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Computational Biology, Part 20 Stochastic Modeling / Neuronal Modeling. Arvind Rao, Robert F. Murphy, Shann-Ching Chen, Justin Newberg Copyright 2004-2009. All rights reserved. Stochastic Modeling in Biology. Stochastic Modeling in Biology. Why? A: Better resolution in species amounts
Computational Biology, Part 20Stochastic Modeling / Neuronal Modeling Arvind Rao, Robert F. Murphy, Shann-Ching Chen, Justin Newberg Copyright 2004-2009. All rights reserved.
Stochastic Modeling in Biology • Why? A: Better resolution in species amounts • When? A: Biochemical kinetics, gene expression stochasticity in cells • How? A: SSA • Case studies: • Chemical master equation • Biochemical kinetics • Gene networks
Why? • Recall Chemical kinetics examples • In differential/difference equations, we examined regimes where number of molecules of reactants were always large enough to have followed mass action kinetics. • Think “Law of Large Numbers”
Why Are Stochastic Models Needed? • Much of the mathematical modeling of biochemical/gene networks represents gene expression deterministically • Deterministic models describe macroscopic behavior; but many cellular constituents are present in small numbers • Considerable experimental evidence indicates that significant stochastic fluctuations are present • There are many examples when deterministic models are not adequate
Gillespie Algorithm • Gillespie algorithm allows a discrete and stochastic simulation of a system with few reactants because every reaction is explicitly simulated. • a Gillespie realization represents a random walk that exactly represents the distribution of the Master equation. • The physical basis of the algorithm is the collision of molecules within a reaction vessel (well mixed). • all reactions within the Gillespie framework must involve at most two molecules. Reactions involving three molecules are assumed to be extremely rare and are modeled as a sequence of binary reactions.
Algorithm Summary • Initialization: Initialize the number of molecules in the system, reactions constants, and random number generators. • Monte Carlo Step: Generate random numbers to determine the next reaction to occur as well as the time interval. The probability of a given reaction to be chosen is proportional to the number of substrate molecules. • Update: Increase the time step by the randomly generated time in Step 1. Update the molecule count based on the reaction that occurred. • Iterate: Go back to Step 1 unless the number of reactants is zero or the simulation time has been exceeded.
SSA • Advantages • Low memory requirement • Computation is not O(exp(N)) • Disadvantages • Convergence is slow • Little insight
References • Daniel T. Gillespie (1977). "Exact Stochastic Simulation of Coupled Chemical Reactions". The Journal of Physical Chemistry81 (25): 2340-2361. doi:10.1021/j100540a008. • Daniel T. Gillespie (2007). “Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Kinetics". Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem. 2007.58:35-55. 10.1146/annurev.physchem.58.032806.104637 • D.Wilkinson (2009), “Stochastic modelling for quantitative description of heterogeneous biological systems.” Nature Reviews Genet. Feb 2009; 10(2):122-33. • Slides adapted from: http://www.cds.caltech.edu/~murray/wiki/images/d/d9/Khammash_master-15aug06.pdf • Gillespie: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gillespie_algorithm
Basic neurophysiology • An imbalance of charge across a membrane is called a membrane potential • The major contribution to membrane potential in animal cells comes from imbalances in small ions (e.g., Na, K) • The maintenance of this imbalance is an active process carried out by ion pumps
Basic neurophysiology • Ion pumps require energy (ATP) to carry ions across a membrane up a concentration gradient (they generate a potential) • Ion channels allow ions to flow across a membrane down a concentration gradient (they dissipate a potential)
Basic neurophysiology • Example electrochemical gradients (left) • Example ion channel (right) Johnston & Wu, Foundations of Cellular Neurophysiology, 5th ed.
