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Insider Attacker Detection. Presented by Fang Liu fliu@gwu.edu. Outline. Introduction Detection of Faulty Sensors Detection of Routing Misbehaviors A General Solution – Insider Attacker Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks. Secure the Sensor Networks.
Insider Attacker Detection Presented by Fang Liu fliu@gwu.edu
Outline • Introduction • Detection of Faulty Sensors • Detection of Routing Misbehaviors • A General Solution – Insider Attacker Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Secure the Sensor Networks • Protecting confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the communications and computations • Sensor networks are vulnerable to security attacks due to the broadcast nature of transmission • Jamming, eavesdropping, etc. • Sensor nodes can be physically captured or destroyed • All information will be released if not tamper-resistant.
Compromised Sensors • Sensors are vulnerable. • Subject to physical attacks • Not tamper-resistant • Compromised nodes can launchinsider attacks. • False information • False readings, Data alteration, etc • Routing misbehaviors • Message negligence, selective forwarding, jamming, etc.
Challenges in Detecting Insider Attackers • Compromised nodes know all the information! • Cannot be detected with classical cryptographic security mechanisms • Authentication, Integrity protection, etc • Difficult to study the normal/abnormal node activities • Dynamic attacks • No centralized server to perform analysis and correlation
Existent Solutions • Detection of False Information • Detection of Routing Misbehaviors • Our Work – A General Solution to Insider Attacker Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Detection of False Information • Detecting and tolerating false information inserted by • Faulty sensors • Compromised sensors • Methods: • Centralized solution: The base station collects the data and checks the correctness [Shen ICC’01, Koushanfar et al. Sensors’03] • Secure data aggregation [Cao et al Mobihoc’06] • Fault-tolerant event detection: Disambiguate events from noise-related error, faulty sensors • 0/1 predicate • Comparison with neighborhood activities [Cheng et al. Infocom’05]
Detection of Routing Misbehaviors • Routing misbehaviors: • Selective forwarding, packet dropping, etc. • One contemporary solution: • Forward packets only through nodes that share apriori trust relationship. But, • It requires key distribution. • Trusted nodes may be still overloaded, broken or compromised • Untrusted nodes may be well behaved.
Detection of Routing Misbehaviors • Method: • Detect with the help of base station • “Location-centric Isolation of Misbehavior and Trust Routing in Energy-constrained Sensor Networks” • Detect by monitoring the neighborhood • “Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks”
Location-centric Isolation of Misbehavior and Trust Routing in Energy-constrained Sensor Networks • Misbehavior model • Dropping of queries and data packets • Assume the availability of location information and the ability to perform geographic routing • Main procedure • Base stations send marked packets to probe sensors, and rely on the responses to identify and isolate insecure location • Sensors route packets to trusted neighbors
TRANS Components Authentication Periodic beaconing
Trust Routing Protocol • Send packets only toward trusted neighbors • Trust table based security mechanism
Isolating Insecure Location(1/2) • Finding Malicious Node (Probing) • E-TTL • Send probe packet with increasing hop-count • Binary • Send probe packet in a binary search fashion • One-Shot • Send probe packet along the path and each node replies its location
Isolating Insecure Location(2/2) • Isolating Method • Sink finds misbehaving node and generate Black List • Black List Geocast • Broadcast black list • Remove isolated node from neighbor list • Broadcasting overhead • Embedded Black List • Embedded black list in packet header • Detour point using geographic routing
Summary: Location-centric Isolation of Misbehavior and Trust Routing in Energy-constrained Sensor Networks • Routing misbehaviors detection and isolation • Centralized detection • Isolating Misbehavior node using black list • Trust routing protocol design • Trust evaluation may be not working for insider attackers • Based on authentication
Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks • Ad hoc networks maximize total network throughput by using all available nodes for routing and forwarding. • A node may misbehave by agreeing to forward the packet and then failing to do so because it is • Overloaded, Selfish, Malicious or Broken • Few misbehaving nodes can have a severe impact
