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HOLY ROSARY PARISH. THE DOMINICAN FRIARS. 3617 Milam St., Houston, Texas 77002-9535 Ph. 713-529-4854 Fax 713-522-3967 Emergency Line 832-405-5762 Catholic Daily Message 713-529-4449 www.holyrosaryparish.org. ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON. SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE
HOLY ROSARY PARISH THE DOMINICAN FRIARS 3617 Milam St., Houston, Texas 77002-9535 Ph. 713-529-4854 Fax 713-522-3967 Emergency Line 832-405-5762 Catholic Daily Message 713-529-4449 www.holyrosaryparish.org ARCHDIOCESE OF GALVESTON-HOUSTON SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 5:00 p.m. Saturday Vigil 8:00 a.m. 9:30 a.m. Latin 11:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 3:15 p.m. Vietnamese 5:00 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Vietnamese WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE 12:05 p.m. Monday – Saturday 5:15 p.m. Monday – Friday TIME OUT ROOM Available in the parish office building during the 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Sunday Masses ROSARY 4:50 p.m. Monday-Friday 4:35 p.m. Saturday and Sunday EUCHARISTIC ADORATION 12:45-5:00 p.m. Fridays with benediction at 5:05 p.m. BAPTISMS Please call parish office at ext. 101 for arrangements. RECONCILIATION 4:00–5:00 p.m. Saturdays Thirty minutes before each weekday Mass MARRIAGES Please call the wedding coordinator at ext. 110 at least eight months in advance. ANOINTING OF THE SICK Please call the parish office for the sick who are at home or in the hospital. PRIESTS ON STAFF Fr. Ian G. Bordenave, O.P. Ext. 107 Pastor Fr. Isidore V. Vicente, O.P. Ext. 104 Parochial Vicar Fr. Juan M. Torres, O.P. Ext. 103 Parochial Vicar Fr. Anthony Hung Tran, O.P. Chaplain to the Vietnamese Community IN RESIDENCE Fr. Arthur R. Kirwin, O.P., Prior Fr. Victor Brown, O.P., Pastor Emeritus Fr. William S. Daniels, O.P. Fr. Joseph D. Konkel, O.P., Pastor Emeritus Fr. Martin J. Iott, O.P. Fr. François Pouliot, O.P. Fr. Richard B. Williams, O.P. Priory Phone 713-526-6322 PARISH OFFICE 3617 Milam Street, Suite 100 Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Monday – Friday Extensions: 101 Parish Secretary 105 Director of Music 108 Parish Bookkeeper 109 Special Projects Secretary E-mail: office@holyrosaryparish.org RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CENTER 3535 Louisiana Street 713-526-4389 Contact: Janet Hafernik, D.R.E. PARISH REGISTRATION Please contact the parish office if you wish to register, if your contact information has changed, or if you wish to remove your registration.
January 15, 2012 – SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A Message From the Pastor Dear Parishioners, Tomorrow, our nation will observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, which honors the slain civil rights leader who worked tirelessly for racial justice and harmony in the United States. Undoubtedly, race relations in our country have improved greatly since the time Martin Luther King Jr. championed civil rights. Still, racism, which is prejudice against another race of people, remains a temptation in our world. Call it a product of our fallen human nature. Knowledge of the truth can help keep racism from taking root in our hearts, namely that God has created all people in his own image and likeness. As we behold the various races of the world, then we know something more of God, since all races reflect his majesty. I believe there are times when we can appreciate this, for instance when we’re watching the Olympic Games or the Miss Universe Pageant or when we’re in a boat riding through Disney World’s It’s a Small World. There are other times, however, perhaps when we experience cultural differences or we find the physical features of another race unattractive, that we can be tempted to show prejudice. If we do such a thing, then we assuredly blaspheme God, who created these other races in his own image and likeness as much as he created our own. In a sense, we say, “Hey God, you created junk in creating this race of people!” Still, St. John says, “Whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen” (1 Jn 4:20b). Though Martin Luther King Jr. was often angry at the treatment he received at the hands of Whites, it was nevertheless his love for his White brothers and sisters that compelled him to give his life for the Civil