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SELinux For Dummies. Gary Smith, EMSL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. A Little Context. Cyber Security is all about managing risk. How do you think about managing risk? The Five Golden Principles of Security Know your s ystem Principle of Least Privilege Defense in Depth
SELinux For Dummies Gary Smith, EMSL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
A Little Context • Cyber Security is all about managing risk. • How do you think about managing risk? • The Five Golden Principles of Security • Know your system • Principle of Least Privilege • Defense in Depth • Protection is key but detection is a must. • Know your enemy. 2
Introduction • Most operating systems use what is called Discretionary Access Control (DAC) to control how processes interact with files and the way processes interact with each other. • On operating systems using DAC, users control the permissions of the files they own. • The kernel enforces access control decisions based on these security properties. 3
What could go wrong? • If a bug in the Apache web server allows privilege escalation to root, the whole system has the potential to be compromised. • Ordinary security policy is too simplistic and there is no way to enforce least privilege (even though we’ve layered on many ways to try to enforce least privilege). 4
Enter SELinux • One way of solving these problems is SELinux. • SELinux adds additional access control beyond what is offered with traditional DAC. • Processes and resources have additional security properties associated with them and the security policy in the kernel is flexible and easily changed. • SELinux adds Mandatory Access Control (MAC) to the Linux kernel. • A general purpose MAC architecture needs the ability to enforce an administratively-set security policy over all processes and files in the system, basing decisions on labels containing a variety of security-relevant information. 5
MAC vs. DAC Smackdown • In a DAC model, file and resource decisions are based solely on user identity and ownership of the objects. • Each user and program run by that user has complete discretion over the user's objects. • Malicious, flawed, or misconfigured software can do anything with the files and resources it controls through the user that started the process. • If the user is the super-user or the application is setuid or setgid to root, the process can have root level control over the entire file system. • A MAC system does not suffer from these problems. • The system manager can administratively define a security policy over all processes and objects. 6
MAC vs. DAC Smackdown (cont.) • Interactions among processes, objects and other processes is controlled through the kernel security module. • Decisions by the kernel security module are based on all the security relevant information available from the policy, and not just authenticated user identity. • MAC allows you to provide granular permissions for all users, programs, processes files, directories, devices, socket, ports,fifos, etc. 7
SELinux Benefits • All processes and files are labeled with a type. A type defines a domain for processes, and a labelfor files. • Running in their own domains separates processes from each other, and SELinux policy rules define how processes interact with files, as well as how processes interact with each other. • Access is only allowed if a SELinux policy rule exists that specifically allows it. • SELinux implements fine-grained access control. • SELinux policy is not set at user discretion but rather is administratively-defined and enforced system-wide. 8
SELinux Forms of Access Control • SELinux has four forms of access control: • Targeted Enforcement (TE) • Strict • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and • Multi-Level Security (MLS) 9
What SELinux is not… • SELinux is not: • A replacement for passwords, firewalls, or other security systems. • Antivirus software. • An all-in-one security solution. 10
Getting into SELinux – The Security Context • Everything in SELinux revolves around the Security Context. • In SELinux parlance, processes are called subjects and files, directories, sockets, FIFOs, etc. are called objects. • There are no “verbs”, “adverbs”, “adjectives” or “prepositions” in SELinux. • Every subject (process) and object (file on the computer) has a security context associated with it. • This context has different names depending on what it is attached to. • It’s called a file context when it is associated with a file. • If it’s associated with a process, it’s called a domain 11
Looking at the Security Context • Now lets look at what makes up a security context. • The security context is made up of 3 or 4 components separated by “:” • Most discussions of security contexts start at the left and work towards the right. • I’m going to do it in reverse order and start on right and work towards the left. • The fields in a security context are: • user:role:type:level • A sample security context: • system_u:object_r:net_conf_t:s0 12
-Z is your friend • How do you see a file’s or process’ security context? • Use the –Z option with Linux commands. • So, ls –Z will show you the security context files and ps –efZwill show you the security context for the running processes. • Want to know what your security context is? Do id –Z. • One of the powerful features of SELinux is that applications do not need to be aware of SELinux. • Of the hundreds/thousands of rpm packages in RHEL 6, only about 50 are compiled with SELinux awareness in them. 13
