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Ideas for using this presentation:. Read through this presentation to become familiar with it. Add your personal comments and experiences. Meet the needs of your ward members.
Ideas for using this presentation: • Read through this presentation to become familiar with it. Add your personal comments and experiences. Meet the needs of your ward members. • Determine the amount of time you have available. You may not have time to cover everything in a 40-minute 5th Sunday class. • You will need to limit long comments from members so you stay on track and have time to practice answering questions. • You may choose to rearrange the questions remembering that possible answers follow each question. • After having members answer questions one-on-one, you may consider having a person come to the front of the room and answer a question before the group. That person chooses the next person to be questioned. • In a loving manner, discuss what was done right then what could be improved. • Model appropriate answers. • The last page contains myriad questions.
Responding to Questions North America Southeast Area Public Affairs Discussion for small groups
I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves. Joseph Smith, Jr.
“The Church isn’t prepared to just stand by and have other people define it.”Michael OttersonDirector, Church Public Affairs
Our Responses Our responses need to be HONEST answers while: • Staying on message • Keeping it short • Modeling appropriate behavior (verbal & nonverbal) • Encouraging others to learn more for themselves • Correcting faulty information or misunderstanding How do we accomplish this goal?
Principle #1: Answer in a Christ-like mannerListen to promptings One of mortality’s great tests comes when our beliefs are questioned or criticized. In such moments, we may want to respond aggressively—to “put up our dukes.” But when we respond to our accusers as the Savior did, we not only become more Christ-like, we invite others to feel His love and follow Him as well. Elder Robert D. Hales, Christian Courage: The Price of Discipleship, Oct 2008
Non-defensive, Christ-like answers are: • Respectful • Kind • Thoughtful • Aimed at blessing the life of the questioner May our conversations with others always be marked by the fruits of the Spirit—“love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance.” Elder Robert D. Hales
Principle #2:Be prepared You may want to prepare your own list of talking points that will assist you in explaining what we believe to your friends and acquaintances of other faiths. It may be helpful for you, as it is for me, to have on one page a few facts about the Church as it is today to give to them along with a copy of the Articles of Faith. Elder Russell M. Ballard, Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits, Oct 2007
Personal preparation • Know ahead of time how you will answer a question by studying the responses of General Authorities, searching the scriptures, and reviewing lds.org. • Keep a study journal so you can better understand and remember what you have learned. Consider studying topically. • Practice your answers via online conversations, commenting on articles, family discussions, etc.
Neither take ye thought beforehand what ye shall say; but treasure up in your minds continually the words of life, and it shall be given you in the very hour that portion that shall be meted unto every man. D&C84:85
Principle #3:Keep it simple There is a great need for clear, simple statements that present those who are curious with the basics about the Church as it is today. Elder M. Russell Ballard, Faith, Family, Facts, and Fruits, Oct 2007
It is not easy to explain something as vast as the Church or as wonderful as the restored gospel to people who know little or nothing about us. Even questions on one specific aspect can be difficult to answer because every question seems to be connected to other questions. Whatever you choose to use to inform your friends and acquaintances about the Church, write it down, check it for accuracy, and keep it simple and short. Elder M. Russell Ballard
Avoid Mormon lingo Ward - congregation Stake – group of congregations Bishop – leader of a congregation Relief Society – women’s organization Brother/Sister – member of the Church Calling – responsibility in the Church Meetinghouse/Chapel – church/sanctuary/chapel Primary – religious classes for ages 3 to 11 LDS – short for Latter-day Saints Plan of Salvation – our purpose on earth Sacrament – Communion
Principle #4Define: Don’t be defensive As true disciples seek guidance from the Spirit, they receive inspiration tailored to each encounter. And in every encounter, true disciples respond in ways that invite the Spirit of the Lord. Elder Robert D. Hales
Define: don’t be defensive • When you begin defending you create a “zero-sum” game with winners and losers, so even if you are technically correct, the newly-informed person is now your enemy. • A prayer ahead of time or even a silent prayer during a conversation, can remind you that the Holy Ghost will help you answer this question in an appropriate way. Trust Him!
