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Learning Theories

Learning Theories. Goal  How do we learn behaviors through classical conditioning ?. Learning is…. Relatively permanent Change in behavior Due to experience Behaviorism  Psychology should focus on observable behavior . Associative Learning.

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Learning Theories

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Learning Theories Goal  How do we learn behaviors through classical conditioning?

  2. Learning is… • Relatively permanent • Change in behavior • Due to experience Behaviorism Psychology should focus on observable behavior

  3. Associative Learning Operant Conditioning: associate a behavior with a good or bad result Classical Conditioning: associate two stimuli together to anticipate events

  4. Ivan Pavlov’s Experiment • Founded classical conditioning • Measured salivation of dogs to food • Dogs began to salivate to the sight of the researchers, not just the food…

  5. Pavlov’s Experiment

  6. UR • UC • CR • CS

  7. Classical Conditioning • Acquisition = pairing of CS and US, learning of the association • Extinction = CS no longer paired with UCS, CR stops • Extinction

  8. Acquisition (CS+UCS) Strength of CR Spontaneous recovery of CR Extinction (CS alone) Extinction (CS alone) Pause Classical Conditioning Spontaneous Recovery = sudden reappearance of CR after extinction

  9. John B. Watson & “Little Albert” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxKfpKQzow8&feature=related

  10. Generalization = • Discrimination

  11. Taste Aversion UC UR CS CR

  12. Factors Influencing Classical Conditioning Conditioning is stronger if… CS consistently predicts UCS CS/UCS are paired frequently (more trials) UCS is intense (causes strong response) CS is presented immediately before UCS

  13. We better learn associations when… • It is useful for survival • Biological predispositions, adaptive • It does not involve cognitive processing • i.e. alcohol & nauseating drug Garcia & Koelling’s study on biological predispositions to classical conditioning

  14. Biopsychosocial Influences on Learning • Biological • Genetic predispositions • Unconditioned responses • Adaptive responses • Psychological • Previous experiences • Predictability of associations • Generalization • Discrimination LEARNING • Social-Cultural • Culturally learned preferences • Motivation, affected by presence of others

  15. Learning Theories Goal  How do we acquire behaviors through operant conditioning?

  16. Edward Thorndike’s Law of Effect • Cats placed in “puzzle boxes” • Use trial-and-error to “escape” • Continue behaviors w/good result • Discontinue behaviors w/bad result

  17. B.F. Skinner

  18. “Skinner Boxes”

  19. Operant Conditioning • Reinforcement • Make a behavior more likely to be performed again • Punishment • Make a behavior less likely to be performed again

  20. Reinforcement Positive Reinforcement Negative Reinforcement Increases response by removing negative stimulus • Increases response by presenting positive stimulus

  21. Punishment Positive Punishment Negative Punishment Decrease behavior by removing good stimulus (omission training) • Decrease behavior by presenting bad stimulus

  22. Punishment is not as effective as Reinforcement because it… • Suppresses behavior (not forgotten) • Teaches discrimination • Teaches fear • May increase aggressiveness

  23. Reinforcers Primary Reinforcer Immediate v. Delayed Reinforcers Conditioned (Secondary) Reinforcer Learned through association • Unlearned Continuous v. Partial (Intermittent) Reinforcement

  24. Shaping • Reinforce each step (successive approximation) toward desired behavior

  25. Schedules of Partial Reinforcement • Fixed-ratio – reinforcement after a set or fixed number of behaviors occur • Variable-ratio – reinforcement after different numbers of behaviors

  26. Schedules of Partial Reinforcement • Fixed-interval – reinforcement after a set or fixed amount of time • Variable-interval – reinforcement after different amounts of time

  27. Extending Operant Conditioning Cognitive Influences • Cognitive map – mental representation of environment • Latent Learning – learning not known until there is motivation to demonstrate it

  28. Biology & Operant Conditioning • Biological constraints predispose organisms to learn associations that are naturally adaptive • Pigeons naturally peck • Easy to teach pigeons to peck to receive food • Pigeons naturally flap wings • Teach pigeons to flap wings to avoid shock • However, difficult to teach pigeon to flap wings to get food, or peck to avoid shock

  29. Applications of Operant Conditioning • School – token economy • Sports • Work – schedules of reinforcement • Home • Self-improvement - Biofeedback

  30. Operant vs Classical Conditioning

  31. Observational Learning • “social learning” • We observe & imitate others’ behavior • Modeling: demonstrating behavior to be learned

  32. Mirror Neurons • Frontal lobe • Fire when performing certain actions OR when seeing someone else perform those actions • Role in emotions, empathy (theory of mind) • http://video.pbs.org/video/1615173073/

  33. Bandura’s “Bobo Doll” Study • http://www.psychologicalscience.org/index.php/publications/observer/obsonline/bandura-and-bobo.html

  34. Vicarious Conditioning • Part observational learning • We learn by observing others’ reactions to stimulus or others’ outcomes • Learn to be afraid of shots at the doctor after watching your sister cry after getting a shot • Seeing a friend get a sticker for an A on his homework (you learn to do your homework)

  35. Prosocial Effects • Role models • Model reading, helpful behaviors, nonviolence • Consistency is key – BUT…. • “Do as I say, not as I do” = children imitate the hypocrisy!

  36. Antisocial Effects • Aggression  violence-viewing effect? • Desensitization to violence • Promiscuity? Drug use?

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