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This training focuses on maintaining exam integrity and validity through proper test security measures. It covers key elements such as secure storage, personnel authorization, and monitoring procedures to prevent breaches. Attendees will learn the importance of following the District Test Security Plan and implementing strict protocols before, during, and after testing. Prepare for a comprehensive session that emphasizes the critical role of test administrators in upholding assessment standards. Stay updated on security regulations and best practices to safeguard testing processes and ensure the reliability of assessment results.
Test Security • District Test Coordinator Training • September 18, 2017 • Walt Drane, Jr. • Executive Director • wdrane@mdek12.org or 601-359-3052
State Board of Education Goals FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC PLAN FOR 2016-2020 • All Students Proficient and Showing Growth in All Assessed Areas • Every Student Graduates from High School and is Ready for College and Career • Every Child Has Access to a High-Quality Early Childhood Program • Every School Has Effective Teachers and Leaders • Every Community Effectively Uses a World-Class Data System to Improve Student Outcomes • Every School and District is Rated “C” or Higher
One Word…… • VALIDITY
Security Equals Integrity • Test Security = Exam Integrity • Exam Integrity = Validity • A Test Security Incident threatens the integrity of the assessment and could undermine or damage the VALIDITY of the assessment results and all decisions based upon those results.
Appendix F • Appendix F(Student Assessment/Public Access/General/General) • The District Test Coordinator or a designated representative of the school district must attend applicable training sessions sponsored by the Office Of Student Assessment. (Appendix F, Section IV, 1.) • A District Test Security Plan must be prepared each new school year. (Appendix F, Section IV, 2.) The District Test Security Plan must be uploaded to the district’s SharePoint folder no later than October 31, 2017. • The District Test Security Plan is signed by the District Superintendent, the District Test Coordinator, and the Chairman of the School Board. (Appendix F, Section IV, 2. b.)
Appendix F • The School Test Security Plan, which is a part of the District Test Security Plan, is signed by the School Principal, School Test Coordinator and the District Test Coordinator. (Appendix F, Section IV, 2. b.) • The District Test Security Plan identifies all individuals who have access to the secure storage area at district and school sites. (Appendix F, Section IV, 2. c.) • While secure test materials are in the district, anyone listed as having access to the secure storage area must be accompanied by a second person when entering the secure storage area. (Appendix F, Section IV, 3.)
Appendix F • Secure test materials are kept in locked storage before testing at both the district and school levels. (Appendix F, Section IV, 3.a.) • Secure test materials are kept in locked storage after testing at both the district and school levels unless otherwise directed by the Office of Student Assessment. (Appendix F, Section IV, 3.d.)
Appendix F • All secure test materials are accounted for before, during, and after testing as specified in the District Test Security Plan. (Appendix F, Section IV, 4.) • The Superintendent or a specified designee shall designate the personnel who are authorized to have access to test materials. (Appendix F, Section IV, 4.)
Appendix F • Anyone who serves in the capacity of District Test Coordinator, School Test Coordinator, or Test Administrator must be a licensed school district staff member. (Appendix F, Section IV, 4.) • The district conducts professional development training on proper assessment administration procedures and test security for all individuals involved in the handling and administration of each test. (Appendix F, Section IV, 5.) • The district maintains complete records of all professional development related to assessment.
Appendix F • The district has documentation that training related to the administration of assessments included information on test security violations and the consequences of violations. (Appendix F, Section IV, 5e, and 5.f.) • Both a Test Administrator and a Proctor are present and actively monitoring students during the entire test. (Appendix F, Section IV, 6.) • At least two people are with testing materials from the time that testing materials are distributed to the test administrator until all test materials have been returned to the secure area. The MDE test auditor cannot be considered as one of the two people. (Appendix F, Section IV, 6.a.)
Appendix F • A seating chart is required for each room/site used for any statewide assessment; the seating chart must be signed and dated by the Test Administrator, Proctor, and School Test Coordinator AND must include the school name, test administration, date, and accommodations provided. This requirement also applies to the MAP- A and the LAS Links Assessments. • Seating charts must be posted to SharePoint within two weeks of each test administration. (Appendix F, Section IV, 6.b.) Seating charts for the MAP-A and the LAS Links assessment should be kept at the school level or district level and not uploaded to SharePoint. • Reproducing or disclosing secure test material before, during, or after test administration are prohibited.
Appendix F • Coaching students, altering responses, or interfering with responses in any way during or after the scheduled test administration is prohibited. (Appendix F, Section IV, 9.) • All eligible students are tested. • Only appropriate allowable testing accommodations are provided for the students. (Appendix F, Section IV, 10.) • Anyone with knowledge of or information regarding a possible testing irregularity or alleged security violations reports the alleged irregularity/violation to the appropriate authority. (Appendix F, Section IV, 14.)
Appendix F • Test administrators and proctors keep written records of any testing irregularities occurring during testing and report these to the School Test Coordinator who then reports to the District Test Coordinator. The District Test Coordinator reports all irregularities for a test administration to the District Superintendent for investigation. Documentation regarding testing irregularities is maintained on file in the district. (Appendix F, Section IV, 15.) • The Superintendent of the district investigates all reports of alleged violations of test security and/or potential testing irregularities and submits a report of findings to the Office of Student Assessment within fifteen (15) working days after the alleged violation and/or potential irregularity has been reported to him or her. (Appendix F, Section IV, 16.) • The school prohibits the possession and/or use of any electronic communication device, during the administration of statewide tests except the districts assigned IT responder and the DTC. (Appendix F, Section IV, 19.)