Defensive behaviors • Fear • Anger • Panic • Sarcasm • Avoiding • Making stuff up • Defensive • Mean • Impolite
Principle #5Answer then bridge to a main message One way we define the church is to bridge back to the main messages of the gospel … our belief in Jesus Christ, our joy in following his teachings, and loving others as He does.
Stay on message by bridging Briefly answer or acknowledge the question and then deliver your own positive message: “Yes .. And in addition to that…” “No…let me explain why…” “We do this because of our belief in …” “It may appear so, but …” “As members of The Church of Jesus Christ, we …” Bridge back to the main messages of the gospel.
4 Core Church Messages • Latter-day Saints believe in Jesus Christ as the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. He and His teachings are at the center of the Church doctrine and practices. • The gospel of Jesus Christ provides answers to life’s questions and practical solutions to today’s challenges. • Latter-day Saints find joy in being members of the Church, living the teachings of Jesus Christ and serving others. • The traditional family is the fundamental unit of society and must be safeguarded.
Let’s practice • In pairs you will take turns delivering and answering a question. • Person 1 will read the question. • Person 2 will respond to the question, keeping our goals in mind. • Person 1 will offer feedback about delivery and nonverbals, the answer, the bridge, and the message • Discuss then switch roles
Our goal Our responses need to be HONEST answers while: Staying on message Keeping it short Modeling appropriate behavior Encouraging others to learn more Correcting faulty information Answer, then bridge to your message.
Joe Smith? Why do you worship Joseph Smith instead of Jesus Christ?
Possible answers: Joe Smith Answer: We honor Joseph Smith but we worship Jesus Christ. Bridge to my message: I am so grateful to Joseph Smith for restoring the gospel. The gospel teaches me that Jesus Christ is my personal Savior. This gives me great joy.
Book of Mormon Musical So the Book of Mormon Musical is coming to town. Aren’t you excited to see it? Are you going to go? Did you get tickets?
Possible answers: Book of Mormon Musical Answer: No. I did not get tickets. I understand there is quite a bit of vulgarity in it. Bridge to my message: The real Book of Mormon has changed my life. I read it … The Book of Mormon musical might entertain for an evening but the Book of Mormon will change your life. I’d like to give you a copy and share one of my favorite scriptures …. Moroni 4:5.
Book of Mormon vs the Bible You’re not a Christian because you believe in the Book of Mormon instead of the Bible. Do you believe in Jesus Christ?
Possible answers: Book of Mormon vs the Bible Answer: We study the Bible in our church meetings. We also study the Book of Mormon which is another testament of Christ. Bridge to my message:I believe in the Jesus Christ who as born of the Virgin Mary in Bethlehem, who was baptized by John the Baptist, who healed the sick, taught us to love one another, and died on the cross for my sins. I love the stories in the Bible about the life of Jesus. I know he is my personal savior and I’m trying to live like he lived. The Book of Mormon also tells of his life and teachings.
Where’s the cross? I don’t see a cross on your church and you don’t wear a cross. Are you a Christian?
Possible answers: Where’s the Cross? Answer: I believe Jesus Christ is my personal savior, that he hung and suffered on the cross for my sins. Bridge to my message: As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we remember his suffering in the Garden of Gethsemane and as he hung from the cross. But, we celebrate his resurrection three days later. It is his resurrection that we want to remember. Come visit my Church so you can see the beautiful art that depicts the life of Jesus Christ … from his birth to his resurrection.
Mandatory Missions? Are all Mormons required to serve a mission?
Possible answers: Mandatory Missions Answer: No. Young men and women are encouraged to fill a mission, but it is not a requirement. Bridge to my message: I would personally love to fill a mission and spend every day teaching people about Christ and His plan for a happy life. My brother is serving a mission in ________. His testimony of Jesus Christ has grown so much since he’s been on his mission.
