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Development of Mine Planning Qualifications

This session updates industry on Level 4 qualification progress, seeks feedback, and aims for registration mandate. Enhance Mine Planning skills in industry with no recognized training or pathways. Align to industry needs and promote career progression.

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Development of Mine Planning Qualifications

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  1. Alastair Macfarlane Level 4 Mine Planner

  2. Purpose of this session • To brief industry and employers of the progress of the development of the L4 qualification • To obtain comments on the qualification • To obtain a mandate to proceed with registration

  3. Purpose of this session • To brief industry and employers of the progress of the development of the L4 qualification • To obtain comments on the qualification • To obtain a mandate to proceed with registration

  4. The need for Mine Planning qualifications • No current recognised training or qualifications • Scarce skill in industry worldwide • No career pathway in Mine Planning • External demands for more competency: • Samrec • Samval • Reporting of production forecasts

  5. History • Industry Planning Forum formed in 2004 • Terms of reference agreed • Broad definition of learning pathway defined • Presentations to ECSA and MQA • Support from AMMSA • Support from ECSA • Support from MQA • Engagement with Wits : development/delivery of L6 programme • Formation of MQA Steering Committee • MQA needs analysis confirmed industry need • QCTO process initiated 2011 • L4 qualification occupational profile in QCTO format

  6. Initial mandate • Identify the need for such qualifications • Identify a learning and career pathway • Align to MQA processes • Align to industry needs • Allow registration at higher levels • Allow entry at post-matric level • Maintain parallel entry options

  7. Learning pathway : Mine Planning • B. Eng. • 3 years mentored assessment • Registration as Pr. Eng. L8 Manager/Engineer • NQF Level 8 • Entry : L7 • Advanced Diploma or B. Tech • 3 years mentored assessment • Registration as Pr. Eng. Technologist L7 Planner (Pr. Technologist) • NQF Level 7 • Entry : L6 • N Dip in Engineering Technology • Advanced Certificate (Stage 2 MRM) or Higher Certificate in Engineering • Registration as Pr.Eng. Technician • Demonstrated competency • QCTO Award • NQF Level 6 • Entry : L5, GCC for MOs L6 Planner (Senior) • NQF Level 5 • Entry : L4, or Adv Certificates • (Survey, Certificate Programme) • Higher Certificate (Stage 1 MRM) • QCTO Occupational Award • Demonstrated Competency L5 Planner (Mine) • MQA Level 4 • Entry : Matric + Entry Programme L4 Planner (Junior) • QCTO Occupational Skills Certificate • Demonstrated competency • Entry programme • Up to 2 years • Elem. & Basic Certificates • General programme • Customised to Company • MQA Level 2-3 • Entry :Matric

  8. L2/3 and L4 qualifications Exit L4 Entry Equivalent L4 plus RPL L4 160 credits Entry Equivalent L2/3 plus RPL L2/3 167 credits Entry Matric

  9. Principles • Based on the way we would like planning to be • Qualification based on knowledge subjects, practical skills development and demonstrated work experience • Incorporates manual as well as electronic planning and design • Credits aligned to L4 benchmarks • Part of a progression of learning • Allows entry from bottom up, as well as side entry • Assessment criteria defined • Quality Assurance applied

  10. Occupation and occupational progression

  11. Occupational profile • Design, programme and schedule the exploitation of the mineral body in order to convert the mineral resource into mineral reserves for the safe, healthy and profitable extraction of the minerals in line with organisational strategies.

