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Early Life

Early Life. Daniel, Daniel & Matthew. Sanctity of Life. The importance of life Mentioned in all religious books One of God’s sacred creations – treated w ith the same respect as God Relevance: Funerals Rape Euthanasia Murder Suicide Execution Illness Danger Contraception Abortion

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Early Life

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Early Life Daniel, Daniel & Matthew

  2. Sanctity of Life • The importance of life • Mentioned in all religious books • One of God’s sacred creations – treated with the same respect as God • Relevance: • Funerals • Rape • Euthanasia • Murder • Suicide • Execution • Illness • Danger • Contraception • Abortion • War • Pregnancy • Sacrifice

  3. Quality of Life • How positive somebody’s life is due to a variety of factors • Implications – can encourage abortion • Factors: • Income • Upbringing • Education • Disability • Opportunity • Ethnicity • Social Status

  4. Arguments for Sanctity of Life • Many reasons for abortions are selfish • Life has to continue • Everyone deserves a life • Many people cannot have children • God’s will • Teaches God’s morals • Encourages you to care for others • Encourages selflessness • Think before sex • Thinking first

  5. Arguments against Sanctity of Life • It is not fair to allow so much suffering • Life-threatening disease • Not all life can be looked after with equal care • Death is as important as life • Is life really precious? • Risks attached – giving birth

  6. When does Life Begin? • Conception – Sperm meets egg • Birth – fetus is a potential life, not a person, nobody can understand life before birth – Pro Choice • Quickening – When the mother feels the fetus move • When it develops a heartbeat • Backbone • First breath • Soul is part of the fetus • 40th day (Judaism) • More likely to survive than not

  7. Abortions • Deliberate termination of a foetus • Legal up to 24 weeks • Two doctors’ approval • Legalised since 1967

  8. Arguments for Abortions • Population Issues • Quality of Life • Rape and Incest Cases • Negligence • Women should control their own bodies • Upbringing affected

  9. Pro-Choice • Defends a woman’s right to choose what happens to her body • Abortion for incest or rape • Risk for women • Canada gives no legal rights to a fetus • Bringing unwanted children into the world • Wrong to impose rights on others • Women’s financial state/amount of support/age

  10. Arguments against Abortions • Alternatives • Sanctity of Life • Fair on baby • God’s will • Not everyone can have children • All life is sacred • Cruel • Baby’s rights • Having disabilities wont always affect Quality of Life

  11. Pro-Life • Life begins at fertilization • Against abortion/euthanasia • Try to preserve as much life as possible • Think before adoption/suicide • ‘Pro life, pro love’ • If a fetus can die in the womb, it must first live • 90% of Downs Syndrome and Spinal Bifida babies are aborted despite being able to lead normal lives

  12. Sikh View • Abortion is forbidden – interferes with God • Life begins at conception • Sikh code of conduct does not deal with any ethical issues • No issues with contraception • High respect for life • Against Euthanasia – God decides when life begins/ends • Suicide interferes with God’s plan • Suffering is part of Karma • The highest spiritual state is accepting God will without reluctance • Not absolute – duty to use life responsibly and make appropriate decisions

  13. Christian View • Mostly against Abortion/Euthanasia • All life is God given • Birth and death can only be determined by God • Human life is in Gods image – treated as such • All humans are equal • Never an occasion where someone would be better off dead • Respect all decisions referring to the end of life

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