Proposed Solutions • Install extra facilities in the network to detect and mitigate routing misbehavior. • Make only minimal changes to the underlying routing algorithm. • Two extensions to DSR - “Watchdog” and “Pathrater” • Watchdog identifies misbehaving nodes by overhearing transmissions • Pathrater avoids routing packets through these nodes
Assumptions • Some assumptions are • Links between the nodes are bi-directional • Nodes are inpromiscuous mode operation • Malicious node does not work in groups C A B
Watchdog • The watchdog is implemented by maintaining a buffer of recently • Each overheard packet ismatchedwith the packet in the buffer • In case of a match, the packet in the buffer in removed • By overhearing, tampering of payload or header can also be detected • If the packet, however, has remained in the buffer for longer than a certain timeout • The watchdog increases the failure tally for the node responsible for forwarding on the packet • If the tally exceeds the threshold value, it determines that the node is misbehaving
Watchdog (Contd) • Advantages • It can detect misbehavior at the forwarding level • Disadvantages are • Might not detect packet drops due to collisions • Ambiguous collisions • Receiver collisions • Limited transmission power • Others
Ambiguous Collisions • The ambiguous problem prevents node A from overhearing transmission from B A cannot overhead B C S Packet # 1 A B Packet# 1 Packet # 1 D F I G H
Limited transmission Power • Misbehaving node can control its transmission power to circumvent the watchdog A cannot overhead B S Packet # 1 Packet # 1 A B Packet # 1 D F E G H
False Misbehavior • A reports that B is not forwarding packets when in fact it is. When nodes falsely report other nodes as misbehaving S Packet # 1 A B Packet # 1 D C F G H Failure Tally ++; If (Failure Tally > Threshold) notify source;
Collusion • A forwards to B, but doesn’t report when B drops the packet. Multiple nodes in collusion can mount a more sophisticated attack S Packet # 1 A B Packet # 1 D C F G H
Partial Dropping • B drops packets at a lower rate than the misbehavior detection threshold. A node can circumvent the watchdog by dropping packets at a lower rate than the watchdog’s configured minimum misbehavior threshold S A Packet # 1 B Packet # 1 Packet # 2 D C F G Failure Tally ++; If (Failure Tally > Threshold) notify source; H
Pathrater • Each nodes maintain a rating for every other node it knows about in the network • A path metric is the Average of the Node ratings along the path. • The metric gives a comparison of the overall reliability of different paths • If there are multiple paths to the same destination, the path with the highest metric is chosen
Summary: Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks • Enable nodes to avoid malicious nodes (overloaded, malicious, selfish, broken) in their routes • Watchdog – identifies misbehavior nodes by listening to the next node’s transmission • Pathrater – helps routing protocols avoid these nodes • Allows nodes to use better paths and thus to increase their throughput • The watchdog determines a malicious through threshold comparison. • How the threshold value is calculated ? - it is one of the important factor in detecting malicious nodes
A Framework for Identifying Compromised Nodes in Sensor Networks • Identifying compromised nodes? • Use the alert information! • But, compromised nodes may … • Raise false alerts • Form a local majority and collude • Behave arbitrarily • An application-independent framework to identify compromised node based on alert reasoning
Assumptions • Application-specific detection mechanisms • Beacon probing, watchdog … • Static sensor networks • Fixed observability relationship • Message confidentiality and integrity • Secure comm. with base stations • Trustable base stations • Centralized
An Example • The base station should: • Have the monitoring relationship • Consider the possibility of false alerts • Probe beacon nodes regularly Sensor Beacon The sensor network The observability graph
The Framework • Sensor behavior model: • Reliability rm: the percentage of normal activities conducted by an uncompromised node. • Observer model: • Observability rate rb: s1 may not observe each activity of s2 • Positive accuracy rp: s1 may not detect the abnormal activity of s2 • Negative accuracy rn: s1 raise alert against s2, but s2 is normal. • Security estimation K • The max # of compromised nodes that the network can work
