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INTERSONO IVF clinic is a world-wide-known leading IVF clinic in Western Europe. The clinic has been successfully offering multiple options for IVF and Surrogacy treatment for 15 years. Since then, it has helped the birth of more than 5000 babies. Intersono is a part of Medicover Group, the largest private healthcare provider in the Central and Eastern Europe with over 3000 medical staff. We have fully certified IVF clinic: ISO 9001 standards were implemented at Intersono in 2007.
INTERSONO IVFCLINIC WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM LocatedinUkraine,IntersonoIVFclinichas been successfully providing treatment of maleandfemaleinfertilityissuesforover15 years. Sincethen,ithashelpedchildlesscouplesto givethebirthtomorethan10000babies. Helpingtoexperiencethejoyofparenthood, we specialise in performing IVF, egg Egg donation,Surrogacy,embryovitrificationand a wide range of other infertility tests and treatments.
INTERSONO IVFCLINIC WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM LVIV Wearelocatedinthebeautifulcityof Lviv, a large cultural and historical centreinWesternUkraine,witheasy connectionstoEuropeancapitalsand 70kmdrivingdistancetothe Polish-Ukrainianborder. DIRECT FLIGHTS FROM ALLEUROPEAN COUNTRIES
WHY INTERSONO IVFCLINIC WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM Intersono IVF Clinic is part of Medicover Fertility Family, one of thelargestnetworksofIVFclinics andmedicalcentresinEurope. FullycertifiedIVFclinic-Intersono iscertifiedinDQSandIQnetInter- nationalOrganizationsforStandar- tization, ISO9001:2008 quality standardcertificate. Brand newEmbryology Laboratory. Excellent results inpregnancy rates: more than 90% of our patients achievepregnancy. LegalEggdonationandSurrogacy: nowaitinglists,noeggsharing.
MORETHAN15YEARS CREATINGFAMILIES WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM IntersonoEggdonorbank:450egg donors with proven fertility and diversephenotypes. 100% guaranteed pregnancy in “Getpregnantinthefirstattempt” program – unlimited IVF cycles withfreshdonoreggs. Team of professionals: ourtrained and skilled international patient coordinators will provide you with constantcareand24/7support. 1 visit treatment. Medical CourierService. Patient AccommodationService.
TEAM OF PROFESSIONALS WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM Our highly experienced team of fertility specialists, embryologists, genetics who are PhDs and members of ESHRE, ASRM and UARM, has been constantly improving itsknowledgeandskills,implementingcut- ting-edgetechniquesinordertobringyour dreamofahappyfamilyintolife.
EXCELLENTRESULTS INPREGNANCY RATE WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM CPR in "Guaranteed Eggdonation MoneyBack" program 56% 100% 64 % CPRin Eggdonation cycles CPR in IVFcycles 290 specialists 97% 100% Patient Satisfaction 1500 10 babies 3000 laboratory analyses of couples recommend us cycles/ year
FULLY CERTIFIED IVFCLINIC WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM IntersonoIVFclinichasbeencertifiedinDQS andIQnetInternationalOrganizationsforStan- dartizationsince2010,inUKRseprosince2004. ItmeansthatimplementedQualityManagement Systemconformstorequirementsof ISO9001:2008 standard, whichprovidesthe absolute quality medicalservices.
WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM A well-rounded team of experienced embryologistswith solid background in all aspects of AssistedReproduction. Modernequipment. Monitoring of all laboratory parameters connected toan alarmsystem. Three-stage air-filtering systemintheembryology laboratory. HI-TECH EMBRYOLOGY LABORATORY Limited access for staff to the embryologylaboratory. Autofill of cryoreservoir withliquidnitrogenforsafe storage.
EGGDONATION PROGRAMS WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM BEST PRICING Eggdonationprogramshavebeenprac- ticed by our clinic for 15 years with a greatpassionandcareinordertoassist people with fertility problems from all over the world who can not become parentsotherwise. Fresh and Frozen Egg donation. 450eggdonorswithprovenfertility. Caucasian, Asian, Africanphenotypes. Anonymous and non-anonymous egg donors. Genetic screening. Free donormatching. No eggsharing. No waitinglist POLICY
