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WebSphere Portal 6.1 mer n en hink f r portletter

2. Agenda. WebSphere Portal 6.1 med den breda penselnComposite Applications"The face of SOA"AcceleratorerWebSphere Portal 6.1 krnfunktioner och nyheterWeb 2.0WCMPersonaliseringSkerhetPortal-API:erJSR 286Med meraPortalutveckling med Rational Application Developer (och Portlet Factor

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WebSphere Portal 6.1 mer n en hink f r portletter

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    1. WebSphere Portal 6.1 mer än en hink för portletter jens.wyke@se.ibm.com

    2. 2 Agenda WebSphere Portal 6.1 – med den breda penseln Composite Applications ”The face of SOA” Acceleratorer WebSphere Portal 6.1 – kärnfunktioner och nyheter Web 2.0 WCM Personalisering Säkerhet Portal-API:er JSR 286 Med mera Portalutveckling med Rational Application Developer (och Portlet Factory) Förbättringar i 6.1 Demo Portlet Factory

    3. 3 WebSphere Portal – en integrationsplattform för användargränssnitt

    4. 4 Composite Applications

    5. 5 Compappscreenshot

    6. 6 Portalen i ett ”SOA-landskap”

    7. 7 Exempel, Process-portletter

    8. 8 Funktioner i WebSphere Portal

    9. 9 Accelerators for WebSphere Portal Integrated packages that easily snap-on to WebSphere Portal to deliver rapid time-to-value for specific business Accelerators combine with, and enhance, IBM WebSphere Portal, the industry's leading composite application platform. Choosing WebSphere Portal is an investment in a proven, extensible, standards-based platform from IBM - a platform designed to help keep pace with the demanding online needs of your business. Enterprise Suite Acc.: Dashboard Acc., Collaboration Acc., Content Acc., Lotus Forms, Lotus Expeditor Content Acc.: WCM, PDM, Omnifind Collaboration Acc.: Lotus Quickr, Lotus Connections, Lotus Sametime Dashboard Acc.: Lotus Active Insight, Dashboard KPI Catalog (Dashboard Assets) Accelerators combine with, and enhance, IBM WebSphere Portal, the industry's leading composite application platform. Choosing WebSphere Portal is an investment in a proven, extensible, standards-based platform from IBM - a platform designed to help keep pace with the demanding online needs of your business. Enterprise Suite Acc.: Dashboard Acc., Collaboration Acc., Content Acc., Lotus Forms, Lotus Expeditor Content Acc.: WCM, PDM, Omnifind Collaboration Acc.: Lotus Quickr, Lotus Connections, Lotus Sametime Dashboard Acc.: Lotus Active Insight, Dashboard KPI Catalog (Dashboard Assets)

    10. 10 Agenda WebSphere Portal 6.1 – med den breda penseln Composite Applications ”The face of SOA” Acceleratorer WebSphere Portal 6.1 – kärnfunktioner och nyheter Web 2.0 WCM Personalisering Säkerhet Portal-API:er JSR 286 Med mera Portalutveckling med Rational Application Developer (och Portlet Factory) Förbättringar i 6.1 Demo Portlet Factory

    11. 11 Web 2.0-tekniker i Portalen och relaterade produkter Allt fler produkter får REST-api:er T ex WebSphere Portal, Lotus Quickr, Lotus Connections Underlättar integration och byggande av dynamiska browsergränssnitt Feeds överallt Atom/AtomPub Mycket fokus på ”Mashups” och klientside-integration, widgets

    12. 12 Vad är REST?

    13. 13 Vad är Atom/AtomPub? Format för syndikering av informationsflöden Mer kraftfull än RSS Större utbyggbarhet Även publicering/uppdatering av information via AtomPub Kan användas som generellt applikationsprotokoll

    14. 14 Atom – exempel <feed … xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom”> <collection …> <atom:title type="text” …>Product component A</atom:title> <accept>application/*,image/*,*/*</accept> </collection> <id>…</id> <author><name>uid=quikradm,o=default organization</name><email>…</email></author> <title type="text">Product component A</title> <updated>2008-01-09T10:05:36.109Z</updated> <link href=“…" rel="self"></link> <entry …> <id>…</id> <link href=“…" rel="self"></link> <link href=“…” rel="enclosure" type="application/vnd.ibm-odcrte.zip" title="TestDokument.ort"…></link> <author> <name>Carl Newton</name> <email>c.newton@unknown.de</email> </author> <title type="text">TestDokument.ort</title> <published>2008-01-09T10:05:21.828Z</published> <updated>2008-01-09T10:05:36.109Z</updated> <summary type="text">Some description</summary> </entry> </feed> a ElementModern Web Examplesresourcethe intended conceptual target of a hypertext referenceresource identifierURL, URNrepresentationHTML document, JPEG imagerepresentation metadatamedia type, last-modified timeresource metadatasource link, alternates, varycontrol dataif-modified-since, cache-controla ElementModern Web Examplesresourcethe intended conceptual target of a hypertext referenceresource identifierURL, URNrepresentationHTML document, JPEG imagerepresentation metadatamedia type, last-modified timeresource metadatasource link, alternates, varycontrol dataif-modified-since, cache-control

