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Inequality Measurement

This technical lecture discusses inequality measurement and analysis of social welfare, focusing on ranking criteria, parade diagrams, and Lorenz curves. Major themes include contrasting approaches, structural analysis, and poverty linkage. Topics cover capturing axioms, ranking implications, and decomposing inequality. Examples illustrate income distribution rankings, tax impacts, and Lorenz curve applications in evaluating social welfare. The lecture explores the Gini coefficient as a popular inequality measure and challenges in its intuitive interpretation.

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Inequality Measurement

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  1. Inequality Measurement Inequality measurement Measurement Technical University of Lisbon Frank Cowell http://darp.lse.ac.uk/lisbon2006 July 2006

  2. Issues to be addressed • Builds on lecture 3 • “Distributional Equity, Social Welfare” • Extension of ranking criteria • Parade diagrams • Generalised Lorenz curve • Extend SWF analysis to inequality • Examine structure of inequality • Link with the analysis of poverty

  3. Major Themes • Contrast three main approaches to the subject • intuitive • via SWF • via analysis of structure • Structure of the population • Composition of Inequality measurement • Implications for measures • The use of axiomatisation • Capture what is “reasonable”? • Find a common set of axioms for related problems

  4. Inequality measurement Overview... Inequality rankings Inequality measures Relationship with welfare rankings Inequality axioms Inequality decomposition Inequality in practice

  5. Inequality rankings • Begin by using welfare analysis of previous lecture • Seek inequality ranking • We take as a basis the second-order distributional ranking • …but introduce a small modification • The 2nd-order dominance concept was originally expressed in a more restrictive form.

  6. Inequality rankings • Using the welfare analysis above… • Seek an inequality ranking • Take as a basis the 2nd-order distributional ranking • …but introduce a small modification • Normalise by dividing by the mean • Away of forcing an “iso-inequality” path as mean income changes • The 2nd-order dominance concept was originally expressed in this more restrictive form…

  7. Yet another important relationship • The share of the proportion q of distribution F is given by L(F;q) := C(F;q) / m(F) • Yields Lorenz dominance, or the “shares” ranking G Lorenz-dominates Fmeans: • for every q, L(G;q) ³L(F;q), • for some q, L(G;q) > L(F;q) • The Atkinson (1970) result: For given m, G Lorenz-dominates F Û W(G) > W(F) for all WÎW2

  8. The Lorenz diagram 1 0.8 L(.; q) 0.6 L(G;.) proportion of income Lorenz curve for F 0.4 L(F;.) 0.2 practical example, UK 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 q proportion of population

  9. Application of ranking • The tax and -benefit system maps one distribution into another... • Use ranking tools to assess the impact of this in welfare terms. • Typically this uses one or other concept of Lorenz dominance.

  10. Official concepts of income: UK original income + cash benefits gross income - direct taxes disposable income - indirect taxes post-tax income + non-cash benefits final income What distributional ranking would we expect to apply to these 5 concepts?

  11. Impact of Taxes and Benefits. UK 2000/1. Lorenz Curve

  12. Assessment of example • We might have guessed the outcome… • In most countries: • Income tax progressive • So are public expenditures • But indirect tax is regressive • So Lorenz-dominance is not surprising. • But what happens if we look at the situation over time?

  13. “Final income” – Lorenz

  14. 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 “Original income” – Lorenz • Lorenz curves intersect • Is 1993 more equal? • Or 2000-1?

  15. Inequality ranking: Summary • Second-order (GL)-dominance is equivalent to ranking by cumulations. • From the welfare lecture • Lorenz dominance equivalent to ranking by shares. • Special case of GL-dominance normalised by means. • Where Lorenz-curves intersect unambiguous inequality orderings are not possible. • This makes inequality measures especially interesting.

  16. A further look at inequality • The Atkinson SWF route provides a coherent approach to inequality. • But do we need to approach via social welfare • An indirect approach • Maybe introduces unnecessary assumptions, • Alternative route: “distance” and inequality • Consider a generalisation of the Irene-Janet diagram

  17. Inequality measurement Overview... Inequality rankings Inequality measures • Intuition • Social welfare • Distance Three ways of approaching an index Inequality axioms Inequality decomposition Inequality in practice

  18. An intuitive approach • Lorenz comparisons (second-order dominance) may be indecisive • But we may want to “force a solution” • The problem is essentially one of aggregation of information • Why worry about aggregation? • It may make sense to use a very simple approach • Go for something that you can “see” • Go back to the Lorenz diagram

  19. The best-known inequality measure? 1 0.8 proportion of income 0.6 Gini Coefficient 0.5 0.4 0.2 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 proportion of population

  20. The Gini coefficient • Equivalent ways of writing the Gini: • Normalised area above Lorenz curve • Normalised difference between income pairs.