Rights Movement—to help Whites and Blacks (and Latinos and Asians and so on) to see that they are really children of the one Father and therefore ought to love one another. This was his dream. May his dream become more of a reality in our world. Fr. Ian NEXT SUNDAY’S SECOND COLLECTION, JANUARY 22: BISHOP’S FUND FOR LATIN AMERICA. Next week, we will take up the Collection for the Church in Latin America. Many unique challenges face the Church in that region. A lack of priests and trained lay ministers, high emigration rates, and the alarming pace at which parishioners are leaving the faith make it difficult for the region’s Church to provide for the faithful. It is more important than ever that we keep faith with the Church in Latin America and the Caribbean. You now have the option of contributing to this fund using Holy Rosary’s Online Giving. Please go to www.holyrosaryparish.org to sign up for an account. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE SICK: Gloria Guerreo, Dominic Dybala, and Gloria Lindo. REQUIESCANT IN PACE: Please remember in your prayers Mary Ellen Rexer, a parishioner, who recently died. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. ALTAR FLOWERS: Alida and Reid Guzzetta, who were married last night at Holy Rosary, gave the flowers near the main altar. Please pray for their happiness. CASA JUAN DIEGO FOOD DRIVE: The Knights of Columbus Father Joubert Council 11023 will hold a food drive for Casa Juan Diego today, January 15, in conjunction with Hot Dog and Tamale Sunday. Please bring nonperishable items such as canned goods, bagged sugar, bagged rice, bagged beans, and cooking oils to the parish courtyard between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. Thank you for your generosity! THE PARISH OFFICE will be closed tomorrow, January 16, for the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday. The Mass and confessional schedule will remain as normal. WHAT’S COOKING, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18: Pork roast, sweet potatoes, green peas, bread, dessert, coffee, and tea. Lunch is served after the 12:05 p.m. Mass in the parish hall. As a reminder, the lunches are $4, and there are no takeouts. Please do not submit bills larger than $10. Lunch goers now have the option of paying for their lunches through Holy Rosary Parish’s Online Giving. Go to www.holyrosaryparish.org to sign up for an Online Giving account. Thank you! SECULAR FRANCISCAN ORDER: The Order will meet next Sunday, January 22, from 2 to 5 p.m., in the Religious Education Center. Are you feeling called to a deeper spirituality? Does the joy, humility, and simplicity of St. Francis appeal to you? Come and see after next Sunday’s 11 a.m. Mass how profession into a lay order can enrich your life. Call Lore Payne at 713-254-4405 for more information. Pax et bonum! 2012 WASHINGTON MARCH FOR LIFE: Join Father Ian and other Catholics from the Houston area for the 2012 Washington March for Life! January 21-24. The group hopes to meet and celebrate Mass with Cardinal DiNardo in Washington, D.C. The actual march will take place on Monday, January 23. The cost for roundtrip air travel and three-night hotel stay is approximately $800. Meals, transportation in the D.C. area (we’ll be using the subway system), and other personal expenses are not included. Spaces are limited and are on a first come, first served basis. Please contact James Pinedo at 281-912-4342 or at jamespinedo@gmail.com as soon as possible. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION NEWS: • Outdoor play area and prayer garden: Some Eagle Scouts led by Nick Dulworth have been working to create an outdoor play area and prayer garden. The Religious Education Office is so grateful to Nick, who chose this project to obtain his Eagle Scout. If you would like to make a contribution to help Nick and the Boys Scouts pay for the materials, please contact Janet Hafernik at 713-526-4389. Come and see the beautiful outdoor space they are creating. • Religious Education Family Library has received some new books that might interest teenagers. New titles include Ask the Bible Geek by Mark Hart, Do I Have to Go? 101 Questions About the Mass, the Eucharist, and Your Spiritual Life by Matthew Pinto and Chris Stefanick, and Blessed Are The Bored In Spirit: A Young Catholic’s Search for Meaning by Mark Hart. These books are available for checkout.