  12. Curriculum structure

  13. Knowledge subject : MRM • Geological structures stratigraphy, rock groups and deposits of ore bodies and surrounding rock as related to mine planning. • Concepts and principles of mine sampling and mineral quality determination and control • Theories, Techniques and practices used in mine surveying (Layouts, plan reading and interpretation, volumes, sections, trigonometry) • Definitions and principles of Geological Modeling and the techniques of interpreting and using these models for planning purposes. • Principles of applying mine design criteria to create a safe and healthy environment. • Economic principles behind a profitable mine plan (mineral quality parameters, blending, cut off grade, pay limits, stope width, dilution, recovery, contamination, cost behaviour, definition of profit, product prices and exchange rates) • Concepts and principles of integrated mine planning • Regulatory, compliance and reporting requirements that impact on mine planning (SAMREC code, modifying factors etc.) • Application of mathematical and statistical calculations and analysis as it applies to mine planning. • Concept of feasibility and how this applies to mine planning. • Life cycle and sequence of creating, building up and maintaining replacement/mineable reserves

  14. Knowledge subject : Mining Engineering • Types of mining methods and applications and the key planning principles associated with them • Typical mining methods • Mining layouts • Basic mine design • Mining cycles • Mining infrastructure • Constraints management • Safe and healthy mine planning

  15. Knowledge subject : Mining Technical Services practices • Principles and application of basic rock engineering as applied to mine design and layouts. • Principles and application of mine environmental control as it pertains to mine planning . • Constraints and assumptions that could affect mine planning (Infrastructure, logistics, services) • Performance factors of equipment and people (capacity, density, air velocities etc.)

  16. Occupational Tasks identified • Producing short and medium term Mineral Extraction layouts and production schedules including resource and equipment requirements for mining final products. • Preparing and collating information to determine the risks associated with the execution of the short and medium term mine plan. • Analysing production results against planned schedules and recommending corrective action. • Creating operational mining infrastructure and resources schedules

  17. Entry requirements • National Certificate NQF level 4 with Maths and Physical Science; National Foundational Learning Competence. • Successful completion of a pre assessment covering the requirements as specified. (Specify the standard) • Comply with the Mining Industry medical fitness requirements for working in an underground mine.

  18. Delivery • After mandate agreed, qualification to be submitted to QCTO for evaluation and approval • QCTO then recommends to SAQA that qualification be registered • Once registered the occupational qualification may be offered to learners • Development and delivery by accredited providers, recommended by AQP

  19. Quality Assurance • MQA as the Assessment Quality Partner • Involvement of the SAIMM, GSSA, Association of Mine Managers, Colliery Managers Association, Mine Ventilation Society of SA, South African National Institute of Rock Engineers – Lead and Co-ordinated by the MQA taking up all the legal obligations related to this role.

  20. Assessment Quality Partner role • Set industry quality standards for the qualification; • Maintain industry quality standards of the qualification; • Develop assessment items for external assessment; • Register external delivery sites where the qualification will be delivered; • Maintain databases of providers of the qualification, and of results; and • Continually maintain the status of the qualification within industry;

  21. Requirements of providers • Facilitators of learning for this subject should have a Mining Engineering, Survey, Geology or Mineral Resource Management or another relevant technical Mining qualification at least at NQF level 6 or higher; • Facilitators must have at least five years relevant post qualification operational experience on an underground Hardrock Mine; • Facilitators must be technical experts in the various sub field of Mineral Resource management to conduct the training and ensure ongoing relevance of the material; • Facilitator/Learner ratio should not exceed 1:20

  22. Next stages • Advocacy to industry; • Invitation to providers to participate in development; • Adoption of a funding strategy; • Selection of providers; • Implementation of development; • Selection of delivery mechanisms.

  23. Acknowledgements • Members of the Industry Mine Planning Forum • Members of the MQA Steering Committee • ECSA • MQA organisation • Ben van As • SAIMM • MineRP

  24. Questions to be answered • Are you happy with the structure, content and level of this qualification? • Does it suit the needs of industry? • Do you see it being delivered by a single provider, or multiple providers? • Is it one or two qualifications? More detail can be found at the SAIMM website www.saimm.co.za

  25. Mandates Do you agree with the need for Mine Planning and Design qualifications? Yes No Please state your reasons below Do you agree with the structure and content of the L4 qualification? Yes No Please state your reasons below One qual’n Do you think there should be separate L2/3 and L4, or should it be the same programme? Two qual.ns Please state your reasons below It is voluntary to declare your name and affiliation.

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