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Parent Orientation Guide for Mrs. Hamirani's Class

Get tips to help your child succeed in school, from attendance to homework, behavior, and more. Stay informed about curriculum and classroom policies. Contact details provided for communication.

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Parent Orientation Guide for Mrs. Hamirani's Class

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  2. Things to help your child be successful in school • Attendance--- It is very important that your child be here every day unless he/she is vomiting, has diarrhea, or a fever over 100 degrees • Correct supplies at school---THANKS! for sending the right supplies for school • Supplies at home---Please make sure you have scissors, glue, and crayons in a special place that is set up for your child to do homework.

  3. Things to help your child be successful in school---cont. • Backpacks and folders---Please make sure your child’s backpack is big enough for his/her folder to fit in easily. Also, please check the folder each night for important notes, daily work, etc. Also, if you need to send me a note just put it in your child’s folder. I have them check their folders every morning to see if there is anything I need to see. • Homework—we will send home information about homework soon.

  4. Things to help your child be successful in school---cont. • Behavior cards---Behavior cards are filled out and sent home every day. Please go over the card with your child and discuss his/her behavior for that day. Please initial them daily and send them back to school. • Report cards---Your child will get a progress report at the halfway point of each six weeks grading period. Report cards will also be sent home at the end of each six weeks. • Grades for report cards and behavior cards are as follows: • S=Satisfactory • P=Progressing • N=Not Progressing • There will be an incentive at the end of each 6 weeks for good behavior.

  5. Things you can do at home to help your child • Please keep an extra pair of clothes including socks and underwear in your child’s backpack. • Read to your child every night and/or have him/her read to you. • Have a special place set aside for homework with supplies they may need. • Take some time to go over and explain their homework to them. • Allow them to do hands-on activities like sorting silverware, counting and matching socks, etc. • Make sure they get plenty of rest and eat a good breakfast. • Review their school work daily.

  6. Our Curriculum • We use TEKS Resource System for our curriculum. • ELAR---We use Journeys which is our Language adoption, and Saxon Phonics to teach reading. The students will have spelling tests starting around November. • Math---We have a new math adoption called GO Math. • Science---We have a new Science adoption called Science Fusion. • Social Studies---we learn about the community, similarities/differences in people, customs and traditions for National/Patriotic holidays, etc.

  7. Miscellaneous • Birthdays---You may send small cupcakes for your child’s birthday. We will share them with the class at lunch. We are not allowed to have balloons. • Lunch---You may add money to your child’s account online at www.fuelcafe.net. You may also send a check for your child’s lunch for the week or the month and we will send it to the cafeteria for you. Please send it in a sealed envelope with your child’s name and his/her teacher’s name on it. The cafeteria will send you a note when your child’s account has run out of money. • Snacks---we will have a snack time each day. You may send a healthy snack such as applesauce, fruit snacks, Cheezits, etc. for your child to eat. Please do not send candy or other junk food.

  8. Miscellaneous---cont. • Uniforms---The dress code policy in the handbook states that every child must wear a red, white, or navy blue polo type shirt with a collar and a navy blue or khaki skirt, shorts, pants, or jumper. Light blue shirts and any kind of denim are not allowed. Since it gets so cold in our rooms your child may bring a light jacket or sweater to wear. • Transportation changes must be made in writing. We cannot accept changes over the • phone.

  9. Our Schedule

  10. Wish List • White Paper (Printing) • Ziplock Bags • Paper plates • Paper bags (brown and white) • Toothpicks (colored or plain) • Dry Erase markers • Playdough • Baby wipes (for cleaning hands after painting) • Frappuccino (Starbucks) • Chocolate 

  11. Finally….. • I am here to help make this year a fun and successful one for your child. With that in mind, please know that I want to keep the lines of communication open between you and me. If you need to talk to me feel free to send a note, or you can get in touch with me by calling my voice mail box. My voice mail number is: 281-261-9200 x3517. • My email is nhamirani@staffordmsd.org

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