Our Egg donors are young and healthy women at the age of 18-35, have proven fertility and a wish to share the joy of par- enthood with others. We strictly monitor the outcomes of donation programs to ensure their highest possible outcomes. Ouronlinedonorcatalogwhichisperma- nently updated with new donor profiles andadultphotoswillmakethedonorselec- tionprocesseasyandconvenient. EGGDONORS WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM CUMULATIVEPREGNANCY RATE WITH EGGDONATION 64% 1STATTEMPT GALLERYOF EGG DONORS TOTAL DONORS 450 Start Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Next End Page 1 of 5 Donors perpage Born on:1954 SEARCH Natural Eye Colour:10 Born on:1954 Natural Eye Colour:10 Natural Hair Colour: 10 CRITERIA Natural Hair Colour:10 Height: 10 Height: 10 Weight: 10 • LABTESTS • Antibodies toHIV • Antibodies toSyphilis • PCR HepatitisB(HBV) • PCR HepatitisC(HCV) • CMVIgM • AMH, E2, PH,LH • DIAGNOSTICS • Gynecologicalexamination • Vaginalswab • Papsmear • Chlamydia • GPexamination • Pelvicscan • Breastscan • Psychologicalcounselling • GENETICTESTS • Kariotype • CysticFibrosis • FragileX Weight: 10 Blood Type: 10 SEARCH BY DONORID Blood Type: 10 Profession10 LA 0982-H Profession10 Education10 DonorID LA 0982-H Education10 SEARCH Born on:1954 AVAILABILITY Natural Eye Colour:10 Born on:1954 immediately (17) 86% 2NDATTEMPT Natural Eye Colour:10 Natural Hair Colour:10 morethan3months(106) Natural Hair Colour:10 to3months(10) Height:10 Height: 10 NATURALHAIRCOLOUR Weight: 10 black(5) Weight: 10 Blood Type: 10 blond (55) Blood Type: 10 Profession10 LA 0982-H brown (70) Profession10 Education10 LA 0982-H red(2) Education10 BLOODTYPE A(II) Rh(negative)(5) A(II) Rh(positive)(48) Born on:1954 AB(IV)Rh(negative)(2) AB(IV) Rh(positive)(10) Natural Eye Colour:10 Born on:1954 B(III) Rh(negative)(5) Natural Eye Colour:10 Natural Hair Colour: 10 B(III)Rh(positive)(27) Natural Hair Colour:10 Height: 10 O(I) Rh(negative)(2) Height: 10 Weight: 10 O(I) Rh(positive) (32) Weight:10 Blood Type: 10 HEIGHT Blood Type: 10 Profession10 From152to178 LA 0982-H Education10 IN STOCK (12) LA 0982-H WEIGHT From47to74 BMI From18to29 FORDOCTORS fresh cycles(128) vitrifiedoocytes(16) ANONYMITY anonymous(8) non-anonymous(67) DONOR STATUS new(29) proven (98) TOTALDONORS133 97% 3RDATTEMPT 7 DAYS FREE ACCESS TO ON LINE EGG DONORCATALOG
SPERMDONOR PROGRAM WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM Thestockofourbankincludesmorethan2000immedi- ately available donor sperm samples obtained from donorswithdiversephenotypes. InfectiousDiseases HIV-1 and-2 T. Pallidum Hepatitis B(HBsAg) Hepatitis C Chlamydia Syphilis Gonorrhea • SPERM DONORREQUIREMENTS: • youngmanattheagebetween18and40; • hasatleastoneownchild; • doesnothavenegativephenotypicalmanifestations; • isphysicallyandmentallyhealthy; • has noaddictions. Other screenings Karyotype(46,XY) GALLERYOF SPERMDONORS SPERM DONORSCREENING: Ourspermdonorsarescreenedfor: Backtocatalog Prev... Next Availability:ACTIVE PersonalProfile Medical profile Print DonorProfile Selectadonor DONORID105 brown NaturalEye Colour: fair Complexion(fair,oliveetc): A(II)Rh(-) BloodType: highereducation Educationlevelsachieved: Selectadonor dog Interestsandhobbies: lawyer CurrentOccupation: Print DonorProfile
LEGAL SURROGACY PROGRAMS INUKRAINE Intersono IVF clinic in cooperation with Charitable Foundation “May There Be MoreofUs!”successfullyconductssurro- gacy programs since2005. WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM
MEDICALCOURIER SERVICE WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM IVF SAMPLES: OOCYTES, SPERM,EMBRYOS • WHYCHOOSE • INTERSONO MEDICALCOURIER? • Latest approved dryshippers. • Globalcryoshippments. • Full legalcompliance. • GPS trackingsystem. • Team of professional IVFcouriers. • FullcompliancewithIATAstandards. WE SAFELYDELIVER BLOOD TISSUECELLS STEMCELLS DNASAMPLES
Whenyouseeanewlife,itis difficulttoknowwhattosayto the people who made it happen... But a simple 'thank you' has so much meaning withinit,especiallywhenitis genuineandheartfelt.THANK YOU! J. S. AndAx WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM Wellits2weekssinceyoulooked aftermesowellinUkraine.Ihave done 13 pregnancy tests since last Tuesday 26th July and they are all positive!!!! We are overthe moon. I am booking an earlyscan for3weekstimeandwillletyou know theresult. Manythanksagainforeverything. Lxxxx &Rxxxxxx Hello!! Ihaveapositivebetapreg- nancy test and I am very happy.Ihaveanultrasound next week where we will look for a heartbeat. I will write you what the results are.SofarIamhopeful. Thankyou!! IjustwanttosayThankyou forlookingaftermesowell in Intersono last weekend. Allthestaffweresoprofes- sional and organized, but alsoveryfriendlyandkind.I haven’t got my result yet, but no matter what the resultis,I’lldefinitelyrecom- mend Intersono to my friends.
WHYCHOOSE UKRAINE? WWWW.INTERSONO-IVF.COM LEGAL EGGDONATION ANDSURROGACY BEST PRICINGPOLICY Most procedures in Ukraine cost upto50-85%lessthanthesame treatment in WesternEurope or theUSA. LVIV NO VISAREQUIRED EU citizens,Switzerland, Japan,CanadaandUnitedStates citizensdonotneedavisa to visitUkraine. EXCELLENT SUCCESSRATES NO WAITINGLISTS EGGDONORS with extraordinarybeauty and provenfertility DIRECT FLIGHTS FROM ALLEUROPEAN COUNTRIES