  21. Intuitive approach: difficulties • Essentially arbitrary • Does not mean that Gini is a bad index • But what is the basis for it? • What is the relationship with social welfare? • The Gini index also has some “structural” problems • We will see this in the next section • What is the relationship with social welfare? • Examine the welfare-inequality relationship directly

  22. Inequality measurement Overview... Inequality rankings Inequality measures • Intuition • Social welfare • Distance Three ways of approaching an index Inequality axioms Inequality decomposition Inequality in practice

  23. SWF and inequality • Issues to be addressed: • the derivation of an index • the nature of inequality aversion • the structure of the SWF • Begin with the SWF W • Examine contours in Irene-Janet space

  24. xj xi Equally-Distributed Equivalent Income • The Irene &Janet diagram • A given distribution • Distributions with same mean • Contours of the SWF • Construct an equal distribution E such that W(E) = W(F) • EDE income • Social waste from inequality • Curvature of contour indicates society’s willingness to tolerate “efficiency loss” in pursuit of greater equality • E • F O m(F) x(F)

  25. Welfare-based inequality • From the concept of social waste Atkinson (1970) suggested an inequality measure: Ede income x(F) I(F) = 1 – —— m(F) Mean income • Atkinson assumed an additive social welfare function that satisfied the other basic axioms. W(F) = òu(x) dF(x) • Introduced an extra assumption: Iso-elastic welfare. x1 - e– 1 u(x) = ————, e ³ 0 1 – e

  26. The Atkinson Index • Given scale-invariance, additive separability of welfare • Inequality takes the form: • Given the Harsanyi argument… • index of inequality aversion ebased on risk aversion. • More generally see it as a stament of social values • Examine the effect of different values of e • relationship between u(x) and x • relationship between u′(x) and x

  27. Social utility and relative income U  = 0 4 3  = 1/2 2  = 1 1  = 2  = 5 0 1 2 3 4 5 x / m -1 -2 -3

  28. Relationship between welfare weight and income  =1 U'  =2  =5 4 3 2  =0 1  =1/2 x / m  =1 0 0 1 2 3 4 5

  29. Inequality measurement Overview... Inequality rankings • Intuition • Social welfare • Distance Inequality measures Three ways of approaching an index Inequality axioms Inequality decomposition Inequality in practice

  30. A distance interpretation • Can see inequality as a deviation from the norm • The norm in this case is perfect equality • Two key questions… • …what distance concept to use? • How are inequality contours on one level “hooked up” to those on another?

  31. Another class of indices • Consider the Generalised Entropy class of inequality measures: • The parameter a is an indicator sensitivity of each member of the class. • a large and positive gives a “top -sensitive” measure • a negative gives a “bottom-sensitive” measure • Related to the Atkinson class

  32. Inequality and a distance concept • The Generalised Entropy class can also be written: • Which can be written in terms of income shares s • Using the distance criterion s1−a/ [1−a] … • Can be interpreted as weighted distance of each income shares from an equal share

  33. The Generalised Entropy Class • GE class is rich • Includes two indices from Henri Theil: • a = 1:  [ x / m(F)] log (x / m(F)) dF(x) • a = 0: –  log (x / m(F)) dF(x) • For a < 1 it is ordinally equivalent to Atkinson class • a = 1 – e . • For a = 2 it is ordinally equivalent to (normalised) variance.

  34. Inequality contours • Each family of contours related to a different concept of distance • Some are very obvious… • …others a bit more subtle • Start with an obvious one • the Euclidian case

  35. GE contours: a = 2

  36. GE contours: a < 2 a = 0.25 a = 0 a = −0.25 a = −1

  37. GE contours: a limiting case a = −∞ • Total priority to the poorest

  38. GE contours: another limiting case a = +∞ • Total priority to the richest

  39. By contrast: Gini contours • Not additively separable

  40. Inequality measurement Overview... Inequality rankings Inequality measures A fundamentalist approach Inequality axioms Inequality decomposition Inequality in practice

  41. A further look at inequality • The Atkinson SWF route provides a coherent approach to inequality. • But do we need to approach via social welfare • An indirect approach • Maybe introduces unnecessary assumptions, • Alternative route: “distance” and inequality

  42. x j x k x i The 3-Person income distribution Income Distributions With Given Total ray of Janet's income equality Karen's income 0 Irene's income

  43. x j x k x i Inequality contours • Set of distributions for given total • Set of distributions for a higher (given) total • Perfect equality • Inequality contours for original level • Inequality contours for higher level 0

  44. Themes • Cross-disciplinary concepts • Income differences • Reference incomes • Formal methodology

  45. Methodology • Exploit common structure • poverty • deprivation • complaints and inequality • see Cowell (2005) • Axiomatic method • minimalist approach • characterise structure • introduce ethics

  46. “Structural” axioms • Take some social evaluation function F... • Continuity • Linear homogeneity • Translation invariance

  47. Structural axioms: illustration • D for n=3 • An income distribution • Perfect equality • Contours of “Absolute” Gini • Continuity • Continuous approach to I = 0 • Linear homogeneity • Proportionate increase in I • Translation invariance • I constant x2 x* • 1 • x3 0 x1

  48. Amiel-Cowell (1999) approach • The Irene &Janet diagram xj • A distribution • Possible distributions of a small increment ray of equality • Does this direction keep inequality unchanged? Janet's income • Or this direction? • Consider the iso-inequality path. • Also gives what would be an inequality-preserving income reduction • A “fair” tax? C B A xi 0 Irene's income

  49. xj xi Scale independence • Example 1. • Equal proportionate additions or subtractions keep inequality constant • Corresponds to regular Lorenz criterion

  50. xj x 2 xi Translation independence • Example 2. • Equal absolute additions or subtractions keep inequality constant

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