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BIRDS. A Study Guide. Raptors!. Part 1. Bald Eagle!. Golden Eagle!. Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. -found in eastern oregon -big bird, with a big beak. Osprey!. Red-tailed Hawk!. -does not always have a red tail -has broader wings than other hawks

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  1. BIRDS A Study Guide

  2. Raptors! Part 1

  3. Bald Eagle!

  4. Golden Eagle! Like all eagles, it belongs to the family Accipitridae. -found in eastern oregon -big bird, with a big beak

  5. Osprey!

  6. Red-tailed Hawk! -does not always have a red tail -has broader wings than other hawks -most common hawk here

  7. Cooper's Hawk! -long tail -Brown-red streaking on underside -thinner, does not have pointed wings or helmet.

  8. American Kestrel! is a falcon -pointed wings and is a smaller bird -reddish brown back -blue gray wings -Has the helmet coloring like the Peregrine falcon -Gray head with black stripes -grassland habitat

  9. Northern Harrier! *note white portion along lower back, visible in flight. -Once known as Marsh hawk -Face is more like an owl than a hawk (disk like) -White rump patch -flys low in marshes

  10. Not this one!

  11. Peregrine Falcon! * -high in food chain -rare due to DDT in the past -nest on bridges -hunt pigeons-ducks-rodents -Pointy wings -Dark 'helmet' patch on head extending around eye -yellow beak, black tip, sharp -yellow talons

  12. Great Horned Owl

  13. BABY! <-----

  14. Western Screech Owl! • -common but hard to find • -small ear tufts • -brownish almost gray • -Streaking on underside • -disk shaped face

  15. Barn Owl!

  16. Swimming Birds! Part 2...

  17. Mallard Duck!

  18. American Wigeon! • -Blue bill, dipped in ink look, black tip • -white head • -green stripe behind the eye • -brownish body

  19. Northern Shoveler! Dabler=tips over head in water does not dive

  20. Wood Duck!

  21. l

  22. Northern Pintail! • -tail is long and thin • -neck has an elegant look • -brown head • -white patch/stripe wraps around head and up neck.

  23. Cinnamon Teal! -Bigger than a mallard or widgeon -Amber brown -blue patch on wing when flying

  24. Blue-Winged Teal! -White line through the eye=female -White patch/crescent shaped on front of face =male -Grayish head -Blue wing

  25. Green-winged Teal! -Reddish head -Green stripe behind eye -Whitish stripe on side of the male -And a white triangle shaped patch on end of the tail of the bird.

  26. Ruddy Duck! Spikey tail! compact bird blue bill

  27. Bufflehead! -Diving duck -During winter nest in California or Canada

  28. Common Merganser! -Diver -live on the willamette in big flocks -eat catfish -thin red beaks like razors-to catch fish -crested brown head

  29. Hooded Merganser! • -Diver, know by beak to catch fish

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