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Welcome to Washingborough Confirmation & Membership service for Rebecca Lett Today we will share in Holy Communion. All are welcome to receive. SoF 1041 ‘Because of You’ To sing before the service begins.
Welcome to Washingborough Confirmation & Membershipservice for Rebecca Lett Today we will share in Holy Communion. All are welcome to receive.
SoF 1041 ‘Because of You’ To sing before the service begins.
There’s a place where the streets shineWith the glory of the Lamb.There’s a way, we can go there,We can live there beyond time.Because of You, Because of You,Because of Your love,Because of Your blood.
All our sins are washed away,And we can live forever,Now we have this hope,Because of You.Oh, we’ll see You face to face,And we will dance togetherIn the city of our God,Because of You.
No more pain, no more sadness, No more suffering, no more tears. No more sin, no more sickness No injustice, no more death. Because of You, because of You, Because of Your love, Because of Your blood.
All our sins are washed away,And we can live forever,Now we have this hope,Because of You.Oh, we’ll see You face to face,And we will dance togetherIn the city of our God,Because of You.
There is joy everlasting,There is gladness, there is peace.There is wine ever flowing,There’s a wedding, there’s a feast. Because of You, because of You,Because of Your love,Because of Your blood.
All our sins are washed away,And we can live forever,Now we have this hope,Because of You.Oh, we’ll see You face to face,And we will dance togetherIn the city of our God,Because of You.
Notices before the children join us.
L: The psalmist writes ’Because God’s love is better than life, my lips will glorify Him …’ R: I will praise him as long as I live and I will lift up my hands in his name.
L: Jesus said, ‘I am the light of the world.’ R: He has come so that we may never walk in darkness but may have the light of life.
L: Jesus said, ‘No one can see the kingdom of God until they are born again.’ R: We gather to be born-again, to be renewed, to be made whole.
L: Spirit of God, be present with us as we join in worship. R: Soothe our troubled hearts. Challenge our confused thinking. Compel us to respond to your call.
L: John the Evangelist wrote, ‘For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son… R: Not that we might perish, but that we might have eternal life’.
Living in the light: Matthew 5:18 & John 8:12
Light of the world. ‘Worship’ = Hands/prayer. ‘Bow down’ = bow head. ‘Say’ = hand to mouth. ‘God’ = point to ceiling. ‘Cross’ = Arms out wide.
SF 1419 Light of the World
LIGHT OF THE WORLD, You stepped down into darkness,Opened my eyes, let me seeBeauty that made this heart adore You,Hope of a life spent with You.
So here I am to worship,Here I am to bow down,Here I am to say that You’re my God;And You’re altogether lovely,Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me.
King of all days,Oh so highly exalted,Glorious in heaven above;Humbly You cameTo the earth You created, All for love’s sake became poor.
So here I am to worship,Here I am to bow down,Here I am to say that You’re my God;And You’re altogether lovely,Altogether worthy, Altogether wonderful to me.
And I’ll never know how much it costTo see my sin upon that cross.(Repeat)
Offering & Younger children leave us.
SF 935 My Jesus, My Saviour
MY JESUS, MY SAVIOUR,Lord, there is none like You.All of my days I want to praiseThe wonders of Your mighty love.My comfort, my shelter,Tower of refuge and strength,Let every breath, all that I am,Never cease to worship You.
Shout to the Lord all the earth, let us singPower and majesty, praise to the King.Mountains bow downAnd the seas will roarAt the sound of Your name.I sing for joy at the work of Your hands.Forever I’ll love You, forever I’ll stand.Nothing compares to thePromise I have in You.
John 3:1-21 You must be born again
Discipleship is supposed to be an ‘adventure’ not ‘death by misadventure’!
HP 267 or SF 377 Love Divine
Love divine, all loves excelling,Joy of heaven to earth come down;Fix in us thy humble dwelling;All thy faithful mercies crown!Jesus, Thou art all compassion,Pure unbounded love Thou art;Visit us with Thy salvation;Enter every trembling heart.