    15. 15 Web 2.0 för utvecklare Programmeringen flyttar till browsern Javascript blir ett viktigt språk att kunna Lär dig ett Dojo eller något annat Javascript/HTML-SDK Avancerad HTML Mer komplicerad arkitektur för web-applikationer Begreppet gränssnittsprogrammerare måste definieras på nytt Currently there is no AJAX standard; browsers behave differently and have different APIs Higher complexity: Developers need to deal with a variety of technologies, like XML parsing, DOM manipulation, JavaScript and browser specific issues Bypasses standard browser paradigms (e.g. back button, reload); requires extra effort to get these paradigms working again Complex web pages with different topics typically have inter-dependencies that have to be managed Currently there is no AJAX standard; browsers behave differently and have different APIs Higher complexity: Developers need to deal with a variety of technologies, like XML parsing, DOM manipulation, JavaScript and browser specific issues Bypasses standard browser paradigms (e.g. back button, reload); requires extra effort to get these paradigms working again Complex web pages with different topics typically have inter-dependencies that have to be managed

    16. 16 Web 2.0-stöd I Portal 6.1 – Client Side Aggregation Portletter blir ajaxifierade automatiskt Mera responsivt GUI Vid drag’n’drop Vid interaktion med portlet Temat blir ganska avancerat

    17. 17 Web 2.0-stöd I Portal 6.1 – Client-side JavaScript Library

    18. 18 Web 2.0-stöd I Portal 6.1 –AJAX Proxy

    19. 19 Live Text - Mikroformat

    20. Web Application Integrator

    21. 21 Render HTML Pages within WebSphere Portal Use of the <HTML> tag within the HTML pages defines the rendering mode.

    22. 22 Defining a Portal Page using HTML Import your packaged HTML Page and select the HTML page to be rendered by WebSphere Portal.

    23. 23 Web Content Management Presentation templates determine format “Site areas” and “categories” decide where in the portal content appears. Significant Enhancements in V6.0 Inline editing, field level help, default/advanced fields hide complexity, personalization rule integration, improve pagination, etc Significant operational Enhancements in V6.0 JCR support and clustering support More Enhancements in V 6.1 Administration and Security (inheritance model), Authoring Productivity Enhancements, Performance and Scale,…

    24. 24 Ease of Administration Custom workflow action support, allows customers to register custom workflow actions to run during workflows Library management APIs, allows create, copy and delete of libraries through the WCM API Contextual linking, keeps links between shared content within the context of the current site (i.e. prevents links from navigating the user back to the original source site where the content is being shared from) Authoring and templating Authoring template enhancements for very simple authoring forms Insert Link and Insert Image dialogs Ux enhancements Removal of file transfer applet in teamspace authoring scenarios New “Short text” component New remote actions to trigger more Ux function via Urls (in support of inline editing)? Versioning options by content type and template Additional Workflow action to save a version Administration Administration reporting (for long running tasks Improved library management (delete library administration tasks)? API Allow users to be assigned by DN Expose more WCM function through API Library Service cache scaling improvements (and support for embedded libraries)? Contributor Role Support – What is that?? Contributor on a library (this is current function in 6.0) You use this role to control which libraries are visible to each authoring group An author must have contributor access to a library for it to appear in the WCM authoring portlet Contributor access on an item The Read access level in 6.0 is being split into two levels - User and Contributor Note that the Read access level in 6.0 is really equivalent to Contributor, we basically we are adding a lower level of access called User User role An author with this role on an item can see it, but they cannot perform any operations on that item Contributor role An author with this role on a parent item can add child items An author with this role can also move and copy items, as long as they have “Contributor” access on the parent items as well All other operations that require modifications to the item require Editor access (no changes there) Ease of Administration Custom workflow action support, allows customers to register custom workflow actions to run during workflows Library management APIs, allows create, copy and delete of libraries through the WCM API Contextual linking, keeps links between shared content within the context of the current site (i.e. prevents links from navigating the user back to the original source site where the content is being shared from) Authoring and templating Authoring template enhancements for very simple authoring forms Insert Link and Insert Image dialogs Ux enhancements Removal of file transfer applet in teamspace authoring scenarios New “Short text” component New remote actions to trigger more Ux function via Urls (in support of inline editing)? Versioning options by content type and template Additional Workflow action to save a version Administration Administration reporting (for long running tasks Improved library management (delete library administration tasks)? API Allow users to be assigned by DN Expose more WCM function through API Library Service cache scaling improvements (and support for embedded libraries)? Contributor Role Support – What is that?? Contributor on a library (this is current function in 6.0) You use this role to control which libraries are visible to each authoring group An author must have contributor access to a library for it to appear in the WCM authoring portlet Contributor access on an item The Read access level in 6.0 is being split into two levels - User and Contributor Note that the Read access level in 6.0 is really equivalent to Contributor, we basically we are adding a lower level of access called User User role An author with this role on an item can see it, but they cannot perform any operations on that item Contributor role An author with this role on a parent item can add child items An author with this role can also move and copy items, as long as they have “Contributor” access on the parent items as well All other operations that require modifications to the item require Editor access (no changes there)

