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ICT in Education. Case of Egypt Prof. Mohammed A. Ragheb’ PhD. Introduction. The Government of Egypt has given educational reform high priority on its agenda. education is receiving about one-third of Government spending on the services sector.
ICT in Education Case of Egypt Prof. Mohammed A. Ragheb’ PhD Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
Introduction • The Government of Egypt has given educational reform high priority on its agenda. • education is receiving about one-third of Government spending on the services sector. • The main motivation for using technology in education is the firm belief that it will improve teaching/learning and efficiency of management. • fundamental change is induced that involve legislatures, business coalitions, teachers, colleges of education, and school administrators. • Egyptian educational institutions consider technology as an important driver for causing the essential changes called upon in the new reform efforts. • Witnessing the ways in which technology has transformed the workplace, and, most of the communications and commercial activities, the business community and the public in general are exerting pressure for comparable changes within the education system. Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
Policy • Incorporate technology into Curricula • Apply ICT Classification system to schools • Capacity building of human resources • Enhance EMIS, SMS at both availability and usage levels • Distant Learning for professional development • Decentralization and restructure of ICT management
Goal 8 Develop a global partnership for development. TARGET: In cooperation with the private sector, make available the benefits of new technologies, especially information and communications. UN Millennium Development Goals Strategic Objectives • To complete the infrastructure of ICT in all educational institutions • To establish efficient public-private partnerships to enhance the productivity of teachers and creativity of students through the effective use of ICT. • To advance the capacity of the local information technology industry to promote innovative learning solutions in partnership with world-class firms, creating economic value that would lead to mutually beneficial business opportunities. • To improve channels of lifelong learning that foster socioeconomic development through e-learning and delivery centers. • To establish a connected Learning Community which creates educational experience that connects, removes limitations and creates opportunities for 21St century learners to realize their full potential. • To maximize the usage of the available ICT elements • To prepare all students in Schools and Universities for the digital workforce. • To leverage this environment of national government commitment and corporate citizenship in building a model of educational reform that can be exported and replicated throughout the Arab region. EEI - Baseline C4,11 … delivery of education and training of teachers, and offering improved conditions for lifelong learning. WSIS Geneva 2003 Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
Collection of ICT Data • Several Agencies are collecting data about ICT in Education Sectors: • Ministry of Education • Computer, Information, and Statistics department • Technology Development Center • Educational computer Department • Ministry of Higher Education • Ministry of Communication and information Technology • Central Agency of population, Statistics, and Mobilization (national Surveys) • Donors (project Levels) • Egyptian Education Initiative Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
To what extent nationally produced indicators encompass the UIS Core list? • ED1 Percentage of schools with electricity (by ISCED1 level 1 to 3) • ED2 Percentage of schools with radio set used for educational purposes (by ISCED level 0 to 4) • ED3 Percentage of schools with television set used for educational purposes (by ISCED level 0 to 4) • ED4 Student to computer ratio (by ISCED level 0 to 4) • ED5 Percentage of schools with basic telecommunication infrastructure or telephone access (by ISCED level 1 to 3) • ED6 Percentage of schools with an Internet connection (by ISCED level 1 to 3) • ED7 Percentage of students who use the Internet at school (by ISCED level 0 to 4) Extended core indicators • ED8 Percentage of students enrolled by gender at the tertiary level in ICT-related fields (ISCED level 5 to 6) • ED9 Percentage of ICT-qualified teachers in primary and secondary schools (of the total number of teachers) Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
Shortcomings • Un-timely reports • Lack of national definitions • Lack of dissemination policies Prof. Mohammed A. Ragheb ‘ PhD
Coverage • The survey managed by CAPMAS covered all the education sectors (Funded by EEI/MICT) • The surveys (inventory) covered by MOE concerned with ISC0 – ISC3 • The surveys administered by the donors covers the institutions located on the targeted Governorates Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
ICT Teaching Staff MOE-2006
Current ICT Situation • National Video conference network for teacher training (63 sites) • Online EMIS at central and local level • SMS at 38 schools • Computer labs at 4611schools • High speed connections at 152 schools and Dial-up at 22000 schools • Multimedia Labs: 1800 Pre-primary, 11925 Primary, 6195 Prep, 1205 Secondary Source (Strategic plan)
Percentage of schools provided with computers www.CAPMAS.gov.eg
School Provided with Dial up connection ICDL: Primary 104 Preparatory 267 Secondary 39 CAPMAS-2006
Example Of ICT Package Installed To Basic Education Schools (EU-Basic Education Enhancement Program)
Availability of ICT Human Resources (Technicians/Teachers) Based on MOE Statistic 05/06
Percentage of Schools with Fixed Phones Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
Percentage of Schools with TV Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
Issues and Challenge • Un- Harmonized Surveys and weak dissemination of results • Input oriented approach • Complex organizational structure: Involvement of multiple departments, overlapping roles and responsibilities • Lack of coordination between providers • Absence of M&E system , inventory control, and inefficiency of usage • Lack of procedures related to management of obsolete and outdated technologies • Lack of maintenance/upgrading scheme and human resources ( Trained teachers and Technicians • Inequity of service provision Prof. Mohammed A. RAgheb'PhD
The ICT perspective • ICT for education/school management • ICT for professional development • ICT curriculum (learn about ICT) • Pedagagic use of ICT in subject curricula (learn with ICT)
The pedagogic use of ICT (ICT for better learning and assessment) • Curriculum reform for all subjects • Based on performance standards • Constructivist pedagogic model • Active learning methodology • Integration of assessment • Integration of ICT
Impact in 4 areas • Pedagogic (curriculum, materials) • Professional development (staff competences) • School organisation (extra staff, using new systems, planning extra IT hardware and connectivity) • planning (technical production of books, subject specific ICT software, provision of generic applications and tools and of hardware and connectivity)
Current Initiatives • The Egyptian Education initiative aiming at assisting the students, teachers, and managers to develop their knowledge and skills about ICT applications: 15995 trained in Intel , 16196 in Microsoft. • National Technology project aiming at providing 7700 schools with high speed connectivity: 13PC, Scanner, Webcam, ADSL • MOE Portal: E- Gov services, E-Learning, Questions / knowledge bank, and online statistics (www.moe.gov.eg)
Egyptian Education Initiative (EEI)www.eei.gov.eg The Egyptian Education Initiative (EEI) is a public- private partnership that aims to improve education in Egypt through effective use ICT. With the support of the World Economic Forum, multinationals and donors, the Ministries of Communications and Information Technology, Education and Higher Education have put in place several initiatives to provide ICT to all Egyptians at an affordable cost.
Thank You Prof. Dr. Mohamed Ragheb National coordinator Educational Indicators& Statistics www.dr-ragheb.com