HOLY ROSARY PARISH A CATHOLIC WOMEN’S DAY OF REFLECTION at Holy Name Passionist Retreat Center, 430 Bunker Hill Road, Houston 77024, January 26, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Theme: “Quench Your Thirst: Praying with the Woman at the Well.” Cost is $35 per person, which includes coffee, breakfast pastries, and lunch. Register online at www.passionist.org/holyname/events or by calling 713-464-0211. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS NEWS: The Knights of the Father Joubert Council 11023 would like to thank everyone that donated food to Casa Juan Diego. How kind of the parish to help out the less fortunate. Also thank you for continued support of the KCs. If anyone is interested in becoming a Knight please contact Gary Loth at 713-449-7399. Remember to pray for our clergy. 2012 CONTRIBUTION ENVELOPES: Any parishioner who requested to receive 2012 contribution envelopes but has not received them should contact Carole Kelley, at 713-529-4854, ext. 109, or at ckelley@holyrosaryparish.org. Thank you. WANTED: WEEKDAY MASS ALTAR SERVERS. Boys or men who could serve at any of the weekday Masses Monday through Saturday would be greatly appreciated. Please contact the parish office at 713-529-4854, ext. 101, or at office@holyrosaryparish.org if you feel you can assist. SOUTHERN DOMINICAN GALA’S WINE AUCTION: Fr. Juan Torres, O.P., is requesting monetary donations towards this year’s Southern Dominican Gala Wine Auction. Please make checks payable to “Southern Dominican Gala” (in the memo area, please write “wine”), and mail them to the parish office, Attention: Fr. Juan Torres, O.P. All contributions are greatly appreciated and tax deductible. Please save the date for the next Southern Dominican Gala on Sunday, April 29, 2012, at The Houstonian. The gala will offer wonderful auction items and fine wines! THE LEGION OF MARY meets on Mondays at 10 a.m. in the Religious Education Center. Come and see what the Legion is about, or call Charlene McQuitty at 281-424-1173. 2011 DIOCESAN SERVICES FUND (DSF): Thanks to everyone who contributed to the 2011 DSF! The parish surpassed its goal of $119,000 by $9,366.64. Half of the $9,366.64 ($4,683.32) will return to Holy Rosary Parish and the other half will go to aid the poor parishes of the archdiocese. Thank you for helping us reach our goal and for ministering to so many others. May God bless you!
SECOND SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME January 15, 2012 I have read somewhere that this past year a new movie was shown that was different. It was a "silent movie" that ran the normal length of a regular movie, but the main characteristic was that it had no dialogue. And it was also shot in black and white. It is, supposedly, a story about the transition from silent movies in the 1920's to the next type of movies that historians call the "talkies." I read also that people walked out of that movie because there was no dialogue. I thought that perhaps the reason people walked out was because they were uncomfortable with silence. There is no culture about cultivating quiet and shutting off the many voices and noises that surround us in order to find the inner voice. In a way, the words of young Samuel in the first reading of the liturgy of this Sunday (I Sam. 3: 3-10,19), "Speak, Lord for your servant is listening" can be made ours as we journey to that inner place where God calls each one of us. The mystics, like St. John of the Cross or St. Theresa of Avila, would do that almost naturally. But I am sure that for them as well as for all of us, it required a very strong discipline, so as to be attuned to that voice, the voice of God. Spiritual directors say that God is more present in ourselves that we are and they write of ways to learn to listen to that voice and so find that inner peace that is beyond all understanding. St. Theresa writes about the experience of finding God internally in her book "The seven mansions of the interior castle," where the soul moves from the very external part of the castle of one's soul (the first mansion) where only simple desires to be holy inhabit, to other interior mansions of the soul where sin has been expelled, moving the soul, through God's grace, to the deeper parts, where prayer is more passive and attentive to the infusion of God, and into the final stages where the SELF dies and the soul is intimately united to God, (the seventh mansion) as in a marriage betrothal, a spiritual union or rapture, which unites the soul totally with God. "It is not I who live but Christ who lives in me,” St. Paul says (Gal.2:20). To begin to aspire to such intimacy to which all of us are called, one must come away, in silence, to listen to the voice of God. That silent place could be a prayer corner in our home or the solitary moments we wish to spend with God, alone, or in the many places of prayer. But we must follow and do what Andrew and the other apostle (most probably John) did when they inquired and asked: "Lord, where do you stay?" "Come and see", Jesus answered (John 1:38-39). So they went and stayed with Jesus the entire day. Imagine what attentiveness both disciples must have mustered to soak in everything the Master was telling them. No wonder Andrew came out running to his brother Peter and told him: "We have found the Messiah" (v. 41). Silence, quiet, attentiveness, are great qualities to have in order for the soul to find God and for ourselves to find to meaning of life. Our lives are constantly bombarded by voices and noises and messages of all kinds in this cacophonous world, that threaten our peace. Young Samuel's response: "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening," and the words of Jesus to the two disciples, "Come and see," could spur us on to be more attentive to this God who is continually knocks at the door of our soul. He wants to enter and inhabit the deepest "mansion" inside of it. Yes, God keeps calling. What is our answer? May God's peace be with you. Fr. Vicente