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FLIGHT LESSON 17 - EXERCISE 17 - PRECAUTIONARY LANDING. AIRMANSHIP : L kout, 500ft rule. AIM : To learn how to carry out an unplanned landing away from an active airfield. DEPARTURE : Runway:___________ Crosswind:___________ Operating area:______________________ Altitude:____________.
FLIGHT LESSON 17 - EXERCISE 17 - PRECAUTIONARY LANDING AIRMANSHIP: L kout, 500ft rule. AIM: To learn how to carry out an unplanned landing away from an active airfield. DEPARTURE: Runway:___________ Crosswind:___________ Operating area:______________________ Altitude:____________ • In Flight conditions • Assess the time available: Fuel state, hours of daylight and weather deterioration. • Note wind direction and search for a suitable landing area. • Consider turning downwind to cover a greater area. SLOW SAFE CRUISE 70 kts with take-off flap. Better visibility at slower speed. FIELD SELECTION- 5 S’s Surface -Ideally smooth firm grass Size -The bigger the better Shape -Ideally square Surrounds -Avoid trees and wires if possible Slope -The flatter the better LANDING Use short field approach and keep nosewheel up for as long as possible during landing run Downwind leg Base leg Climb back up to circuit height WIND Second inspection run 100 feet AFTER LANDING Wait until aircraft has stopped before releasing harnesses After normal shutdown checks inspect aircraft. Once aircraft secured inform flying organisation. Do not attempt to take-off again. First inspection run 500 feet