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A. BRILLARD Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques University of Haute-Alsace

A. BRILLARD Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques University of Haute-Alsace. Riga - June 2004. Mulhouse. Map of Alsace. ORGANISATION OF THE FRENCH DOCTORAL STUDIES. ORGANISATION (current). }. Bac+8. possible national granting. PhD. Bac+7. Bac+6. 3rd cycle = DEA. }. Bac+5.

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A. BRILLARD Dean of the Faculty of Sciences and Techniques University of Haute-Alsace

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  1. A. BRILLARDDean of theFaculty of Sciences and TechniquesUniversity of Haute-Alsace Riga - June 2004

  2. Mulhouse

  3. Map of Alsace


  5. ORGANISATION (current) } Bac+8 possible national granting PhD Bac+7 Bac+6 3rd cycle = DEA } Bac+5 Selection Bac+4 2nd cycle = Maîtrise Bac+3 Bac+2 No selection 1st cycle = DEUG Bac+1

  6. ORGANISATION (forthcoming) } Bac+8 possible national granting PhD Bac+7 Bac+6 Bac+5 Master Selection Bac+4 Bac+3 Licence Bac+2 No selection Bac+1


  8. RECRUITING IN THE FRENCH UNIVERSITIES Two categories of permanent teachers : • Maître de conférences • Professeur des Universités (Other categories of non-permanent positions : moniteurs (for PhD students), vacations, positions for professionals,…)



  11. CONCLUSION (1) • Alternance between local and national decisions or propositions for recruitment. • Same treatment for the different candidates on a position. • Presence of scientific experts from other universities.

  12. CONCLUSION (2) • Length of the procedure. • Possibility to write an exclusive profile of the position. • Cost of the procedure. No optimal procedure


  14. MAITRE DE CONFERENCES (1) • Two classes : starting at normal class, then possibly growing at "hors" class. • Progression within the classes through levels : - 9 levels in the normal class ; - 6 levels in the "hors" class.

  15. MAITRE DE CONFERENCES (2) • Salary between 1657 euros/month to 2999 euros/month (or to 3519 euros/month) (net salary). • Annual quantity of work : 192h equivalent TD (exercises). • Mainly teaching TD (exercises) or TP (experiences).

  16. PROFESSEUR DES UNIVERSITES (1) • Three classes : starting at second class, then growing through selection at first class, then possibly growing at exceptional class : - 6 levels in the second class ; - 3 levels in the first class ; - 2 levels in the exceptional class.

  17. PROFESSEUR DES UNIVERSITES (2) • Salary between 2403 euros/month to 4254 euros/month (or to 4825 euros/month) (net salary). • Annual service : 192h equivalent TD, mainly ensuring lectures. (1 hour lecture = 1,5 hour exercise 1 hour exercise = 1,5 hour experience).

  18. ORGANISATION OF THE DOCTORAL STUDIES (1) Currently : 1 year DEA + 3 years PhD (forthcoming Master Research + PhD). DEA • selection by a local committee of teachers ; • academic formation (100-150 h lectures) + memoir on a research subject ;

  19. ORGANISATION OF THE DOCTORAL STUDIES (2) DEA • possibility of getting national granting ; • validation according to the results both in the academic formation and in the memoir (written and oral parts).

  20. ORGANISATION OF THE DOCTORAL STUDIES (3) PhD • selection by the supervisor ; • authorisation by the Doctoral School and by the Scientific Council of the University (specially for non DEA or foreigners) ; • possibility to get national, regional or private granting for the three years ;

  21. ORGANISATION OF THE DOCTORAL STUDIES (4) PhD • 3 years preparation (administrative matriculation each year) ; • obligation to participate to conferences organised by the Doctoral School (disciplinary, preparation to get positions, preparation to conferences, …).

  22. ORGANISATION OF THE DOCTORAL STUDIES (5) PhD Some of the students have the possibility to get extra money as "moniteurs", to teach (64 h each year, mainly in the first two years) and to be prepared for the future teaching activity (obligatory sessions in the Center for Initiative in Higher Education (CIES)).

  23. ORGANISATION OF THE DOCTORAL STUDIES (6) Forthcoming • 2 years Master Research (about 500 (M1) + 200 hours (M2) academics + memoir on a research topic (M2)) • 3 years preparation of a PhD. • Selection ?

  24. ORGANISATION OF THE DOCTORAL STUDIES (7) HABILITATION Supervisor + authorisation by the Scientific Council (validity, committee) (one matriculation). Memoir gathering the research and teaching activities and proving the ability to supervise and to teach as a professeur des universités.

  25. DEFENCE PhD Bac +8 (3 years after Master Research) Habilitation About three years minimum after the PhD Proposition of a committee by the supervisor and validation by the Scientific Council in the University. Convocation of the committee by the President of the University.

  26. QUALIFICATION (1) The National Council for Universities is organised in 57 sections : 01 = private law and criminal sciences 26 = applied mathematics and applications of mathematics 60 = mechanics, mechanical engineering, civil engineering 71 = information and communication sciences …

  27. QUALIFICATION (2) In each section, the National Council for Universities is composed of elected members and of designated members (by the Minister), in two colleges : Maîtres de Conférences or Professeurs des Universités. Its main missions are to qualify and to promote the teachers. IMPORTANT : Qualification is valid for 4 years and in EVERY section.