    25. 25 WCM – ’Roadmap’

    26. 26 Example WCM Author Productivity Enhancements User Selection Dialog

    27. 27 Portalfunktionalitet – Personaliseringsmotor Generisk personaliseringsmotor Styr visning av portletter, sidor och innehåll till godtyckliga urval av användare Personalisering avgör inte behörighet Rika api:er för användning av personaliseringsregler från egen kod

    28. 28 Portalfunktionalitet – Säkerhet Förenklad konfiguration av säkerhet Färre steg för att konfigurera en LDAP-koppling (inget disable/enable security behövs) Lättare att använda SSL and förbättrad hantering av certifikat Fördefinierade säkerhetsprofiler för WSRP Lätt att sätta upp federerade kataloger SPNEGO stöd (Windows® Desktop SSO) Automatisk inloggning i portalen efter Windows-inloggning

    29. 29 Flexibla inloggningsnivåer: Step-Up och Remember-Me

    30. 30 Portalfunktionalitet – Portal-API:er Viktig nyhet i portal 6.1 Stora mängder API:er för att interagera (både läsa och skriva) till portalen Möjligt att skriva egna administratiosn-portletter Java och REST-varianter

    31. 31 Kan göra allt som admingui:et kan göra Java och RESTKan göra allt som admingui:et kan göra Java och REST

    32. 32 WP 6.1 – Nya API:er – Portlet Object Model

    33. 33

    34. 34 Resource Adressability Poc handlerResource Adressability Poc handler

    35. 35

    36. 36 JSR 286 – version 2.0 av Portlet-standarden Bättre stöd för AJAX-interaktion Resurs-Url:er Funktioner för samverkan mellan portletter Publika render-parametrar Event-modell Portlet filters Möjlighet att sätta cookies, headers och skriva till <head> URL Listeners Bättre stöd för ’dispatching’ till servlets Enklare integration med servlet-ramverk Bättre cache-hantering Hembygda portlet-modes Nyttjar Java 5-funktioner

    37. 37 JSR 286 – Resurs-URL:er JSR 168 (inte så bra)

