1. 1 A Huddle Is No Place To Doze Sleep and Breathing in Professional Football Players
Sleep Medicine 4(2003)317-325
2. 2
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7. 7 The National Football League
327 players>300lbs
Lineman vs. others
Bears,Eagles,Patriots,Jaguars,Giants,Rams,Titans,and Redskins included
Summer 2002
SleepTech co-managed by a former NFL tight end
8. 8 Methods Risk stratification
Symptoms and MAP
Prevalence assumptions
86 low-risk and 278 high-risk with SDB on 31 teams
60 player sample-14 low and 46 high based on achieving CI of +/- 10% Random selection of 8 teams
Sleep history and ESS
H+P by team physician
PSG in hotel room,attended by RPSGT
Standard criteria for scoring
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17. 17 CONCLUSIONS Offensive and defensive lineman accounted for 85% of cases of SDB
They had largest neck size,BMI,S/D BP
14% prevalence overall and 34% in high risk group
18. 18 Closing Thoughts Concern for college and high school players
Emphasis on size
Effect on performance
Penalties and SDB-future study?