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Crisis Action Planning

CTF Training. Crisis Action Planning. CTF Mission Analysis. 01 January 2006. UNCLASSIFIED. PURPOSE. Discuss techniques and procedures for conducting an operational level mission analysis for Coalition Task Force (CTF) operations . First step of Commander’s Estimate process

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Crisis Action Planning

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  1. CTF Training Crisis Action Planning CTF Mission Analysis 01 January 2006 UNCLASSIFIED

  2. PURPOSE • Discuss techniques and procedures for conducting an operational level mission analysis for Coalition Task Force (CTF) operations • First step of Commander’s Estimate process • Operational level (includes strategic military and politico-military objectives)

  3. MULTINATIONAL FORCE STANDING OPERATING PROCEDURES (MNF SOP) Version 1.6 February 2006 References MNF SOP JP 3-0 Doctrine for Joint Operations JP 5-00.2 JTF Planning Guidance & Procedures

  4. I Mission Analysis Commander’s Estimate Process II COA Development III COA Analysis IV COA Comparison V COA Decision Crisis Action Planning Process MISSION ANALYSIS IN CONTEXT VI Execution I Situation Development II Crisis Assessment III COA Development IV COA Selection V Execution Planning ALERTORD and/or PLANORD EXORD WARNORD


  6. MISSION ANALYSIS TASK STEPS 1. Determine known facts 2. Develop assumptions 3. Analyze HHQ’s mission & intent 4. Determine limitations 5. Determine COGs / Decisive Points 6. Identify operational-level tasks 7. Initial CTF force structure analysis 8. Initial risk assessment 9. Determine military end state 10. Develop mission statement 11. Prepare mission analysis brief

  7. Coalition/Combined Planning Group (CPG) C-2 Staff C-3 Staff C-4 Staff C-1 Staff C-3 Reps C-2 Reps C-1 Reps C-4 Reps Deployment Cell CPG C-5 Staff C-5 Reps JTF Comp IO Cell IM Cell LNOs Orders Cell Med Reps C-6 Reps Medical Staff SJA Reps PA Reps C-6 Staff PA Staff SJA Staff

  8. 1. DETERMINE FACTS What does the Coalition Task Force (CTF) know about the current status and conditions? • Command and Control (C2) Intelligence Support Element (ISE) in coordination with other staff sections, conducts Intelligence Preparation of Battlespace (IPB) • Define battlespace environment • Describe the battlespace’s effects • Evaluate the threat

  9. 1. DETERMINE FACTS What does the CTF know about the current status and conditions? • Coalition Planning Group (CPG) provides to the rest of the staff: • Supported HHQ mission, intent, and CONOPS • Forces available, readiness status of CTF forces • Review lift priority and lift allocation • Other forces available, organizations / multinational • Political situation (Host nation, friendly/foreign gov’t) • Time analysis • Balance desire for detailed planning against the need for speed and allocating time for component planning

  10. TIME ANALYSIS Develop a timeline to focus the staff CTF Planning Process (Days / Weeks) HHQ’s Warning/Order (W/O) Issued C-Day D-Day Planning Events (Days / Hours) HHQ’s W/O Received Mission Analysis Brief COA Decision Brief CDR’s Estimate Brief OPORD Issued Mission Analysis (Hours) HHQ’s W/O Received Task Analysis Assumptions, Risks, Limitations Restated Mission Mission Analysis Brief

  11. 1. DETERMINE FACTS What does the CTF know about the current status and conditions? • CTF Staff • Contribute to IPB Development • Provide staff input to CPG

  12. Litmus Test: If an assumption proves false, the plan could be invalid. If an issue does not have this effect, it should not be an assumption. 2. DEVELOP ASSUMPTIONS Replace missing or unknown facts necessary to continue planning • Assumptions replace missing or unknown facts • Must be valid (logical, realistic) and necessary (essential for planning to continue) • Don’t assume away enemy capabilities • Must be reassessed continually

  13. 2. DEVELOP ASSUMPTIONS Replace missing or unknown facts necessary to continue planning • CPG disseminates facts & assumptions, and should consider • Support from other government and civilian agencies • Availability of and support requirements for host nation or multinational forces • Projection of the end state • Available time • Political situation of countries proximate to COA • CTF staff sections determine assumptions from their analysis; provide input to CPG via their representative

  14. 3. ANALYZE HIGHER MISSION & INTENT • Analyze Mission & Intent understanding all information in the HHQ’s planning directive • Understand HHQ’s mission (understand the WHY of the mission) • Understand CTF’s role in HHQ’s intent and concept of operations • Understand HHQ’s plan for information operations / warfare (IO/IW) Need clarification? Ask the HHQ’s staff!

  15. 4. DETERMINE LIMITATIONS Constraints, restraints and other limitations on the CTF • Restrictions placed on the CTF • Constraints: required actions (must do) that limit freedom of action • e.g., conduct air strikes with a specific period of time • Restraints: prohibited actions (must not do) • e.g., cannot pursue enemy across a certain border • May be imposed by HHQ or by circumstances • CTF staff sections determine limitations from their own perspective; provide to CPG • CPG determines overall limitations and disseminates them

  16. 5. DETERMINE CENTERS OF GRAVITYAND DECISIVE POINTS Analyze both friendly, enemy COGs to determine strengths and weaknesses • COGs are “those characteristics, capabilities, or locations from which a military force derives its freedom of action, physical strength, or will to fight.” • Enemy COGs developed by CPG / C2 • Friendly COGs developed by CPG • COGs at Strategic, Operational, Tactical levels • Decisive Points usually “geographic in nature . . . and are the keys to attacking protected COGs.”

