings out Home Team and U brings out Visiting Team R has back to the field clock BJ & LJ at sideline to make sure teams stay on sideline H is with the Chain Crew going over game instructions
VISITOR 7 63 3 11 44 89 54 21 36 99 19 44 H CLOCK B 76 32 45 U R 86 21 55 L HOME 7 63 3 11 44 89 54 21 36 99 19 44 Crew meets after the coin toss to record the toss results and receive last second instructions from the R. Everybody hustles to their position for the kick-off.
VISITOR 7 63 3 11 44 89 54 21 36 99 19 44 H K CLOCK K R K R K R R R K R K B R K R R K R L K R K R K U HOME 7 63 3 11 44 89 54 21 36 99 19 44 Zone Officiating - pick up runner if he enters your zone B secures ball and gives K instructions.
VISITOR H 36 21 54 B Kicker #89 is right footed. 44 99 U 11 89 74 L 63 7 19 R Kick Mechanic – 5 man
VISITOR R 36 21 H 54 Kicker #89 is right footed. 44 89 11 99 U 74 B 63 7 19 L Kick Mechanic – 5 man
Free Kick Mechanic – 5 man VISITOR R H U B L BJ and LJ “sweep” the sidelines, readying teams for the kick-off. H and U assist. After a Score – Crew comes together to record score and receive any instructions from the R
RUNNING PLAYS • Be alert for late hits. • Assist Wings when ball goes OOB. • Be particularly alert when play goes into a team bench area • Assist in Relaying the ball. • Any run beyond 5 yards in side zone should involve a BJ relay. • Watch the action in front of the runner. • Inside to Outside coverage. • Positioning – Your call is usually going to be out in the open.
Definitions • Strength of Formation: determined by number of eligible receivers outside tackle. • Tight End: End man no more than 4 yards from nearest lineman. • Back in Backfield: Player in backfield between the tackles at snap. • Trips: Three or more receivers outside tackle.
Back judge has first key • Based on strength and number of receivers • Usually the end on the strong side. • Trips: is responsible for two outside receivers • Balanced formation - declare strength to line judge’s side • Linesman and line judge have second key • Do not key off the same player as back judge • Strong side - key strong side back • Weak side - key off receiver(s) to your side • Trips: inside eligible receiver • Balanced formation - declare strength to line judge’s side
22 48 12 82 65 89 67 68 63 78 83 LJ HL • BJ – Position • Basic position is 15 to 20 yards deep, shaded to his receiver side • Down and distance will help you determine positioning. • Count B with HL &LJ BJ
22 48 12 82 65 89 67 68 63 78 83 LJ HL • BJ – Keys • Coordinates keys with HL and LJ, and is determined by the formation (will show in subsequent slides) BJ
22 48 12 82 65 89 67 68 63 78 83 LJ HL • BJ – Responsibilities • Recognize even (balanced) and odd (strength) receiver formations • On odd formations, BJ is responsible for widest receiver on two (or more) receiver side BJ
22 12 48 82 65 89 67 68 63 78 83 LJ HL • BJ – Responsibilities • On even (balanced) formations, BJ is responsible for widest receiver in on the LJ side BJ
R 48 42 22 12 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL LJ U BJ PRIMARY() & SECONDARY KEYS ( ) OR READ
R 48 42 22 12 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL LJ U BJ Zone Coverage after Receivers have Advanced 5 to 7 yards
R 22 12 48 82 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 LJ HL U BJ
R 22 48 12 82 89 65 67 68 63 78 83 HL LJ U BJ 2 BACK PRO SET - STRENGTH HL
R 22 48 12 82 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL LJ U BJ 2 BACK PRO SET - STRENGTH LJ
R 22 48 12 87 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL LJ U BJ WING T - STRENGTH LJ
R 22 48 81 12 65 67 68 63 78 83 87 HL LJ U BJ 2 BACK 3 RECEIVER SET - STRENGTH LJ
R 22 87 48 12 65 83 88 67 68 63 78 HL LJ U BJ TRIPS - STRENGTH HL
R 22 12 87 32 65 83 88 67 68 63 78 HL LJ U BJ TRIPS - STRENGTH LJ
R 22 87 32 12 65 83 67 68 63 78 88 HL LJ U BJ 1 BACK PRO SET - STRENGTH LJ
R 32 22 12 87 65 67 68 63 78 83 88 HL LJ U BJ I FORMATION - STRENGTH LJ
R 8 12 87 32 65 83 67 68 63 88 78 HL LJ U BJ DOUBLE WING TEE - STRENGTH HL
R 22 48 12 82 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL LJ U BJ
R 22 48 12 82 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL LJ U BJ
R 22 48 12 82 65 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL LJ U BJ
R 22 12 87 32 65 83 88 65 68 63 78 HL LJ U BJ
R 22 87 32 12 65 67 68 63 78 83 88 HL LJ U BJ
3 R 42 22 48 65 83 89 67 68 63 78 HL LJ U BJ – Bean Bag in hand for PSK. Keep Whistle out (don’t want an IW). Give receiver instructions Rule on KCI, Invalid Fair Catch, etc. HL – Pick up blocking off BJ’s shoulder BJ
Communication Wait to signal, working with wing official to be sure runner did not step OOB. 5 5 HL LJ G G HL LJ B Positioning Move to end line when ball inside the 10 yard line. Wings have goal line. Pass Plays Wait to signal, working with wing official to rule on catch, no catch, OOB.
BJ and WINGS - KNOW ELIGIBLES ON YOUR SIDE U – KNOW SK NUMBERING EXCEPTIONS R – KNOW KICKER’S NUMBER 2 5 2 5 5 R 2 0 12 2 0 42 22 1 5 1 5 21 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL U 1 0 1 0 G G BJ LJ
2 5 2 5 5 R 2 0 12 2 0 42 22 1 5 1 5 21 67 68 63 89 78 83 HL U 1 0 1 0 G G BJ LJ
F B HL LJ U R BJ BJ – Holds ball from Defensive side of NZ. U – Takes lead stake for measurement LJ – Mark spot for HL to set chains