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CHP and Measurement

CHP and Measurement. Some Questions. What are some ways you use measurement in your life outside of CHP? How do you know if you’re doing your job well?

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CHP and Measurement

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Presentation Transcript

  1. CHP and Measurement

  2. Some Questions. . . • What are some ways you use measurement in your life outside of CHP? • How do you know if you’re doing your job well? • Take a sec and write down a few things that you could measure at work to help you do your job better. Be prepared to share at least one of them.

  3. Why do we measure at CHP? • Keeps us working towards the same goals • So we can make decisions based on evidence • It empowers us all to be involved in improving our services, jobs, and ourselves • So we know whether our changes have made a difference • Hopefully it makes us more sane. . . not less.

  4. What do we measure at CHP? • A little bit of everything. . . As long as it’s meaningful • Processes vs. Outcomes • Organizational, Site, Team levels • Ties to our Mission and Vision (pop quiz – do you know our Mission and Vision?) • Helps you know if you are making progress on your part of “the plan.”

  5. MISSION • To Enhance Community Health and Wellbeing through: • Innovative programming • Strong partnerships • Improved outcomes • Goal Area • Goal: Assure access to medical, dental and educational services. • Objectives:1Improve UDS percentile in medical and maintain in dental. • Enhance educational connections in all service areas. • Expand behavioral health, pharmacy and dental access. • Explore expansion possibilities beyond current service area. Goal Area Goal: Measure outcomes in line with mission. Objectives: 1.0 Create measurement/change system that attends to all strategic priorities 2.0 Focus on system redesign 3.0 Capitalize on Next Gen possibilities • Goal Area • Goal: Engage staff, board, and clients in pursuit of mission • Objectives: 1.0 Ensure clients get “what they needed” every time. • 2.0 Retain focus on staff engagement and programming • 3.0 Foster board proficiency in understanding CHP quality and services. Goal Area Goal: Ensure adequate financial resources to offer programs Objectives: 1.0 Maintain focus on payer sources that support programming. 2.0 Grow responsibly, ensuring resources to sustain programs. 3.0 Market CHP programs to maintain/increase funds and services. VISION 100% Access, 0% Disparity • Goal Area • Goal: Address root causes of poor health • Objectives: • 1.0 Ensure the connection of clients and services that attend to education, income, housing, and self-efficacy. • 2.0 Foster school success/educational advancement. • 3.0 Spread thinking about root causes at all presentation opportunities and in marketing materials • Goal Area • Goal: Reduce disparities through strong partnerships • Objectives: • 1.0 Create referral partnerships that ensure access to medical, dental and educational services. • 2.0 Spread CHP’s vision through new and current partnerships. • 3.0 Participate in local and regional collaborations that enhance health and wellbeing Strategic Plan – 2010—12 GOALS & OBJECTIVES

  6. How do we measure at CHP? • Any way we can. • Pens, pencils, graphs, tallies, sticky notes, Excel, Access, NextGen, SQL . . . • With a critical eye – what is the data telling us? Are we asking the right questions? Do we have the right measure? • As a supportive team – we use data so that we are all empowered to know where to focus our improvement efforts NOT to place blame or identify poor performance.

  7. How does it all fit together?

  8. What does this mean for you as a new employee? • CHP speaks a foreign language (PECS, HRSA, EMR, GED, FQHC, BSC, FNP, ABE, PCMH). Ask questions please! • Your team is working on measuring something meaningful that is helping us achieve our mission and vision. Get involved! • If you want to measure something, go for it!

  9. Questions??

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