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PRESENTING RESULTS IN A LEVEL 4 EI. Melinda Ronca-Battista ITEP/TAMS Center. The goal of the EI process is a written report specific to your reservation A full written EI report Gives enough information that reviewer could duplicate results

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PRESENTING RESULTS IN A LEVEL 4 EI Melinda Ronca-Battista ITEP/TAMS Center

  2. The goal of the EI process is a written report specific to your reservation A full written EI report Gives enough information that reviewer could duplicate results Includes summary up front for readers who do not want the details TEISS includes much of this information, but writing it out allows anyone to see results Most people, for example, your boss, your EPA project officer, etc., do not have TEISS on their computer so you need to present the data outside of TEISS GOAL OF THE EI PROCESS

  3. ELEMENTS OF EI REPORTS • Base Year • Geographic Area • Pollutants Covered • Source Categories • Data • Assumptions

  4. LEVEL 4 EI REPORT SECTIONS • Executive Summary • Introduction Summary • Results Summary • Introduction • Reservation Environment • Geographic Area • Emission Inventory History • Use of Emission Inventory Data • Emission Inventories from Surrounding Area

  5. Sections • Results for Each Source Type • Off-Reservation Sources • A write-up for each pollutant of interest • Conclusion • Next Steps • Plans for Future Emission Inventories • References • Appendices

  6. EI PRESENTATION • Cover Page • Table of Contents • List of Tables • List of Figures • List of Abbreviations (if you use a lot of abbreviations)

  7. TEISS Reporting Functions • TEISS does not write your report • There are certain places in TEISS you can copy from and paste into your written report, for example if you used the IPP or QA/QC tabs TEISS does • Export maps • Create graphs and tables • You can use these in your report

  8. Maps From TEISS File Preference

  9. Quick Summary • Include all the applicable elements • Format the report to look good • Data presentation should be simple and to the point • TEISS can provide graphs, charts, and maps • Write to your audience

  10. HOMEWORK DUE IN 5 DAYS: • Complete the Nonpoint section of your Level 4 EI • If you are continuing to the next workshop, this section becomes part of the off reservation section of your Level 1, 2, or 3 EI • Email your EI to the instructors

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