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Learning4Life: Think, Create, Share, and Grow

Learning4Life: Think, Create, Share, and Grow. Presented by: Amy Short MSLA Conference March 2014. BPSLibraries.org/msla14. -Links for resources from today’s session. Standards for the 21 st Century Learner. AASL’s current School Library Standards Learner Centered

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Learning4Life: Think, Create, Share, and Grow

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  1. Learning4Life: Think, Create, Share, and Grow Presented by: Amy Short MSLA Conference March 2014

  2. BPSLibraries.org/msla14 -Links for resources from today’s session

  3. Standards for the 21st Century Learner • AASL’s current School Library Standards • Learner Centered • Expand definition of Information literacy to include multiple literacies: digital, visual, textual and technological

  4. What is Learning4Life or L4L? • AASL’s initiative to promote the Standards for the 21st Century Learner, school library program guidelines, and the school librarian’s role in helping students become lifelong learners. Santacroce & Kastelic

  5. Standards for the 21st Century Learner • Learners use skills, resources and tools to: • Inquire, THINK critically, and gain knowledge • Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and CREATE new knowledge • SHARE knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society • Pursue personal and aesthetic GROWth Santacroce & Kastelic

  6. Standards for the 21st Century Learner

  7. Four Strands within each Standard Standard Skills Dispositions in Action Responsibilities Self-Assessment Strategies

  8. ResponsibilitiesKey Question:Is the student aware that the foundational traits for 21stcentury learning requires self-accountability that extends beyond skills and dispositions? Self Assessment StrategiesKey Question:Can the student recognize personal strengths and weaknesses over time and become a stronger, more independent learner? Rominiecki & Kemps

  9. Lots of Indicators Lowe

  10. Standards for the 21st Century Learner in Action • How AASL Standards are incorporated into a school library program • Dispositions in Action • Responsibilities • Self-Assessment Strategies • Benchmarks/Action Examples

  11. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Organization • Skills • Dispositions in Action • Responsibilities • Self Assessment Rominiecki & Kemps

  12. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Action Examples Rominiecki & Kemp

  13. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Action Examples Rominiecki & Kemp

  14. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Action Examples Rominiecki & Kemp

  15. Standards for the 21st-Century Learner Action Examples Rominiecki & Kemp

  16. TEACHING TO THE STANDARDS • Collaborative approach • If you cannot find willing partners, still teach these skills and dispositions • Inquiry-based instruction • Give opportunities for students to construct their own understanding • Empower students to be independent inquirers • The social nature of learning is valuable • Assessmentis an important component Lowe

  17. Self- Questioning Examples Grade 12 Grade 10 Stages of Development Stages of Development Grade 8 Grade 5 Grade 2 Self-Assessment Strategies Sample Behaviors Sample Behaviors Indicators Indicators Indicators Indicators Dispositions Skills Benchmarks Standard Standards in Action Responsibilities Lowe

  18. Standards in ActionFour Step Lesson Design • Direct Instruction of the specific skill to be learned • Modeling and guided practice: learners have an opportunity to see the skill as it is applied successfully • Independent practice: learners apply the skill to their own topics • Sharing and reflection: learners look at their own application of the skill and determine how well it worked Rominiecki & Kemp

  19. Standards in ActionExamples of Assessment • Product • Process • Student self-assessment strategies

  20. L4L & CCSS • There is much in common between the AASL standards and the Common Core State Standards • AASL & CCSS Crosswalk

  21. L4L and CCSS Crosswalk for: • English/Language Arts • Mathematics • Reading Standards for Literacy in History/Social Studies • Reading Standards for Literacy in Science and Technical Subjects • Writing for Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects

  22. MSLA Information Literacy Skills • Alignment of MSLA Information Literacy Skills with MA Technology and AASL Standards (begins on page 30)

  23. Am I doing this already? • Think of a lesson that you taught within the last month • Look at the AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner and identify up to 3 indicators that you addressed in the lesson

  24. The AASL Lesson Plan Database aasl.jesandco.org

  25. AASL Lesson Plan Database • Is part of L4L initiative • A tool to support school librarians and other educators in teaching the essential learning skills defined in the AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner

  26. AASL Lesson Plan Database • No account needed to search for and use lessons • Anyone can submit lessons; first must set up free account

  27. aasl.jesandco.org Lowe

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  35. Benefits of a FREE Account • Once you are registered you will be able to: • Create your own AASL Lesson Plan content and publish it on the web for others to use • Have your lesson plans aligned with the AASL Standards for 21st Century Learner and crosswalked with the Common Core Standards • Rate lessons and see how others have rated them • Read and post comments • Bookmark and save any lesson plan on this site for future reference

  36. Benefits of a FREE Account • Print lesson plans as a PDF to use anywhere • View other user profiles and follow what content they post • Vote and rank other published lesson plans • Leave comments and feedback on published lesson plans • Share lesson plans with others through email and social media

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  43. You Can Be a National Star! • Submit your own lesson plan! • You do not have to be an AASL member. • Your work will be published in a national database. Rominiecki & Kemp

  44. Submitting Lessons • All lesson plan submissions are vetted using the lesson plan rubric below. Be sure to review your lesson plan against this rubric before submitting. • Lesson Plan Rubric • Lesson Plan Checklist

  45. Throughout the form, click on “What’s the difference?” for more information. Lowe

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