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6th GENERAL ASSEMBLY of AFERA ( Antananarivo October 8-12, 2007 ). Relations between Directorates of Roads and Road Maintenance Funds By : Sylvestre KOTCHOFA. OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION. Presentation of Benin Institutional Framework
6th GENERAL ASSEMBLY of AFERA ( Antananarivo October 8-12, 2007 ) Relations between Directorates of Roads and Road Maintenance Funds By : Sylvestre KOTCHOFA
OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION • Presentation of Benin • Institutional Framework • Analysis of Road Management Functions and highlighting conflict sources and their consequences between DSiercorate of Roads and FER • Envisaged Solutions • Conclusion
PRESENTATION OF BENIN Country situated in West Africa, bordered to the North by Niger and Burkina Faso, to the South by the Atlantic Ocean, to the East by Nigeria and to the West by Togo. It covers an area of 112,j600 km2 and accounts for about 8,000,000 inhabitants. Beninese road network : Classified lineary : 6076 km Asphalted roads : 1772 km Earth roads : 4304 km
BENIN INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 2-1 Assignment : Established by decree n° 96-373 of 29 August 1996, the Road Funds is a moral entity and is financially autonomous. It is governed by private law and submitted to State control obligation. It is an instrument for the Government policy in financing road network maintenance. In that respect, it is in charge of the following : - financing of road network maintenance programs, with responsibility of the Ministry in charge of Public Works and of some related studies; - managing the conventions for conceding toll posts. The road network of which the MTPT is in charge includes a linear total of 6,076 km.
BENIN INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 2.2 Organisation The Road Funds includes running and management bodies. • RUNNING BODIES • They are made up of the ReviewCouncil and Running Committee. Their make up and their duties are defined by the decrée approving the statutes of the Road Funds. • MANAGEMENT BODIES: They include the Director, the Running Controler and the Chief Accountant. Under the director authority, such bodies implement the decisions by the Running Committee of the Road Funds.
BENIN INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK 2.3 Human Means The Road Funds is a light structure accouting for thirteen (13) agents of mixed categories, including three high executives, five average executives, and the remaining part made up of support staff. 2.4 Road Fund Resources The Road Funds Resources come from earmarked taxes: - tax on hydrocarbon, - tax on vehicle traffic at borders, - tax on sanitation, - VAT collected at customs cordon.
BENIN INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK - Own equity resources: • Fees from toll post concessions • Interest generated by investing cash flow surplus, • State Subsidy • Budget Support from Development Partners.
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN 3.1 Programming This function includes: • Collection of road data (databank, statement of degradations, deflection measures) • Development of road maintenance program • Developmlent of draft road maintenance budget • Development of works budget • Adoption of Road Fund budget
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN 3.2 Execution of works There exist two modes for executing works: works by force account and works by contractor. But whichever the execution mode taken into consideration, the execution function includes: • Entering into service or work provision contracts (commitments) • Service provision or work completion. It includes three stages : work order, work execution proper and work reception
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN Works by Contractor : Entering into work contracts intervenes at the end of the procurement procedure which includes les herein after major steps : - Development of bidding documents (DAO) - Non objection from the National Directorate of Procurement (DNMP) on DAO materialized by the « pass for launch » from this Directorate put on the DAO - Launch of bidding • Preparation and handing of bids • -Opening, analysis and provisional judgement on bids
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN Non objection from DNMP regarding the provisional bid appraisal - Notification of accepted bid - Entering into works contract Works contracts entered into are contratc which may be executed through purchase orders. Works completion • Depending on the status of the network, DRTPs, managers on their network, pass on orders to companies holding work contract to be executed. • A copy of piurchase order is addressed to FR
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN Works by force account These are works executed by devolved structures of DGTP, Regional Directorates of Public Works (DRTP). There are six DRTPs. 3.3 Works Control Works control rests on DGTP (central level). But, in practice, this function is delegated to engineering consultants firms with whom the Minister in charge of Public Works pass a contract in the same conditions as above. However, at the end of works execution, works reception is pronounced by DGTP (or his representative at central level).
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN 3.4 Financement • Mobilisation des ressources Hormis la subvention de l’État qui fait l’objet de mandatement, toutes les ressources énumérées ci-dessus sont versées directement au Fonds Routier.
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN paiement des décomptes Après conclusion du contrat, le Fonds Routier est amené à effectuer deux types d’intervention : le paiement de l’avance de démarrage et le paiement des décomptes. Pour l’avance de démarrage, le Fonds Routier procède à la vérification de: • la réalité et de la régularité du contrat • la conformité du montant de l’avance de démarrage aux clauses du contrat ; • la validité du cautionnement bancaire.
ANALYSIS OF ROAD MAINTENANCE FUNCTIONS AND HIGHLIGHTING OF CONFLICT SOURCES AND THEIR CONSEQUENCES…CASE OF BENIN L’exécution du marché par l’entreprise donne lieu à établissement de décomptes après réception des travaux effectués. Lorsque les décomptes parviennent au Fonds Routier, on s’assure de la signature des procès-verbaux de réception des travaux par les personnes habilitées, la concordance des données figurant sur les PV de réception et les décomptes et l’exactitude des calculs de liquidation avant le paiement des décomptes (déduction faite de tout ou partie de l’avance de démarrage le cas échéant).