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Process Orientation at statistics Sweden – Implementation and Initial Experiences

Process Orientation at statistics Sweden – Implementation and Initial Experiences. IAOS Conference, October 15, 2008 Mats Bergdahl, Deputy Director Process Dept Statistics Sweden. Background I. Decentralised processes Large degree of variation 70 % unique tools for data collection

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Process Orientation at statistics Sweden – Implementation and Initial Experiences

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  1. Process Orientation at statistics Sweden – Implementation and Initial Experiences IAOS Conference, October 15, 2008 Mats Bergdahl, Deputy Director Process Dept Statistics Sweden

  2. Background I • Decentralised processes • Large degree of variation • 70 % unique tools for data collection • 30 % of mail questionnaires are scanned • 40 % use recommended tool for estimation

  3. Background II • Effects • Expensive to develop, maintain and document • Difficult to implement new advances • Variable quality • Improvements guided by local competence • Goals of standardisation • Reduce costs – maintenance and implementation • Improve quality – broader application of best practice • A visible quality management system

  4. Key changes • Process department • Process owners with responsibility in five process areas • Centralisation of IT and methodology • Common process definition • Project management board • R&D Department • Architectural responsibility • Quality management • Project management

  5. The Statistical Process Evaluate and Feed back 8 Establish needs 1 Design and Plan 2 Create and Test 3 Collect 4 Process 5 Analyse 6 Disseminate and Communicate 7 Support and Infrastructure Note: Informal translation

  6. The Statistical Process Establish needs 1 Design and Plan 2 Create and Test 3 Collect 4 Process 5 Analyse 6 Disseminate and Communicate 7 Design output 2.1 Create Measurement instrument 3.1 Produce frame and register population 4.1 Classifu and code micro data 5.1 Produce statistical output 6.1 Prepare dissemination 7.1 Identify information needs and availability 1.1 identify clients 1.2 Design frame, registerpopulation and sample 2.2 Create and adjust Prduction tools 3.2 Draw sample 4.2 Edit Micro data 5.2 Edit macro data 6.2 Produce final output 7.2 Establish client contact 1.3 Designdata collection 2.3 Create production flow 3.3 Prepare Data collection 4.3 Impute for non-response 5.3 Carry out disclosure control 6.3 Disseminate final output to client 7.3 Establish Information need 1.4 Designprocessing 2.4 Test measurement instrument 3.4 Complement micro data 5.4 Carry out Data collection 4.4 Establish final observation register 6.4 Communicate Final output 7.4 Negotiate and agree 1.5 Designanalysis 2.5 Test production tool and production flow 3.5 Transfer and store data electronically 4.5 Calculate weights 5.5 Interpret and explain 6.5 Select and archive 7.5 Designa dissemination and communication 2.6 Carry out Pilot study 3.6 Establish contents for dissemination and communication 6.6 Designproduction flow 2.7 Implement production flow 3.7 Note: Informal translation Plan production flow 2.8

  7. Current Status I • Many standards have been established • BOSS is launched • Process documentation under way • Many development projects initiated • ISO20252 criteria analysed • Limited implementation in current processes

  8. Current Status II • Project management process implemented • Quality management according to the EFQM model initiated at top-management level • Service orientation pilot cases under way • Process perspective established internally – spreading to other areas • Many issues of change has been resolved

  9. Future Direction • Continued development of the BOSS • Establish criteria for centralised services • Start implementation into existing processes • Meet the ISO20252 standard • Prioritise resources for development efforts • Complement the current toolbox • Improve measurement capability

  10. Experiences • Common point of view • Background and analysis – problem situation • Top-management/middle management/staff • Different perspectives • Communication • Ambitious approach – key function • Need to manage the communication process • The process of change • Change is threatening • Long-term process • Contagious • Coodination is vital

  11. Thank you for listening! E-mail: mats.bergdahl@scb.se

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