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"Through the Bible" Week 17, 18. The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus Luke 24:13-35. Luke's unique contributions:. "His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." (Luke 22:44) "The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter" (Luke 22:61).
"Through the Bible" Week 17, 18 • The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus • Luke 24:13-35
Luke's unique contributions: • "His sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground." (Luke 22:44) • "The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter" • (Luke 22:61)
A large group of people who "including women who mourned and wailed for him" followed Jesus. (Luke 23:28) • "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing." (Luke 23:34) • "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.“ • (Luke 23:43)
Luke's unique contributions: • The story of the two who are joined by Jesus on the Road to Emmaus is one of the most admirable pieces in St. Luke's Gospel.
For us, not only is this a delightful memory of a wonderful post-resurrection appearance of Jesus, it is also very instructive. It teaches us much about Jesus, and also provides a pattern for modern disciples to follow.
Two Questions: • "Who were these two disciples who were surreptitiously encountered by Jesus?" • "Why didn't they recognize who it was who walked with them?"
Lessons from Emmaus • 1. The story reminds us that God is a self-revealing God.
Instead of getting down on the "slow" disciples, let's join in giving thanks to a God who persists and gets through to us in spite of our slowness.
Lessons from Emmaus • 2. The story reminds us of the strong link between Jesus and the writings we call the Old Testament.
When mentioning the name of Moses, Jesus certainly must have referred to Deuteronomy 18:15-19.
The Prophets • Promise of the virgin birth • (Is 7:14) • Of the seed of Abraham • (Gen 12:3) • Of the tribe of Judah • (Gen 49:10) • Of the lineage of David • (Ps 110:1)
The Prophets • Born at Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) • Anointed of the Spirit (Is 61:1,2) • Ride into Jerusalem on a donkey (Zech 9:9) • Betrayed by a friend (Ps 41:9)
The Prophets • Sold for 30 pieces of silver • (Zech 11:12,13) • Forsaken by his disciples • (Zech 13:7) • Hands and feet pierced (Ps 22:16) • Not a bone broken (Ps 34:20)
The Prophets • Given gall and vinegar to drink • (Ps 69:21) • Garments parted by the casting of lots (Ps 22:18) • Forsaken of God (Ps 22:1) • Buried with the rich (Is 53:9)
The Prophets • Rise from the dead (Ps 16:8-11) • Ascend on high (Ps 68:18) • Sit on the Father's right hand • (Ps 110:1)
Lessons from Emmaus • 3. The story reminds us of the importance of the Scripture in establishing the truth of what we believe.
“Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?" - Luke 24:32
Lessons from Emmaus • 4. The story reminds us of Jesus' methodology of sharing the Gospel.
No authoritative, high sounding preaching. No angry confrontation. No condemnation or laying on of guilt. No fear tactics or threats. Just a simple conversation about the most important matters.
1. The story reminds us that God is a self-revealing God. • Will we be able to recognize His presence at the tables of our lives?
2. The story reminds us of the strong link between Jesus and the writings we call the Old Testament. • Will we continue to be diligent students of the Bible so as to be convinced of the truth of who Jesus is?
3. The story reminds us of the importance of the Scripture in establishing the truth of what we believe. • Will we be content and secure in the truth of the Word, or will we pine after the fleshly excitement of • ecstatic religious experiences?
4. The story reminds us of Jesus' methodology of sharing the Gospel. • Will we be willing to walk with the sorrow stricken men and women of our day and simply share with them • the plain Gospel • of Jesus?
"THE STRANGER OF GALILEE" • by • Leila N. Morris (1893)