SELinux Aware Applications • Applications used to view or manipulate security contexts (Core Utilities). Examples of this are the ls for viewing file context, ps for viewing process context, and find for finding files based on context. • Programs required to set user session security context. The login programs are the most obvious programs for this: login, sshd, display manager such as gdm, and cron • The SELinux core programs. These are used to control/manipulate security context such as chcon, setfiles, restorecon Those used to manipulate policy such as load_policy, check_policy, check_module, semodule, semanage, setenforce, getenforce, setsebool, getsebool. 14
mv versus cp: How to get yourself into Context Hell • The mv command will attempt to maintain the security context of the file when it is moved to a different directory. • This might cause some confusion, but this works the same way as with discretionary access control. • The cp command acts a little differently. • If a file exists that you are copying over, the new file will maintain the file context of the previous file. • If the file does not exist, it will either get the security context of the directory, or, if a file transition rule exists, it will transition the context to follow the rule. 15
mv versus cp: How to get yourself into context hell – (cont.) • cp has an option to preserve the mode, ownership, and timestamps, and context. • If you want to copy a file and explicitly set the context, use the –Z option followed by the context. 16
SELinux Modes • SELinux has three modes of operation: • Disabled - SELinux enforcement entirely turned off and also the creation of proper labels on the files no longer takes place. • Permissive - The kernel will also continue to create properly labeled files, watch all system access checks, and report Access Violations in the form of Access Vector Cache (AVC) messages but will allow the access. • Enforcing - This tells the system to run with SELinux labeling files with proper contexts, watching all system access checks, stopping all "Denied" access, and logging all AVC violations. • To see the current SELinux mode, do getenforceor sestatus. 17
Setting Up SELinux • How do you go about enabling SELinux? If this is a fresh install, you’ll be presented with an option to enable it on the first boot after installationand “Bob’s your uncle.” • More than likely, the system you wish to bring SELinux up on has been running for some time. The first step is to determine the state of SELinux on the system. • Edit the file /etc/selinux/config. Change the lines to look like this: SELINUX=permissive SELINUXTYPE=targeted • You could go for whole enchilada and go straight from disabled mode to enforcing mode. I do not recommend this unless you enjoy hordes of enraged users darkening your doorway. 18
Enabling SELinux • If the system has been running in disabled mode, newly created file system objects will not be labeled with a security context. • To set the file systems to be relabeled on reboot, do touch /.autorelabel • and reboot. 19
Troubleshooting SELinux • After you reboot the system having set up SELinux to run in permissive mode, you are going to get permission error messages in the audit file, /var/log/audit/audit.log. • To get at the AVC messages, do ausearch –i –m AVC,USER_AVC –sv no • Here’s a list of things to look at when you are trying to resolve an SELinux access problem. • Wrong Subject Context • Wrong Object Context • Right Subject and Object Context but No Access • An Intrusion Attempt 20
Wrong Subject Context • The program is running with the wrong subject context. • This happens when a program’s executable file has the wrong context. • This happens when a third party software application installed and it is given an inappropriate SELinux file context. • This was fixed with a chconcommandand the semanage commands. chcon --type=traceroute_exec_t /usr/bin/nmap ls –Z /usr/bin/nmap -rwxr-xr-x. root root system_u:object_r:traceroute_exec_t:s0 /usr/bin/nmap semanage fcontext –a –t traceroute_exec_t /usr/bin/nmap 21
Wrong Object Context • The file(s) being accessed by the program has the wrong object context. • This can happen for any number of reasons. • The installation of third party software may result in files with wrong context because of inheritance from an upper level directory. • Often, configuration files end up with the wrong context as a result of how the system manager changes the configuration file. • To repair the file, use the command restorecon /path/to/file-name 22
Right Subject and Object Context but No Access • The program and the file have the correct contexts, but the policy should allow some operation between the two contexts, which is currently not allowed. • In this case, it will be necessary to modify the SELinux policy. • First, consider looking thru the list of SELinux booleans for one that is related to the service which is not working using either getsebool or semanage. • Hmm. What’s an SELinux boolean? 23
SELinux Booleans • Minor modifications to SELinux policies can be made without modifying and recompiling the policy source by setting boolean values for optional features. • Such features include allowing users to share their home directories under Samba or allowing Apache to serve files from users home directories which would otherwise be denied by the SELinux policy. • Originally, booleans were, well, booleans. They have been extended beyond boolean values. • Get a listing of all the booleans: getsebool –a semanage boolean –l 24
SELinux Boolean Examples • Allow httpdto read users home directories but not across a reboot: setseboolhttpd_enable_homedirs on • Allow httpd to read users home directories permanently: setsebool –P httpd_enable_homedirs on • Allow httpd to use an additional port: semanage port –a –t http_port_t –p tcp 8080 25
