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Highest Success Rates in the Region, Your Chance to Deal with the Negative Pregnancy Tests at Top IVF Clinic in Muscat, IVI Middle East Fertility Clinic It’s almost inevitable when you are positively trying for a longed-for pregnancy, that there will be disappointments, sometimes many, along the way. Conception does not always happen right away, even in the absence of any fertility problems and when all the conditions are right. In particular, it’s well known that women who have been taking the contraceptive pill can take a while, sometimes up to 6 months, for their fertility to return to normal. So if you can possibly avoid counting the hours and days and taking multiple tests at the first opportunity, the better for your stress levels. But still, for some people in some circumstances, the negatives keep coming. The question which started out as how long after conception can you take a testmetamorphoses over time into a new question: how long should we keep trying before seeking some help? Here is your answer, your chance to deal with the negative pregnancy tests at top IVF clinic in Muscat, IVI Middle East Fertility Clinic. Factors that can affect your fertility include your age and general health, your reproductive history and health and of course, how often you have sex. The good news is that 84% of couples who are trying for a baby get pregnant within a year. For couples where the woman is aged 19 to 26, the figure is 92% within a year and 98% within two years. When the woman is aged 35 to 39, the conception rate is 82% after a year and 90% after 2 years. So, statistics may be on your side in the long run, but, as with the questions about how long after conception you can take a pregnancy test, patience can be difficult at such a crucially important time, particularly if you feel that your window of opportunity may be diminishing as you get older. Generally, top fertility specialist in Muscat at IVI Fertilityadvise that it’s a good idea to ask for assistance when regular natural reproduction has not resulted in pregnancy for a year, or, in the case of women over the age of 35, after you’ve been trying for six months. To help you prepare for the next step when you are thinking of consulting a top fertility clinic in Muscat, why not browse our website to familiarise yourself with who we are and the help we could offer? You can also watch the video introducing us on our Instagram for latest updates on fertility and related issues: @ivimuscat
What help is available to test for fertility problems? When you decide that the time has come to seek some medical help, there is a range of tests for finding out whether one or both members of a couple are infertile. The tests start with a complete medical history and physical examination of both members of the couple. In the case of the woman, the primary tests are a basal hormone study, an ultrasound scan and a hysterosalpingography. The choice and range of tests can be varied and extended depending on the individual patient. The man’s fertility can be assessed with a semen analysis through a seminogram test.