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Study in John’s Gospel. Presentation 88. Peter’s Denial Chap 18v15-18, 25-27. Presentation 88. Introduction.
Study in John’s Gospel Presentation 88
Peter’s Denial Chap 18v15-18, 25-27 Presentation 88
Introduction Prior to his arrest Jesus had said to Peter, "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift you as wheat. But I have prayed for you, Simon, that your faith may not fail. And when you have turned back, strengthen your brothers." Luke 22v31-32. Jesus knew that Peter would be blown about like chaff at threshing time, and he prayed for him that he might be made stronger and more fruitful as a result of his experience. Presentation 88
Introduction Can we learn from Peter's mistakes? Do we think we need to? John has intertwined the story of Peter's fall with the story of the Jewish and Roman trials to underscore that vulnerability and failure are common in Christian experience. True, Jesus followers do not hate him, like Caiaphas. They are not indifferent to him, like Pilate. Yet we deny him many times, as Peter did. Why? Often because we are too fond of this world and too enamoured by its company. Presentation 88
In Peter’s Defence In order to understand the significance of Peter's fall we need to remind ourselves that Peter was a lead disciple. Had this denial come from someone like the rich young ruler we would not be surprised. He loved riches more than he loved Jesus and "went away sorrowful." Or, we might expect denial from those who watched Jesus at a distance, but who never confessed him as Lord. But this was Peter - the bold, the courageous, disciple. The one who had told Jesus, "Even if all fall away on account of you, I never will." Matt. 26v33. Presentation 88
In Peter’s Defence The point is that if Peter fell, then anyone can fall - the strongest as well as the weakest. In fact, it’s often the strongest who are in the greatest danger. What can we say about Peter? First, he at least followed Jesus after his arrest. The others scattered into the enveloping darkness and kept running till they found a place of safety. But Peter, along with the unnamed disciple of v15, probably John, followed the arresting party back to the high priest's house. This was not the decision of a coward but of a man of true courage. True, Peter failed; but he failed in a situation, which none of the other disciples even dared to face. He failed, not because he was a coward, but because he was a brave man. Presentation 88
In Peter’s Defence Secondly, Peter followed Jesus because he loved him. Common sense may have dictated a flight to safety but Peter wanted to know what would become of Jesus. And he failed in the courtyard, a place he would never have been had he not loved Jesus as much as he did. Presentation 88
In Peter’s Defence Thirdly, Peter had tried to defend Jesus in the Garden with the stroke of his sword. Of course his behaviour was contrary to the will of Christ but it revealed a passionate [though misguided] concern for his Master. Finally, go back even further into Peter's history to his confession that Jesus was "the Christ, the Son of the living God”. This is no miserable specimen drawn from the ranks of Christ's worst followers. This is the best of them. Yet it he who falls, not only dreadfully but speedily and with such slight provocation. Why did Peter fall? If Peter was as strong as we say and yet fell, it is important to know what steps led to his fall so that we may avoid them. There are several. Presentation 88
The Steps to His Fall First, Peter was overconfident. Earlier Jesus warned his disciples that they were going to abandon him and Peter said, "Lord, I don’t know about them, they may deny you - but not me." Jesus repeated his warning and Peter replied, "Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you." Mk. 14v31. If we reveal such over-confidence, if we think that we are invulnerable because we are strong, wise and talented, able to analyse the dangers of our culture, then we’re well on our way to falling. Jesus said, “Without me you can do nothing” Jn.15v5. Nothing means nothing! Whenever we forget that, we are in trouble. Presentation 88
The Steps to His Fall Secondly, in Gethsemane Peter failed to pray but Jesus did not! Now if we were to identify someone who, in our opinion, did not need to pray, it would surely be Jesus. But he did feel the need to pray! And while Jesus is pouring out his soul before his heavenly Father, Peter is sleeping! So often Christians do not pray as they ought because they are persuaded that they are now ‘strong and powerful’ believers. They view constancy in prayer as something required only by their weaker brethren. Presentation 88
The Steps to His Fall The third step in Peter’s fall is highlighted by the contrast between a phrase in v18 and v26. In, we read, “Peter was standing with them” - the servants around the fire warming himself. Then in v26, Peter is challenged by the words, “Didn’t I see you with him [Jesus] in the olive grove?” In other words, ‘You once stood at Jesus side but now you’re here sharing the comfort of our fire!’ It is possible to be more at home in our culture and find more comfort from it than being with Jesus and his people! Not that we should become detached from the world and give ourselves to monastic living! We are to be ‘in the world’ but we’re ‘not to be of it’. We are to be with Christ in the midst of a world that is opposed to his rule. Presentation 88