Mommy Dearest I love the TV shows “Big Love” and “Sister Wives”. How many moms do you have? Who is your favorite mom?
Possible answers: Plural Marriage Answer: I have one mother. She is my favorite. People on the television shows are not members of the LDS Church. Bridge to my message: The traditional family is the fundamental unit of society and the greatest joy and happiness is found as families live the gospel of Jesus Christ. Those shows do not depict family life of members of my Church. We strive to strengthen the family unit by following the teachings and commandments of God.
Voting Bloc With a Mormon running for President, did your church tell you to vote for Romney?
Possible answers: Voting Bloc Answer: No. The Church is politically neutral and does not tell us how to vote. Bridge to my message:We are encouraged to study the issues and vote for who best represents our viewpoints. I know members of the Church who belong to all political parties and vary in whom to vote for this election. The Church doesn’t tell us who to vote for but wants for us to study the issues and vote for the candidate who reflects our Christian values.
Equality • Your church does not believe in equality between the races. Surely the reality that you only recently allowed black members of the church to have leadership positions and carry the Priesthood, speaks for itself. The change was only made because of politics, right?
Possible answers: Equality Answer: I do not know why at one time all were not allowed the Priesthood. In 1978 it was revealed that all worthy males could hold the priesthood. Bridge to my message: This new revelation caused great joy worldwide. I personally felt…(describe feelings) because I know that God loves all persons without consideration of race.
Is My Church Wrong? • If you think you belong to the true church, are you calling my church wrong?
Possible answers: My church wrong? Answer: All churches that teach us to follow the teachings and example of Jesus Christ are good and pull us closer to Him. Bridge to my message: I am so grateful to belong to the restored church, with the teachings and authority as organized by Jesus Christ nearly 2000 years ago. A church that is lead by a prophet like in biblical times.
Battle of the Sexes All of your leadership roles are fulfilled by men. Why is your church such a male-dominated church? Why can’t a woman be the pastor of your congregation? Do men rule over their wives, too?
Possible answers: Battle of the Sexes Answer: Women hold many leadership roles. However, only men hold the priesthood. A priesthood member is always the pastor or minister of our congregations. Bridge to my message: I have personally served as ______ in the Church. It was a rewarding calling where I led ______.
Off-limit Houses of Worship? My cousin was married in your Mormon temple, but my mom couldn’t go. Why can’t all people see weddings at the temple?
Possible answers: Off-limit Houses of Worship Answer: Temples are very different from our Sunday worship chapels. Not even all Mormons enter the temples as temples are reserved for the highest sacraments of the Church and are entered only by members of the Church who are recommended to enter. Bridge to my message: The temple is a sacred experience and in the temple I make covenants to live the life Jesus Christ would have me live.
You’re a cult! You are not really Christians are you, with all of your secret stuff. Surely you agree that you are a cult society?
Possible answers: You are a cult! Answer: We are a world-wide Church with nearly 14 million members. We worship Jesus Christ. Bridge to my message: As a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints I believe in Jesus Christ who was born of the Virgin Mary, who was baptized by John the Baptist, and who died on the cross for my sins.
Big Bigots When is the Mormon Church going to accept gay people like the rest of the world?
Possible answers: Big Bigots Answer: The Church is open to all people, even those who have same gender attraction. People attracted to the same gender and who live God’s standards of morality may find fellowship and spiritual growth in the Church. Bridge to my message: I know that God loves all of his children.
All Works and NO Grace? • Many ex-Mormons suggest that they had to constantly work or else they will not get to heaven. If your religion is based solely on works, then you don’t need Christ, right?
Possible answers: All Works and NO Grace Answer: Yes, we do need Jesus Christ. We believe we are saved by grace, after all we can do. Bridge to my message: Personally, if I work every day of my life to do what Jesus wants me to do, I’ll still never have worked enough to pay him for the saving grace he extends to me.