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n. S. Organic-based Hybrid Nanostructures. CH 3. C 4 H 9. P3MT NT. P3BT NP. PTh NT. n. n. S. S. P3MT-NT/Au-NPs. P3BT. P3BT NPs. P3MT-NT/Au-NPs. P3MT. Polypyrrole/Ni ( PPy -Ni) Hybrid Double Layered Nanotubes (HDLNTs). Sequential Electrochemical Deposition Method.
n S Organic-based Hybrid Nanostructures CH3 C4H9 P3MT NT P3BT NP PTh NT n n S S P3MT-NT/Au-NPs P3BT P3BT NPs P3MT-NT/Au-NPs P3MT
Polypyrrole/Ni (PPy-Ni) Hybrid Double Layered Nanotubes (HDLNTs) Sequential Electrochemical Deposition Method • Confirm the hybrid nanotubes of PPy/Ni Diameter : ~200 nm • Thickness of wall :PPy ~10nm, Ni ~ 10 nm Ordered magnetic anisotropy with an easy axis of magnetization along the parallel direction of the HDLNTs of PPy/Ni Ref.) D. H. Park, J. Joo et al., Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 93122 (2007)
n S Bright Light Emission of PTh/metals Hybrid NTs Simultaneous measurement PTh Cu PTh PTh/Cu 100 nm PTh/Cu PTh Cu Cu 5 nm 100 nm Diameter : ~ 200 nm, Wall thickness : 10 nm, Length : 40 m Enhancement of PL intensity(~100 times) through nanoscale metal coating on PTh NT due to surface plasmon resonance Ref.) J. Joo, D. H. Park et al., Adv. Mater. 19, 2824 (2007)
Charge Transfer Effect in SPR coupling • by using Doped-Polymer/Metal Hybrid NTs ■ Doped-P3MT(0.67) NTs ●Doped-P3MT(0.52) NTs ▲Doped-P3MT(0.25) NTs ▼Doped-P3MT(0.04) NTs Quantum Yield UV/Vis absorption spectra LCM PL intensity decreased with increasing doping level of P3MT NTs LCM PL intensity increased with increasing doping level of P3MT/Ni HDLNTs LCM PL intensity increased up to ~350 times Ref.) D. H. Park, J. Joo, et al., Advanced Functional Materials, vol. 18, p.2526 (2008).
Light-Emitting MEH-PPV and MEH-PPV/Au Hybrid NPs Reprecipitation Method LCM PL spectra λex = 488 nm Au NPs Au Au Au Au S S S Au Au Au S S Au Au S S Au S MEH-PPV/Au single NP MEH-PPV single NP Au MEH-PPV NP Au Au Au LCM PL images Color CCD images MEH-PPV NPs MEH-PPV/Au NPs ~ 30 times enhancement of PL peak of MEH-PPV/Au hybrid single NPs Ref.) M. S. Kim, J. Jooet al. ACS Nano 3, 1329(2009)
Light-Emitting Color Barcode NWs (LECB-NWs) • Alternating Electrochemical Polymerization Method • (P3BT-PEDOT NW compartments) Color CCD SEM LCM PL LCM Raman P3BT PEDOT • 22 NW compartments Ref) D. H. Park, J. Joo, et al., ACS Nano, vol.4, p.5155 (2010).