The Steps to His Fall What might you say if asked, “Did I see you with Jesus?” We are with Jesus when we spend time in fellowship with him, in Bible study and prayer? If we have spent time with him it will show. It cannot be hid! Your immediate family will notice, those you work with will notice. Church folk will notice and many others. Now if you are identified as having spent time with Jesus, certain things will be expected of you? Of course often non-Christians will demand too much of Christians, they look for perfection and we are not perfect! But there is a sense in which the world is right to expect certain things, and fellow Christians are right to expect them also. Presentation 88
The Steps to His Fall For example, Jesus’ priorities should be our priorities. His values should be our values. We are not at liberty to assume the world's values and adopt the world's theology. Our theology and values must be his. The marks of the church found in Jn. 17 should characterise us. We should be filled with joy and holiness, stand for God’s truth, engage in mission… There should be an observable unity among Christian people. All we do should be marked by love. The world has a right to expect certain patterns of behaviour if we are Jesus’ men and women. Presentation 88
Commitment & Cleansing So much of our discipleship today is half-hearted. We follow Jesus afar off, as Peter did. Charles Spurgeon once had an opportunity to talk to a girl whose commitment was half-hearted. She was trying to live in the world and at the same time follow Christ. He said to her, “There are three things you can do… When you get outside the church building there will be a tramcar. Now, go up to the car, and put one foot on the car, and keep the other foot on the ground, and when the tramcar moves if you do not fall I will be surprised. Yet many people try to keep in with the world and keep in with Christ, but they fall before too long… Presentation 88
Commitment & Cleansing Now, the second thing that you can do is that you can keep standing in the world in the mud, and not get into the car at all. You can stay there, and let the tramcar go by: that’s fine. If you want to live in the world, do so and take what pleasure it can give you. But there is a third thing you can do, get right off the road into the car, and let it take you to where it is going. Now, it is this third thing that I commend. Get right into Christ, and let him, by the power of his Holy Spirit, carry you right away from the unclean place where you now stand, bearing you in safety along the tramlines of holiness till he brings you to the terminus of glory at his own right hand." Presentation 88
Commitment & Cleansing You may think, "I understand all that. But it is too late for me. I know I should have followed Christ wholeheartedly and stayed close to him. But I’ve followed at a distance. I have denied him. I have compromised my faith hundreds of times and more. I can never be Christ's disciple." Let me assure you that it is not too late. With God it is never too late. It is true that sin brings consequences many of which remain with us for life. But in this matter of discipleship God always begins with you where you are right now. You may have denied Jesus once or a hundred times. It makes no difference. Jesus says, "Follow Me” now! Presentation 88
Commitment & Cleansing Later we will examine Peter’s re-commissioning but for the moment think of the wake-up call given to the prophet Isaiah who went to the temple to pray and was confronted with a vision of the Lord of Glory. The thing that Isaiah was most immediately aware of was his own sin; “I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips.” Isa. 6v5. He’s thinking, “I thought I was doing OK. but I’ve been deluded; I’m not the man I hoped I was”. Presentation 88
Commitment & Cleansing Then God sent an angel with a coal from the altar to purge away Isaiah’s sin. He was not to think of his past as an impediment to future fruitful service. Then Isaiah heard God ask, “Whom shall I send, and who shall go for us?” to which Isaiah, conscious now not so much of his past sin but of the grace of God’s forgiveness, says, “Here am I; send me”. After the resurrection, Peter also experienced forgiveness and this same re-commissioning grace and he was told, “Feed my lambs”. Jn.21v15 Presentation 88
Conclusion Those whom God has used and made a blessing to others have not been sinless saints. They too have denied Christ many times and in many ways. But they have found the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ even in the midst of their denial and have been cleansed of their sin. Then, with a sense of their own weakness, but also with an even greater awareness of Christ's strength, they have gone on to live fruitful lives for him. What is to stop you from being among their number? Presentation 88