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Typical Troop Organization Chart

Typical Troop Organization Chart. Troop 102 Committee Organization. Chartered Organization Representative Must be a member of the chartered organization Secures a troop committee chairman and encourages training. Helps recruit other adult leaders.

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Typical Troop Organization Chart

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  1. Typical Troop Organization Chart created by: Richard Ording

  2. Troop 102 Committee Organization Chartered Organization Representative • Must be a member of the chartered organization • Secures a troop committee chairman and encourages training. • Helps recruit other adult leaders. • Serves as the liaison between the troop and the chartered organization. • Assists with the unit rechartering. • Encourages service to the organization. • Is an active and involved member of the district committee. created by: Richard Ording

  3. Troop 102 Committee Organization Chairman • Organize the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed. • Maintain a close relationship with the chartered organization representative and the Scoutmaster. • See that troop leaders and committee members have training opportunities. • Interpret national and local policies to the troop. • Work closely with the master in preparing troop committee agendas. • Call preside over, and promote attendance at monthly troop committee meetings and any special meetings that may be called. • Ensure troop representation at monthly roundtables. • Secure top notch, trained individuals for camp leadership. • Arrange for charter review and recharter annually. created by: Richard Ording

  4. Troop 102 Committee Organization Advancement • Encourage Scouts to advance in rank. • Arrange and conduct boards of review. • Conduct courts of honor, at least quarterly. • Develop and maintain merit badge counselor list. • Assure that all forms are properly filled out rank and merit badge advancements. • Secure badges and certificates. • Work with troop scribe to maintain all Scout advancement records. • Work with troop librarian to build and maintain a troop library of merit badge pamphlets. created by: Richard Ording

  5. Troop 102 Committee Organization Secretary • Keep minutes of meetings and send out committee meeting notices. • Prepare family newsletter of troop events and activities (work closely with the troop scribe). • Plan for family night programs and family activities. • Maintain orderly files for easy accessibility of troop members. • Assure filing system has adequate forms for easy accessibility. created by: Richard Ording

  6. Troop 102 Committee Organization Treasurer • Handle all troops funds. Pay bills on recommendation of the Scoutmaster and authorization of the troop committee. • Maintain checking and savings accounts. • Train and supervise the troop scribe in record keeping. • Assure that all bank statements are on file in the troop filing system. • Report to troop committee at each meeting. • Lead in the preparation of the annual troop budget. created by: Richard Ording

  7. Troop 102 Committee Organization Fundraiser • Support the troop in the development of activities to raise money for the troop. • Ensure that all pertinent people are signed up for the fundraiser activity. • Resolve logistics for fundraiser activity. • Ensure that transportation coordinator is aware of activity, and has provided adequate transportation if required. • Coordinate all pertinent financial matters with the troop treasurer. created by: Richard Ording

  8. Troop 102 Committee Organization Transportation coordinator • Coordinate transportation for activities. • Assist activities coordinator as needed. • Maintain records of vehicles and valid drivers. created by: Richard Ording

  9. Troop 102 Committee Organization Camping/Outdoor Activities Coordinator (Special Activities). • Assure that all permits are filed and that proper reservations are made for scheduled activities. • Assist Scoutmasters and scouts with schedules for activities. • Work with treasurer to make sure that all fees are paid in a timely manner. created by: Richard Ording

  10. Troop 102 Committee Organization Membership and publicity coordinator • New parent and new Scout orientation. • Interface with Cub Scout units for recruitment purposes. • Work with troop historian on publicity for troop. • Work with troop secretary to make sure that all files are up to date for each scout. • Assure that special troop activities get publicized in local and regional periodicals. created by: Richard Ording

  11. Troop 102 Committee Organization Quartermaster (supervision to Scout Quartermaster) • Maintain inventory of troop equipment. • Assure that all troop equipment is in working order. • Advise committee of equipment that is in need of repair. • Following campouts make sure all equipment is cleaned and returned in working order. created by: Richard Ording

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