  28. QUALIFICATION (3) Every year, the National Council publishes a report of its global activity. In 2003 : Number of candidates to qualification : 14775 for MCF and 3420 for PR Number of qualifications : 8478 MCF (57,4%) and 2021 PR (59,1%)

  29. QUALIFICATION (4) In 2003, variations of the percentage of qualifications : MCF : 22,7% in section 10 (compared literature) to 89% in section 29 (physics of elementary constituents). PR : 22,9% in section 74 (sports) to 88% in section 39 (physics-chemistry and pharmacological engineering). RATIO QUALIFIED/POSITION EQUAL TO 3,73 IN 2003 (increasing)

  30. QUALIFICATION (5) Example 1 : 26th section CNU - 2003 1) QUALIFICATION (Maître de Conférences) Number of candidates : 470 (355 in 2002, 354 in 2001, 456 in 2000) Number of expertises : 391 Number of qualifications : 233 (59,5 %)

  31. QUALIFICATION (6) QUALIFICATION (Maître de Conférences 26) (continued) Criteria for qualification : Research themes not so far from applied maths ; ability to teach in the first years of scientific studies ; scientific research activity (not only use of old methods or algorithms, but improvements or developments).

  32. QUALIFICATION (7) 2) QUALIFICATION (Professeur 26) Number of candidates : 163 (111 in 2002, 99 in 2001, 142 in 2000) Number of expertises : 151 Number of qualifications : 109 (72 %)

  33. QUALIFICATION (8) QUALIFICATION (Professeur 26) (continued) Criteria for qualification : Research themes not so far from applied maths ; ability to supervise PhD students in applied mathematics.

  34. QUALIFICATION (9) 3) PROMOTION (Maître de Conférences 26) Two ways : local and national Promotions to the exceptional class : 10 promoted locally and 13 nationally (over 113 candidates).

  35. QUALIFICATION (10) 4) PROMOTION (Professeur 26) Two ways : local and national Promotion to the first class : 11 promoted locally and 16 nationally (over 179 candidates) Promotion to the exceptional class : 1+0 promoted locally (CE1+CE2) and 6+4 nationally (over 82+17 candidates).

  36. QUALIFICATION (11) Example 2 : Section 12 (German and Scandinavian languages and literature) 1) QUALIFICATION (Maître de Conférences) Number of expertises : 62 Number of qualifications : 34 (54,8 %) 2) QUALIFICATION (Professeur) Number of expertises : 22 Number of qualifications : 14 (63,6 %)

  37. CONCOURSES IN THE UNIVERSITIES (1) Every year, lists of free positions and expected creations established byuniversities. After negotiations with the Ministry (in link with the total budget), national lists, by level, by section CNU, by university are published. Most of the published positions precise a profile both for teaching expected levels and for research expected topics. In the universities, Specialists Committees are created (for four years).

  38. CONCOURSES IN THE UNIVERSITIES (2) Each Specialists Committee gathers Maîtres de Conférences and Professeurs des Universités, belonging to the university AND from other universities. The total number of members and the proportions are fixed by law. Professeurs des Universités discuss on Maîtres de Conférences and Professeurs des Universités. Maîtres de Conférences only discuss on Maîtres de Conférences.

  39. CONCOURSES IN THE UNIVERSITIES (3) The Specialists Committee first examines the candidates through mutation if any. If a candidate through mutation is accepted then the concourse is ended. Otherwise, or if no candidate through mutation, the other candidates are examined.

  40. CONCOURSES IN THE UNIVERSITIES (4) The Specialists Committee first examine the "light" written presentations of the candidates which have been accepted before by the administration on a legal level (validity). Two members of this Specialists Committee write a report on every candidate (compatibility between the expected profile and that of the candidate).

  41. CONCOURSES IN THE UNIVERSITIES (5) The Specialists Committee builds for every position a list of candidates which are allowed to present orally they profile (less than 5 for every position). The oral presentations are about of 15 mn length for every candidate and must precise the compatibility between the position and the profile of the candidate.

  42. CONCOURSES IN THE UNIVERSITIES (6) The Specialists Committees finally build a classified list of at most 3 candidates for every position. Every candidate which has been selected on at least one list has to classify his wishes on an application by the Ministry. A software then determines the "best" affectation of every candidate on every position.

  43. CONCOURSES IN THE UNIVERSITIES (7) Special cases of law, political sciences, economics and management : the Professeurs des Universités must also obtain the Agrégation in their discipline. Special recruitment of Maîtres de Conférences to Professeurs des Universités for "old" MCF (more than 10 years activity) or for professionals, members of the CNRS, … (more than 6 years activity).

  44. NOMINATION BY THE MINISTRY (1) As soon as the software has finished, the candidates are affected by the french Ministry to the corresponding university. The "young" Maître de Conférences is affected as a non permanent teacher (for one year). Then the Specialists Committee discusses its situation and validates or not the transformation to a permanent position.

  45. NOMINATION BY THE MINISTRY (2) In 2003 : Number of positions : 3814 (2406 MCF + 1408 PR) Number of positions occupied through mutation, detachment, recruitment : 3363 (2305 MCF + 1058 PR) Number of positions occupied by recruitment : 3202 (2176 MCF + 1026 PR)

  46. NOMINATION BY THE MINISTRY (3) In 2003 : The proportion of positions occupied through mutation is about 12,1%. The proportion of positions occupied through detachment is less than 0,5%. Paris and its region is attractive (31% of the total number of mutations).

  47. NOMINATION BY THE MINISTRY (4) In 2003 , the reasons for which positions are not occupied are : 0 candidate (17,5%) ; change of the wishes of the candidates (22,9%) ; decision of the Administration Council or of the head of the institute (49,5%).

  48. SOME NUMBERS Numbers of students in France : 2,2 millions students Total budget : 17 milliards € Mean cost of a student per year : 8680 € 6850 € for a student in a general formation 9100 € in a DUT (two years prof. Studies) 10860 € in a STS (other two years prof. Studies)

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