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Computer Organization Lecture 7. ALU design MIPS data path. ALU design with LS181’s. Assume 12-bit computer Active high operands Must cascade three devices Carry out must drive next carry in Mode and select bused to all devices. One device. NOTE: Active low symbol provided.
Computer OrganizationLecture 7 ALU design MIPS data path University of Portland School of Engineering
ALU design with LS181’s • Assume • 12-bit computer • Active high operands • Must cascade three devices • Carry out must drive next carry in • Mode and select bused to all devices University of Portland School of Engineering
One device NOTE: Active low symbol provided University of Portland School of Engineering
ALU 12-bit design University of Portland School of Engineering
Add operations NOTE: S = 9, M = 0 What is the propagation time? Is it the same for all numbers? University of Portland School of Engineering
Or operations NOTE: S = e, M = 1 What is (0x555) or’d (0xaaa)? University of Portland School of Engineering
Project 2 overview • Sixteen-bit ALU • Use four LS181 plus some other logic • Arithmetic: +, - • Logical: • and, or • shift left, shift right University of Portland School of Engineering
Project 2 hints • Use four LS181’s ALU • Design shifter circuits • Use muxes to select between ALU and shifters • Design combinational logic to control muxes: consider a ROM University of Portland School of Engineering
ROM device bit 0 bit 7 University of Portland School of Engineering
Project 2 questions? University of Portland School of Engineering
Shifting operations • Goal: shift n-bit number left and right • Definition: 1-bit shift • Left: lsb = 0, else bitn = bitn-1 • Right: msb = 0, else bitn = bitn+1 • General function is to shifts n-bits University of Portland School of Engineering
Shift left circuit Could you design a right shifter? University of Portland School of Engineering
Timing What mathematical function does sll perform? University of Portland School of Engineering
Major Computer Components Five classic computer components University of Portland School of Engineering
Denoted Processor Computer Components • Input: receives information from external world • Output: transmits information to external world • Memory: holds programs and data • Data path: physical route that carries info • Control: coordinates overall flow of info University of Portland School of Engineering
MIPS datapath overview • Instruction read from memory • Registers selected for operation • ALU performs function • Result written to register University of Portland School of Engineering
A d d 4 R e a d P C a d d r e s s I n s t r u c t i o n I n s t r u c t i o n m e m o r y Instruction fetch Incremented by 4 for word alignment • PC reset on power-up; e.g., 0x 0000 0000 • PC clocked at some rate (~3.0 GHz today) • Instructions (usually) accessed sequentially 32-bit number or instruction University of Portland School of Engineering
Register file • Contains • Thirty-two, one-word numbers or registers (32 by 32, D-type flip-flops) • Similar to a small memory • Registers: denoted $0 - $31, alternate names too • Operations • Read any two registers • Write to one register University of Portland School of Engineering
32 32 32 Register file symbol NOTE: Orange denotes control signal Two read ports, one write port University of Portland School of Engineering
32 32 32 R-format structure rs funct • Instruction fields (rs, rt, rd) select registers and ALU operation (funct) • Result written back into register file rt rd University of Portland School of Engineering
Find the registers and operation? Inst = 0x00430820 =0000 0000 0100 0011 0000 1000 0010 0000 add $2 $3 $1 University of Portland School of Engineering
I-format structure: lw & sw • Requirements • Calculate effective address (addition) • Perform load (read) or store (write) • Components • Register file • ALU for effective address • Data memory University of Portland School of Engineering
I-type EA review • Examples • lw $t1, offset ($t2) • sw $t1, offset ($t2) • Effective address (EA) calculation • adr = base + offset • adr = $t2 + Instr15-0 32-bit added to 16-bit ?? • Register $t1 (destination/load, source/store) University of Portland School of Engineering
5 32 5 5 32 32 32 32 Memory reference logic rs add rt Effective address = sum of (reg + immed) immed University of Portland School of Engineering
Design sign extension? University of Portland School of Engineering
5 32 5 5 32 32 32 32 Find the registers and immed? Instr = 0x8c410064 =1000 1100 0100 0001 0000 0000 0110 0100 $2 add $1 0x0064 University of Portland School of Engineering
I-format structure: beq Conditional jump instruction • Example: beq $t1, $t2, offset • If $t1=$t2, then EA = PC + offset branch taken • If $t1$t2, then EA = PC branch not taken • Branch address • PC must first be incremented • Offset is word-aligned or shifted left 2 bits University of Portland School of Engineering
Beq instruction • Requirements • Determine if two registers are equal (sub or compare) • Calculate the branch/jump address • Components • Register file • Adder to increment PC • ALU for branch address University of Portland School of Engineering
Branching logic rs rt ALU tests for zero Adder determines branch address immed University of Portland School of Engineering
Find the regs & sign extend? inst = 0x114cfff0 $0xa $0xc 0001 0001 0100 1100 1111 1111 1111 0000 0xfff0 University of Portland School of Engineering
Find the registers and operation? Inst = 0x00430820 0000 0000 0100 0011 0000 1000 0010 0000 rs rd rt func add $2 $3 $1 University of Portland School of Engineering
Design sign extention? University of Portland School of Engineering
5 32 5 5 32 32 32 32 Find the registers and immed? Instr = 0x8c410064 1000 1100 0100 0001 0000 0000 0110 0100 rs rt immed $2 add $1 0x0064 lw $1, 100($2) University of Portland School of Engineering
immed rt rs inst = 0001 0001 0100 1100 1111 1111 1111 0000 Find the regs and sign extend? inst = 0x114cfff0 $10 $12 000100 01010 01100 1111 1111 1111 0000 immed = -16 University of Portland School of Engineering