  17. 6. IDENTIFY OPERATIONAL LEVEL TASKS Identify tasks in terms of Specified, Implied, and Essential Tasks • List specified tasks • Stated in HHQ’s order, usually paras 2 & 3 • Develop implied tasks • Not specifically assigned, but must be accomplished • Determine essential tasks • Those tasks which define success • CTF staff sections determine tasks and provide input to CPG • CPG determines overall tasks and disseminates

  18. TASK ANALYSIS WORKSHEET Tasks (1) Conduct needs assessment (2) Deploy forces (3) Provide HA/DR support to host nation Specified (1) Coordinate with NGOs & IOs (2) Provide force protection Implied (1) Deploy forces (2) Provide HA/DR support to host nation (3) Provide force protection Essential

  19. TASK ASSIGNMENT MATRIX • TASK Army Navy AF Marines SOF x • 1. Initial Assessment x • 2. Coordinate w/ NGOs x • 3. Port security x • 4. Provide security for camps x • 5. Provide temporary shelter x x • 6. Provide ground transport x • 7. Distribute food & water x x • 8. Provide air traffic control All specified and implied tasks should be assigned to a CTF organization

  20. 7. INITIAL CTF FORCE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS What has the HHQ provided? Are theysufficient to accomplish essential tasks? • Review forces provided by HHQ for planning • Locations • Status of reserve forces and time they’re available • Determine broad force structure and capabilities necessary to accomplish tasks • Component LNOs / planners crucial here • Identify shortfalls More specific force requirements will be determined after COA Development & COA Analysis

  21. 8. INITIAL RISK ASSESSMENT What are the mission accomplishment and force protection risks? • May be risks associated with • Mission (risks the HHQ/CCTF is willing to take in order to accomplish mission) • Force Protection (e.g., casualties, fratricide, terrorist threat) • Time available as provided by HHQ’s limitations • HHQ’s risk tolerance might be stated or implied • CTF staff sections determine risks from their perspective; provide to CPG • CPG determines overall risks, considers mitigation methods, disseminates to staff

  22. 9. DETERMINE MILITARY END STATE What are the conditions that define success / termination of operations? • Strategic End State conditions • Returning to state of peace & stability • May include diplomatic, economic, military, informational conditions • Operational (military) End State conditions • Transition from predominant use of military to other instruments of national power Focus on Operational (military) end state conditions!

  23. 9. DETERMINE MILITARY END STATE What are the conditions that define success / termination of operations? • End state basic principles • Conditions contribute to end of combat on terms favorable to coalition/multinational partners • Gain control over enemy’s capabilities • Control defined by CTF’s ability to impose its will on enemy, and preventing enemy from renewing conflict • Describe and record end state conditions • In terms of enemy’s capabilities • In terms of friendly capabilities

  24. 10. DEVELOP MISSION STATEMENT Consider essential tasks; describe the WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and WHY EXAMPLE: “When directed, CTF Huimang will provide initial HA/DR and conduct emergency infrastructure repair within the AO in order to alleviate human suffering and create an environment enabling the transition to civil authority”

  25. 11. MISSION ANALYSIS BRIEF CPG conducts Mission Analysis brief to CCTF Chief of Staff (COS) or C5 / C3 • Purpose & Agenda • Area of Operations C2 • Initial Intel situation • Elements of IPB

  26. 11. MISSION ANALYSIS BRIEF CPG conducts Mission Analysis brief to CCTF C5 / C3 • HHQ’s mission, intent, CONOPS • Forces available • Assumptions • Limitations • COGs/Decisive Pts • Tasks • Specified • Implied • Essential • Initial Force Structure • Risk Assessment

  27. 11. MISSION ANALYSIS BRIEF CPG conducts Mission Analysis brief to CCTF C5 / C3 • End State • Proposed Mission Statement • Time analysis • projected planning milestones C1 • Facts, assumptions, conclusions • Personnel actions • Personnel services • Other personnel related support

  28. 11. MISSION ANALYSIS BRIEF CPG conducts Mission Analysis brief to CCTF C4 • Facts, assumptions, conclusions • Supply • Services, Health Svc • Transportation • Others C6 • Facts, assumptions, conclusions OTHERS • As appropriate to the mission

  29. MISSION ANALYSIS END STATE • Common understanding of the problem and the mission • CTF restated mission • Commander’s guidance & approval to continue planning

  30. MISSION ANALYSIS TASK STEPS 1. Determine known facts 2. Develop assumptions 3. Analyze HHQ’s mission & intent 4. Determine limitations 5. Determine COGs / Decisive Points 6. Identify operational-level tasks 7. Initial CTF force structure analysis 8. Initial risk assessment 9. Determine military end state 10. Develop mission statement 11. Prepare mission analysis brief

  31. I Mission Analysis II COA Development III COA Analysis IV COA Comparison V COA Decision Crisis Action Planning Process MISSION ANALYSIS IN CONTEXT VI Execution I Situation Development II Crisis Assessment III COA Development IV COA Selection V Execution Planning ALERTORD and/or PLANORD EXORD WARNORD Commander’s Estimate Process

  32. CTF Training Questions? Enhancing Multinational Operations UNCLASSIFIED

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