Your Food Be Your Best Medicine We all have heard our parents asking us to eat good food which has equal portion of fruits and vegetable.But we all like to eat fried or cheesy snacks more then raw or steamed food as it taste much better than anything else. If we all want to leave a healthy life we should do friendship with few unwanted but healthy food item atleast once in a day to keep a proper balance. We can follow a planned diet to maintain the balance between our health and taste. Make a diet plan chart every week:We can make a chat for the entire week to avoid unwanted eating and carving during a day. Keep scope for junk or outside food: It is a human tendency to break rule so we can always keep 2- 3 meal of our favorite food in the planner so the rule is not broken Divide your Portion of meal: Serve yourself smaller portions. Keep your planner ready for the entire day oneself can have small diet after every 2-4 hours but avoid eating till u get full as slow eating will help you feel full sooner. Divide your diet: We can divide our diet in three proper meal and three short meal. In this three proper meal we can have heavy breakfast which contain lots of carbohydrate, vitamin, fiber to give a kick start to our day with required energy flow then we can have lunch with contain half plate filled with salad and last meal will be dinner which should be eaten minimum three hours before going to bed which is lighter and has much of easy combination of raw fruit, vegetable and whole grain.In between this diet we can try having juices, unsalted nuts, and baked food in very small portion to avoid over eating. Add juices and liquid in diet: It is always prescribed by every dietitian of INRFOOD to add lots of liquid before and in between of meal to avoid over eating and flush out the not required toxic from our body. Read more our official Web page : https://www.inrfood.com Download our Free Mobile Applications..