    38. 38 JSR 286 – Publika render-parametrar

    39. 39 JSR 286 – Events

    40. 40

    41. 41 JSR 286 – Portlet-filter

    42. 42

    43. 43 Monitorering

    44. 44 Install, Migration, Maintenance Improvements Install Faster OOB Install compared to previous releases (under 1 hour on most of platforms.) Multiple packaging options (Content, Server) Multiple installation options (Empty, Admin, Full) Improved OOB configuration defaults, OOB automation of common tune up steps Clustering automation to simplify building clusters. Portal filesystem assets will be split between read-only and read-write (Profiles) Clearer doc on out of box install, targeted to platform and db Migration Migrating from any previous release to 6.1 will see the following improvements: Simplified procedure (Improved automation for customizations and security) Automatic redeployment of customer apps Automatic migration of WAS settings. Improved documentation In addition, customers migrating from v6.0 will see these additional enhancements Near zero downtime migration (Re-use of DBs in place) Maintenance FixCentral as a single consolidate place for fix downloads and prereq verificaiton “two click” full stack upgrade ("1 click" for stack underneath portal and then "1 click" for portal) SystemApps make upgrade substantially faster for the core service components No need to repackage wps.ear to keep Theme and Skin customizations complete upgrade automation Install Faster OOB Install compared to previous releases – under 1 hour install on most of platforms. Multiple packaging options Content, Server Multiple installation options Admin, Full Improved OOB configuration defaults OOB automation of common tune up steps Re-use of clustering automation from Quickr to simplify building clusters. Portal filesystem assets will be aligned as read-only under the Portal root and read-write under the profile. Following WAS model Enable easier Portal farming Clearer doc on out of box install, targeted to platform and db Migration All customers migrating from a previous release to 6.1 will see the following improvements: Improved documentation Simplified procedure Improved automation for customizations and security. Automatic redeployment of customer apps Automatic migration of WAS settings. In addition, customers migrating from v6.0 will see these additional enhancements Near zero downtime migration Re-use of DBs in place Maintenace “two click” full stack upgrade "1 click" for stack underneath portal and then "1 click" for portal usage of SystemApps will make upgrade substantially faster for the core service components binary replacement vs re-deployment separation of themes and skins from wps.ear customers won't have to repackage wps.ear to keep their customizations complete upgrade automation no manual steps should be left behind in the documentation FixCentral as a single consolidate place for fix downloads and prereq verificaitonInstall Faster OOB Install compared to previous releases – under 1 hour install on most of platforms. Multiple packaging options Content, Server Multiple installation options Admin, Full Improved OOB configuration defaults OOB automation of common tune up steps Re-use of clustering automation from Quickr to simplify building clusters. Portal filesystem assets will be aligned as read-only under the Portal root and read-write under the profile. Following WAS model Enable easier Portal farming Clearer doc on out of box install, targeted to platform and db Migration All customers migrating from a previous release to 6.1 will see the following improvements: Improved documentation Simplified procedure Improved automation for customizations and security. Automatic redeployment of customer apps Automatic migration of WAS settings. In addition, customers migrating from v6.0 will see these additional enhancements Near zero downtime migration Re-use of DBs in place Maintenace “two click” full stack upgrade "1 click" for stack underneath portal and then "1 click" for portal usage of SystemApps will make upgrade substantially faster for the core service components binary replacement vs re-deployment separation of themes and skins from wps.ear customers won't have to repackage wps.ear to keep their customizations complete upgrade automation no manual steps should be left behind in the documentation FixCentral as a single consolidate place for fix downloads and prereq verificaiton

    45. 45 Site Management

    46. 46 Utveckling med RAD Förbättringar inom paketerbarhet, paketera allt i en EAR: Portlet-projekt Tredjeparts-jar:er ”common”-kod Theme och skin (!!!) Installera med normala WAS-handgrepp och kör därefter ett xmlaccess-skript för att registrera de installerade programmen i portalen. Möjlighet att organisera sin workspace effektivt Bra integration med WAS 6.1 RAD 7.5 kommer snart, med stöd för JSR 286 (Q4 har nämnts)

    47. 47 Agenda WebSphere Portal 6.1 – med den breda penseln Composite Applications ”The face of SOA” Acceleratorer WebSphere Portal 6.1 – kärnfunktioner och nyheter Web 2.0 WCM Personalisering Säkerhet Portal-API:er JSR 286 Med mera Portalutveckling med Rational Application Developer (och Portlet Factory) Förbättringar i 6.1 Demo Portlet Factory

    48. 48

    49. 49 Kapslar in designmönster och automatiserar kodgenerering Skapar och eller modifierar en eller flera filer I en applikation Html-sidor, XML-scheman, metadatafiler, JSP, Java, XML, JavaScript, etc. Har lättanvända wizard-gränssnitt.

    50. 50

    51. 51

    52. 52

    53. 53

    54. 54

    55. 55

    56. 56 Tack för att ni lyssnat! Frågor?

    57. 57 Länkar WebSphere Application Server zone http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/was/ WebSphere Portal zone http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/zones/portal/ Rational Application Developer http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/rational/products/rad/ JSR 286 http://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=286 Bra dW-artikel om JSR 286 http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/library/techarticles/0803_hepper/0803_hepper.html Product Documentation http://www-3.ibm.com/software/genservers/portal/library/ WebSphere Portal Wiki http://www-10.lotus.com/ldd/portalwiki.nsf Education http://www-3.ibm.com/software/genservers/portal/education/ WebSphere Portal 6.0 DemoNet http://docs.dfw.ibm.com/wp6/?DDSPageRequest=/

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