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But Really, Is Hypnosis Real?

During these shows, audience members are gifted the pleasure of watching as ―chosen ones‖ perform strange feats of the supposedly subconscious mind — clucking around like chickens, falling asleep randomly, laughing hysterically for no apparent reason… You know the drill.

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But Really, Is Hypnosis Real?

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  1. But Really, Is HypnosisReal? In theaters and nightclubs all across the globe, curious minds gather to watch mysterious (and typically highly entertaining) hypnosisshows. During these shows, audience members are gifted the pleasure of watching as ―chosen ones‖ perform strange feats of the supposedly subconscious mind — clucking around like chickens, falling asleep randomly, laughing hysterically for no apparent reason… You know thedrill. Now, there are generally three types of people in thecrowd: Those mesmerized by theact. Those crossing their arms indisbelief. Those looking back and forth between the two, wondering, what even is this?Is hypnosis real? Does hypnosiswork? If you are reading this article, our guess is that you fall somewhere between the person in disbelief and the person in questioning, is hypnosisreal? Here’s the thing— hypnosis isreal.

  2. And actually, you enter a state of hypnosis at least two times aday. How Does Hypnosis Work? For those of you asking ―is hypnosis real?‖ we know that the simple answer of ―yes,‖ won’t relieve yourcuriosity. So let’s gettechnical. For a more thorough scientific explanation, check out our post, How Does Hypnosis Work? A ScientificUnderstanding. The hypnotic state exists between normal waking consciousness and sleeping. Scientists use EEG (electroencephalography) to measure states of consciousness throughbrainwaves. Brainwaves are categorized into 5 groups based on frequency (from highest tolowest):

  3. Gamma (above 40 Hz) — The InsightWave Beta (14 – 40 Hz) — The Waking Consciousness and ReasonWave Alpha (7.5 – 14 Hz) — The Deep Relaxation Wave Theta (4 – 7.5 Hz) — The Meditation and Sleeping Wave Delta (.5 – 4 Hz) — The Deep SleepWave Higher frequencies are associated with high intensity alertness, while lower frequencies are associated withrelaxation. During normal waking consciousness, our brains are typically functioning in the beta frequency. As we enter deep sleep, our brainwaves lower all the way to delta (unconsciousness). The magic of hypnosis is that is lowers our brainwaves from the beta frequency to the midrange frequencies of alpha and theta — between the conscious and unconscious. Within these midrange brainwaves, the subconscious mind is expressed through emotion and vivid imagery. In this hypnotic state, the subconscious mind is open, focused, and highlysuggestible. EEG readings show that we can actually fall into a states of hypnosis (of varying intensity) several times throughout the day. Not just before falling into deep sleep and before waking, but also while daydreaming, getting lost in a book, and even while doing something repetitive like driving home from work. You know that feeling of being so into a book or movie that the rest of the world seems to disappear and you lose track of time? That is a state of hypnosis. Surely, you are familiar with this flow-type state in one way or another. Okay, But Is HypnotismReal?

  4. So, is hypnosisreal? Yes, hypnosis is a real state ofmind. But is hypnotism real? Is it possible that this state of hypnosis can be intentionallyinduced? Okay, so, those people crossing their arms in disbelief, explaining to their excited friends that it’s all an act, may have a point. Perhaps they have never been able to be hypnotized, so they believe it’s ahoax. This makes perfect sense. If you don’t believe you can be hypnotized, you are right. Youcan’t. You can only be hypnotized if you are open to being hypnotized. Otherwise, you block out the ability. This is good, because we wouldn’t want to be hypnotized by random people on thestreet.

  5. While some people on stage are inevitably faking it, some really are in a state ofhypnosis. Hypnotism isreal. The hypnotist chose people from the crowd by judging their suggestibility. This works because some people are naturally much more suggestible thanothers. These highly suggestible people are known as somnambulists, and studies show that they make up about 10% – 15% of thepopulation. Before the show, the hypnotist will find the somnambulists by interacting with a group of contestants. The hypnotist will ask questions and take note of each person’s answers and reactions. They look out for specific body language, vocal tones, eye movements, andmore. Doyoueverseecontestantsdiscardedfromstage?Thatisbecausetheyaren’tpassingthe ―somnambulisttest.‖ So, if you don’t believe in hypnosis, you aren’t going to be hypnotized (and you aren’t likely to be called up on stage, at the dismay of your pending actingcareer). If you do believe you can be hypnotized but you aren’t naturally very suggestible, fret not. You can actually learn to become moresuggestible. So, What’s TheVerdict? Is hypnosisreal? Yes, hypnosis is real; but you can only become hypnotized if you are ready andwilling. If you are ready and willing, hypnosis can be used as a tool for deep healing (not just to entertain your friends). Being hypnotized by a trained therapist, called hypnotherapy, is revered as deeply lifechanging. Maria Peer (author of Mindvalley’s brilliant Uncompromised Life program) is one of the top hypnotherapists of our day. If you’d like to receive the quickest and most effective type of hypnotherapy available today, check out her Rapid TransformationalHypnotherapy.

  6. If you are interested in learning more about hypnotherapy and how it works read our post, Hypnotherapy.

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