Identification of compromised nodes • Step 1: Label abnormal/normal alerts • Observe the alert pattern • Get the expected #Alerts raised by s1 against s2 • Compare with the actual #Alerts • > expected#: abnormal; o.w. normal Observability rate Reliability Negative accuracy Positive accuracy Pb(alert: i against j) fj(x): the distribution fo #events that can be sensed by j Rij(t): expected # of alerts raised by i against j, when i, j are uncompromised
Identification of compromised nodes • Step 2: Derive suspicious node pairs • Labelled observability graph G’(V,Ea+En) • Node si and sj are a suspicious pair if: • (si,sj) or (sj,si) is in Ea, or • s’ exists • (si,s’) in Ea & (sj,s’) in En, or, • (si,s’) in En & (sj,s’) in Ea. At least one of the suspicious pair is compromised! normal abnormal
Identification of compromised nodes • Step 3: Find the compromised nodes • Definition: valid assignment • To identify the common nodes in all possible assignments: CompromisedCore • The largest number of truly compromised nodes, no false alarms
Alert reasoning algorithm • Lemma 3.1: Given an inferred graph I(V;E), let VI be a minimum vertex cover of I. Then the number of compromised nodes is no less than |VI|. • Theorem 3.1 Given an inferred graph I and a security estimation K, for any node s in I, s in CompromisedCore(I;K) if and only if |Ns|+CI’s > K. • NP-complete Min vertex cover
Alert reasoning algorithm • Corollary 3.1: Given an inferred graph I and a security estimation K, for any node s in I, if |Ns|+MI’s > K, then s in CompromisedCore(I;K). • Maximal matching: MG ≤ CG ≤ 2MG • |Ns|+CI’s > |Ns|+MI’s > K • Polynomial
Simulation • General+mm: • The general AppCompromisedCore algorithm + maximum matching • EigenRep • PeerTrust • Reputation-based trust functions for P2P • Majority Voting
Summary: A Framework for Identifying Compromised Nodes in Sensor Networks • Detection algorithm with maximum accuracy without false alarms • Effective with local majority • However, • A priori knowledge about: • sensor behavior model • observer model: the accuracy of the alert • Observability rate, positive accuracy, negative accuracy, etc. • Centralized: the base station does the detection!
The Common Methodology Requires application-specific knowledge! Suspicious Behavior Detection Watchdog-based, 0/1 predicate Information Collection Localized/centralized Diagnosis and notification of the detection result Reputation evaluation, threshold comparison, etc.
Our Work – A General Solution to Insider Attacker Detection • Insider attackers • Compromised nodes under the control of the adversary • Data alteration, Message negligence, Selective forwarding, etc • Challenges: • The insider attacker knows all the secret information! • The detection scheme must be efficient, flexible, and localized • Cannot use cryptography-based techniques • Localized statistical analysis?
The Basic Idea • Observation: Similar networking behaviors in close neighborhood. • Detection of insider attackers with a light, flexible and localized algorithm? • Measure the networking behaviors of neighboring nodes • E.g. packet dropping rate, packet sending rate, forwarding delay time, etc. • Detect if any abnormal activities exist Exploiting the spatial correlation among neighboring sensors!
The Basic Algorithm • Information Collection • Node x gets f (xi) for each neighbor xi in N(x) • Outlier Detection • Assume f (xi) ~ Nq(μ,Σ), then the Mahalanobis squared distance d2(xi) = (f (xi) -μ)TΣ-1(f (xi) -μ) ~ χ2q. Thus, Prob(d2(xi)> χ2q(α)) = α. • xi could be an outlier if d2(xi) is sufficiently large. • Majority Vote
Two Extensions • Estimate (µ,Σ) from the data set {f(xi)} with the existence of outliers? • If f(xi) ~ Nq(μ,Σ), d2(xi) = (f(xi) -μ)TΣ-1(f(xi) -μ) ~ χ2q • (µ,Σ) is about the population of normal sensors • Cannot use sample mean, sample covariance-covariance to estimate (µ,Σ) Robust statistics: Orthogonalized Gnanadesikan-Ketterring (OGK)
Two Extensions • For a sparse network, information is collected from multi-hop neighborhood, which may be inserted with false data. Trust-based false information filtering B: (21,42,39) D C B: (20,30,39) B A E F B: (18,31,37)
Trust-based false information filtering D C Sensor (A) should select a reliable relay node (D or F?) based on its own observation. B A E F A’s monitoring results Trust value C: (19,32,40) D: (22,11,42) E: (21,29,38) F: (19,31,39) C: (0.83,0.63,0.15) D: (1.17,1.49,1.31) E: (0.50,0.33,1.02) F: (0.83,0.53,0.44) C: 0.83 D: 1.49 E: 1.02 F: 0.83 C: 1 D: 0.56 E: 0.81 F: 1 standardize max min/x standardize (y-μ)/σ
Evaluation metrics Detection accuracy: False alarm: Simulation settings Sparse or Dense networks Compromised relay nodes: Performance Evaluation (1/3) D: Identified outliers O: Real outliers
Performance Evaluation (2/3) • Dense networks