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UNCT Planning Process in post crisis context. DOCO training November 2008. UNCT post crisis planning: focus. Focus on building national partners’ capacity to lead recovery and development efforts: Gradual shift from humanitarian phase (strategies, coordination structures)
UNCT Planning Process in post crisis context DOCO training November 2008
UNCT post crisis planning: focus Focus on building national partners’ capacity to lead recovery and development efforts: • Gradual shift from humanitarian phase (strategies, coordination structures) • Restore state capacity to design, implement and monitor recovery and development programmes –> specific projects on capacity building • Ensure broad participation from other national actors • Support national leadership in aid coordination: • Support national assessment (PCNA) and the development of national plans (i.e. PRSP, peace consolidation strategies, etc.) • Align UNCT planning frameworks with national plans and priorities • In situations where peace support mission is established, ensure alignment between UNCT planning and mission planning
Planning and programmatic tools Funding Mechanisms and flows Conflict or NaturalDisaster CHAP/CAP UN ER response . . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 … 16 17 18 19 20 … 24 … 30 . Humanitarian Phase Strategic Ass. IPBS UN TRANS. STRATEGY PCNA-TRF Early Recovery Peace Agreement iPRSP/PRSP Review of priorities towards peace building (PBC) UNDAF Donor Conference CAP CHF CERF MONTH Development MDTFs Bilateral funding Etc. PBF
National Planning Process in Post Crisis Post Conflict / Natural Disaster Needs Assessment (e.g. PCNA / PDNA) Identification of priorities, costs, indicators (TRF) II. Planning the national response Interim / early recovery strategies Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) Integrated Peacebuilding Strategies (for PBC countries), Compacts I.Identifying Needs III. Financing and Implementing Donor Conferences / Round Tables Financing options: MDTF, bilateral channels, etc. Coordination and monitoring mechanisms
Links with international planning instruments National Plans (IPBS, interim PRSP, PRSP, etc. ) Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Priority 5 UNDAF / Transition Strategy WB CAS Bilateral Country Programs Other partners Priority 1 Priority 3 Priority 5
UNCT post crisis planning . Various Options: UNDAF, Transition strategy . Programmatic value: Focus the UN . External / political value: Position the UN . Internal value: Organize the UN . Role of the RC Office / SP: Coordinate & mobilize capacities; Ask hard questions; Sell the product, design funding strategy
UNCT post crisis planning process (1) . UN Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF) articulates UNCT contribution to national recovery/development plan . Usually, a 3-5 year planning framework (aligned with national timeframe) . Signed by Government . Alignment between Agency country programme documents (CPD for ExComm) and UNDAF
UNCT post crisis planning process (2) . UNDAF developed 9-15 months before year of implementation . Agency CPD prepared 6 months before year of implementation; submitted to Board in June or September . Preparation of UNDAF includes: - Needs assessment (internal or based on national assessment) - Analysis of comparative advantages - Consultation with government and partners - Support / training/ QSA from HQ
UNCT post crisis planning process (3) . UNDAF preparation led by RC and RC office (strategic planner / coordination officer) . In many crisis affected country, UNDAF suspended, use of UNCT transition strategies . UNCT transition strategies: - Shorter timeframe - No requirement for government signature - Based on same analytical principle as UNDAF
UNCT Planning : critical issues . Government consultation / endorsement . 5 cross cutting principles: HRBA, Gender, RBM, environmental sustainability and capacity development . Limited planning capacity (for RBM, HRBA, M&E) . Limited capacity for “portfolio / impact” analysis . Weak link with funding strategy . Alignment / coherence with mission and humanitarian planning