Educator Coaching – Not Allowed Any words or actions of an educator during a test administration that provide a student with any suggestions or assistance in responding to questions or prompts on an assessment. Examples include the test administrator, during an active test: • Telling the student, “The answer is B.” • Telling the student, “You need to multiply the numbers in the question to get the answer.” • Pointing to the correct answer. • Telling the student, “Make sure you cite facts in your essay that support your conclusion.”
Student Response Interference – Not Allowed Any words or actions of an educator during a test administration that cause a student to respond to a question or prompt in a manner that is different than what the student would have done but for the educator’s words or actions. Examples include the test administrator, during an active test: • Telling the student, “Check your work on number 3,” when the student had already selected or indicated the answer to the item. • Telling the student, “You need to add more details to your essay in support of your conclusion.” • Pointing to a different answer from the one the student already selected for a particular item.
Principal Certification Forms Within five (5) days of completing the administration of a statewide test, the principal of the school where the test was administered shall certify under oath to the State Department of Education that the statewide test was administered in strict accordance with the Requirements of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System as adopted by the State Board of Education. The principal’s sworn certification shall be set forth on a form developed and approved by the Department of Education. If, following the administration of a statewide test, the principal has reason to believe that the test was not administered in strict accordance with the Requirements of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System as adopted by the State Board of Education, the principal shall submit a sworn certification to the Department of Education setting forth all information known or believed by the principal about all potential violations of the Requirements of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System as adopted by the State Board of Education. Submitting a false certification to the Department of Education may result in licensure disciplinary action pursuant Section 37-3-2 and criminal prosecution pursuant to Section 37-16-4.
Penalties for False Principal Certifications Any person submitting a false certification to the State Department of Education that each statewide test in a school was administered in strict accordance with the Requirements of the Mississippi Statewide Assessment System as adopted by the State Board of Education, and without the requirement of willful intent, is guilty of a felony and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not more than Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00), or be imprisoned for not more than three (3) years, or both. Upon conviction, the State Board of Education may suspend or revoke the administrative or teaching credentials, or both, of the person convicted.
Reporting Test Security Tips • Test Security Toll Free Hotline: 1-844-210-1191 • Online Reporting through the OSA Test Security Webpage • Both of these methods of reporting is a confidential way for students, parents, staff, and community members to report test security tips directly with the Office of Student Assessment at the Mississippi Department of Education.
State Takeover of Statewide Assessments The Department of Education may, in its discretion, take complete control of the statewide test administration in a school district or any part thereof, including, but not limited to, obtaining control of the test booklets and answer documents. In the case of any verified testing irregularity that jeopardized the security and integrity of the test(s), validity or the accuracy of the test results, the cost of the investigation and any other actual and necessary costs related to the investigation paid by the Department of Education shall be reimbursed by the local school district from funds other than federal funds, Mississippi Adequate Education Program funds, or any other state funds within six (6) months from the date of notice by the department to the school district to make reimbursement to the department.
Common Infractions • Failure to Administer Test: Make sure tests are administered to the correct students according to the published testing schedule. Districts need to maintain careful records of re-testers in order to ensure that re-testers are participating in any scheduled retest administrations. • Failure to Provide Appropriate Accommodations: Provide allowable accommodations during testing; do not provide non-allowable accommodations during testing. • Providing accommodations to students that should not receive them.
Common Infractions • Possession of Electronic Devices: No student, educator, or administrator involved in testing should be in possession of a prohibited electronic device during a test administration except the district’s assigned IT responder and DTC. • Failure to Secure Test Materials: Only the DTC, ADTC, STC, and ASTC are permitted to have access to the secure storage area. • Incorrect MSIS Numbers: Providing incorrect MSIS numbers delays the posting of students’ scores.
Common Infractions • Providing Coaching: Test administrators/proctors cannot provide unallowable assistance during a test. • Interfering in any student test response constitutes coaching. • Coaching includes (but is not limited to) tapping on student desk, pointing at any portion of testing materials, tapping on or touching students, hand signals, facial expressions, and even lingering behind or next to a student while viewing the student’s work on a test question. • Verbal communications to an individual student or students, such as, ”great work,” “good job,” “keep trying,” “check your work,” or “you still have time,” all constitute coaching.
Test Audits • At least one school from every school district will be audited each year. Some districts may be audited several times in a school year. • All auditors receive training before they are sent on site visits.
Data Forensics • We currently utilize Caveon Test Security to conduct multiple types of data forensic analysis on assessments. • Examples include extreme similarities, unusual answer changes, timing patterns, and substantial gains or losses from one testing event to another. • Invalidated Test Scores will be reported on the Individual Score Report (ISR). • If a student’s score is invalidated due to statistical inconsistencies, the district has the opportunity to appeal if they choose. • A district’s appeal and documentation should provide evidence that provides an extremely high degree of certainty that a testing irregularity did not occur.
Testing Schedules • Upload a testing schedule for the MAAP fall window into SharePoint no later than 5:00 p.m. on November 15, 2017. The testing schedule should include district name, individual school name and time that testing will begin.
SharePoint 2. Inside the Security folder you will see the construct for what the district folders should look like. We will focus on building the 2017-2018 Folder. Left you will 2017-2018, and bottom you will see its contents. 1. In your district folder, select security to load your test security information.
Walt Drane, Jr. • Executive Director • wdrane@mdek12.org • 601-359-3052