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CHINA AFTER MAO. Essential Question : How did China evolve in the years after Mao Zedong’s death?. Mao Zedong was the communist ruler of China from 1945 to 1976. The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were two of Mao’s programs that he imposed on China.

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  2. Essential Question: How did China evolve in the years after Mao Zedong’s death?

  3. Mao Zedongwas the communist ruler of China from 1945 to 1976 The Great Leap Forward and the Cultural Revolution were two of Mao’s programs that he imposed on China The Great Leap Forward was a terrible failure, while the Revolution was a success; both meant tragedy for the Chinese people

  4. The Great Leap had the goals of improving China’s industry and farming

  5. Instead, it led to shoddy industry and mass starvation, killing tens of millions

  6. The Cultural Revolution had the goal of strictly imposing Mao’s communist beliefs on the Chinese people The “Little Red Book” was required reading for all Chinese The only thoughts and opinions Chinese people were permitted to have were Mao’s thoughts and opinions

  7. The Cultural Revolution was successful for Mao: traditional Chinese culture was mostly destroyed, and the Chinese people were under his control

  8. Of course, those who disagreed with or openly criticized Mao were beaten, tortured, imprisoned, or killed by Mao’s thugs (the Red Guard)

  9. During his rule, Mao was responsible for the murders or starvation of over 40 million of his own people Mao was extremely brutal, ruthless, and absolutely uncaring of the fate of Chinese citizens

  10. Mao was perhaps the deadliest ruler in all of human history The full extent of his crimes against humanity would not be known until well after his death in 1976

  11. Even though Mao had distanced himself from the USSR and began relations with the USA, China remained a nation strictly controlled by communism

  12. In 1976, Mao died and was succeeded by far more moderate Communist leaders

  13. In 1978, Deng Xiaoping took over as ruler of China; he kept communism in place, but began new economic reforms

  14. Deng Xiaoping's economic reforms were called the Four Modernizations; they involved using capitalist ideas to help improve the Chinese economy

  15. GOAL #1: AGRICULTUREDeng ended collective farms and allowed farmers to rent land and grow crops for a profit Price index for farm outputs As a result of farmers having an incentive to work hard, food production increased by over 50%

  16. GOAL #2: INDUSTRYAllowed private businesses, relaxed controls over government-run factories, and let foreign companies open in China As a result, incomes rose; Chinese bought consumer goods, like TVs and appliances

  17. GOAL #3: DEFENSEChina modernized their military and built more nuclear weapons

  18. GOAL #4: TECHNOLOGY China invested in education, built a space program, and welcomed foreign technological ideas

  19. These economic reforms led to a boom in the overall Chinese economy; in 2010, China passed Japan and became the second-biggest economy in the world

  20. Deng’s reforms had unintended consequences for Chinese society

  21. China’s emphasis on education and the influx of Western companies led many Chinese to learn more about democracy; they began to question their own lack of personal freedoms in China

  22. Thousands of Chinese students demanded democracy from their government and protested in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989

  23. Thousands of Chinese students demanded democracy from their government and protested in Beijing’s Tiananmen Square in 1989

  24. Student leader Wang Dan in Tiananmen Square calling for a city wide march How do you think the Chinese government reacted to this demonstration?

  25. Chinese soldiers and tanks attacked the crowd, killing hundreds of protestors The Chinese government arrested and executed leaders of the protest Check out this fun link to see what web sites are censored in china http://www.greatfirewallofchina.org

  26. An estimated 5000 were killed and 30,000 wounded

  27. Check out this fun link to see what web sites are censored in china http://www.greatfirewallofchina.org The Communist Party increased control over citizens by repressing pro-democracy demands, censoring the media and information, and restricting freedom of speech

  28. In 1997, Great Britain returned Hong Kong to China after ruling the colony for 155 years

  29. In 1997, Great Britain returned Hong Kong to China after ruling the colony for 155 years

  30. Under British and Chinese control, Hong Kong served as one of the world’s major commercial and financial centers

  31. Under British and Chinese control, Hong Kong served as one of the world’s major commercial and financial centers

  32. China has one of the fastest growing economies in the world; others include Brazil, India, Russia(BRIC nations) But, China has a low wage work force, large gap between rich and poor, few personal freedoms, and human rights violations

  33. China Today Introduction to Diane Sawyer’s report on the “Stunning Economic Growth of China” (5:37) Diane Sawyer’s full report on the “Stunning Economic Growth of China” (20:00) Video on “Manufacturing & China’sEconomic Growth” (2.41)

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