Audit2allow – Policy Modules The Easy Way • Sometimes, it will be necessary to create and load a new policy module. • An easy way to build a policy module is with the audit2allow tool. • audit2allow takes input in the form of AVC denial messages and generates syntactically correct Type Enforcement rules which should be sufficient to prevent the denials. • For example, to generate and display the rules which would allow all denials in the audit log, do audit2allow < /var/log/audit/audit.log 26
Audit2allow Examples • This not only might be overkill on the policy but also difficult to scope out. • A better way to do is something like this: ausearch –i –m AVC –sv no –ts recent | audit2allow • This will generate and display rules which should allow kernel denials within the past five minutes. • To narrow the search down to particular program: ausearch –i –m AVC –sv no –ts recent | grep prelude-manager | audit2allow • Or make ausearch do the searching based on a type : ausearch -i -m AVC -sv no –ts recent –se prelude_manager_t | audit2allow 27
Building a Policy Profile • If you feel that this generated policy corrects the kernel denials you are experiencing, you can use audit2allow to create a policy module package suitable for loading into the kernel policy. • A note about module naming conventions: Module names must begin with a letter, optionally followed by letters, numbers, "-", "_", ".” • First generate the module source: ausearch -i -m AVC -sv no –ts recent –se nrpe_t | audit2allow –m drwho-nrpe > drwho-nrpe.te 28
What a Policy Module Source File Looks Like module drwho-nrpe 1.0; require { type nrpe_t; type rpm_var_lib_t; class dir search; } #============= nrpe_t ============== allow nrpe_t rpm_var_lib_t:dir search; 29
Creating and Loading a Policy Package • Compile the policy source module into a binary representation: checkmodule -M -m –o drwho-nrpe.mod drwho-nrpe.te • Create a SELinux policy module package from a binary policy module: semodule_package –o drwho-nrpe.pp –m drwho-nrpe.mod • Load the policy package into the kernel: semodule –install drwho-nrpe.pp • This looks suspiciously like compiling, linking and loading a device driver. 30
Going From Permissive to Enforcing Mode • OK! You’ve got all your problems with labeling and contexts ironed out and you’re ready to go to Enforcing Mode. • As with Linux there’s more than one way to do anything. If you want to make the transition to Enforcing Mode on a provisional basis, do this as root: • setenforce enforcing • This will put the running kernel into Enforcing Mode. If things don’t seem to be running as well as you expected, you can go back to Permissive Mode (and do more debugging) by doing • setenforce permissive • Or use permissive domains… 31
Permissive Domains • In permissive mode, SELinux performs all of the checks and reports all of the AVC messages, but does not enforce the denials. • A new capability in SELinux lets the administrator change a single process (domain) to be permissive. • A permissive domain is a domain that performs the SELinux access checks, however if SELinux policy would have denied access, the kernel allows the access, reports the AVC violation, and files get created with the correct context. semanage permissive -a nrpe_t semanage permissive –d nrpe_t semanage permissive –l 32
Permissive Domains Uses • They can be used for making a single process (domain) run permissive to troubleshoot an issue without putting the entire system at risk by making it permissive. • They allow an administrator to create policies for new applications. • Previously, it was recommended that a minimal policy be created, and then the entire machine put into permissive mode, so that the application could run, but SELinux denials still logged. • audit2allow could then be used to help write the policy. This put the whole system at risk. • With permissive domains, only the domain in the new policy can be marked permissive, without putting the whole system at risk. 33
Indiana Jones and the Search for Unconfined Daemons • One last item to do before closing the case on going to SELinux is checking for unconfined daemons. • This doesn’t mean looking for daemons that are like homeless people and have no shelter. • Daemons that SELinux has no policy for will inherit the context of the parent process. • This is the init process and they get stuck with initrc_t as a context. • Two things can happen as result of this: • One is that it causes AVC denials • It could allow the daemon to have privileges it doesn’t need. 34
The Magic Incantation for Unconfined Daemons • To check for unconfined daemons, do: • ps -eZ | egrep "initrc" | egrep -vw "tr|ps|egrep|bash|awk" | tr ':' ' ' | awk ‘{ print $NF }’ • If you don’t get any output from the above command list, congratulations, you have no unconfined daemons! • You probably won’t be so lucky, but you’ll know which ones are still running unconfined and decide if they pose an unacceptable security risk. • As an example, this is from a system used to scan for network vulnerabilities: nessus-service nessusd rpasswdd 35
Making Enforcing Mode a Way of Life • As it stands now, if the system you’ve been pouring blood, sweat, tears into achieving Enforcing Mode were to reboot, it would come up in Permissive Mode. • To make Enforcing Mode the modus operandi of the system, edit /etc/selinux/config and change SELINUX=permissive • To SELINUX=enforcing 36
SELinux Resources • If you want a one-stop-shopping center for SELinux resources go to http://selinuxproject.org/page/User_Resources • And there’s always the source http://www.nsa.gov/research/selinux/docs.shtml 37
T-t-t-t-that’s all, folks! Gary Smith Information System Security Officer, Molecular Science Computing, EMSL, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory Richland, WA gary.smith@pnnl.gov 38