Basic neurophysiology • The cytoplasm of most cells (including neurons) has an excess of negative ions over positive ions (due to active pumping of sodium ions out of the cell) • By convention this is referred to as a negative membrane potential (inside minus outside) • Typical resting potential is -50 mV
Basic neuro-physiology • An idealized neuron consists of • soma or cell body • contains nucleus and performs metabolic functions • dendrites • receive signals from other neurons through synapses • axon • propagates signal away from soma • terminal branches • form synapses with other neurons
Basic neurophysiology • The junction between the soma and the axon is called the axonhillock • The soma sums (“integrates”) currents (“inputs”) from the dendrites • When the received currents result in a sufficient change in the membrane potential, a rapid depolarization is initiated in the axon hillock
Basic neuro-physiology • Electrical signals regulate local calcium concentrations • Synaptic vesicles fuse with the axon membrane, and neurotransmitters are released into the space between axon and dendrite in a process mediated by calcium ions • Binding of neurotransmitters to dendrite causes influx of sodium ions that diffuse into soma
Basic electrophysiology • A cell is said to be electrically polarized when it has a non-zero membrane potential • A dissipation (partial or total) of the membrane potential is referred to as a depolarization, while restoration of the resting potential is termed repolarization
Action potential in neurons • http://highered.mcgraw-hill.com/olc/dl/120107/bio_d.swf • http://bcs.whfreeman.com/thelifewire/content/chp44/4402002.html outside Sodium (Na+) Cell Membrane Voltage difference (inside – outside) Potassium (K+) inside time
Action potential is linked to ion channel conductances G is channel conductance. High conductance allows for ions to pass through channel easier.
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Based on electrophysiological measurements of giant squid axon • Empirical model that predicts experimental data with very high degree of accuracy • Provides insight into mechanism of action potential http://www.mun.ca/biology/desmid/brian/BIOL2060/BIOL2060-13/1310.jpg
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Define • v(t) voltage across the membrane at time t • q(t) net charge inside the neuron at t • I(t) current of positive ions into neuron at t • g(v) conductance of membrane at voltage v • Ccapacitance of the membrane • Subscripts Na, K and L used to denote specific currents or conductances (L=“other”) (INa , IK , IL ) (gNa , gK , gL )
The Hodgkin-Huxley model Note: Conductance is 1/R, where R is resistance E indicates membrane potential, Exare equilibrium potentials Experiments show only gNa and gK vary with time when stimulus is applied
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Start with equation for capacitor
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Consider each ion separately and sum currents to get rate of change in charge and hence voltage
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Central concept of model: Define three state variables that represent (or “control”) the opening and closing of ion channels • m controls Na channel opening • h controls Na channel closing • n controls K channel opening
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Define relationship of state variables to conductances of Na and K Q: How were the powers determined? A: Smart guessing m h n
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Define empirical differential equations to model behavior of each gate
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Define empirical differential equations to model behavior of each gate
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Define empirical differential equations to model behavior of each gate
The Hodgkin-Huxley model • Gives set of four coupled, non-linear, ordinary differential equations • Must be integrated numerically • Constants (g in mmho/cm2 and v in mV)
Interactive demonstration • (Integration of Hodgkin-Huxley equations using Maple)
Interactive demonstration > Ena:=55: Ek:=-82: El:= -59: gkbar:=24.34: gnabar:=70.7: > gl:=0.3: vrest:=-69: cm:=0.001: > alphan:=v-> 0.01*(10-(v-vrest))/(exp(0.1*(10-(v-vrest)))-1): > betan:=v-> 0.125*exp(-(v-vrest)/80): > alpham:=v-> 0.1*(25-(v-vrest))/(exp(0.1*(25-(v-vrest)))-1): > betam:=v-> 4*exp(-(v-vrest)/18): > alphah:=v->0.07*exp(-0.05*(v-vrest)): > betah:=v->1/(exp(0.1*(30-(v-vrest)))+1): > pulse:=t->-20*(Heaviside(t-.001)-Heaviside(t-.002)): > rhsV:=(t,V,n,m,h)->-(gnabar*m^3*h*(V-Ena) + > gkbar*n^4*(V-Ek) + gl*(V-El)+ pulse(t))/cm: > rhsn:=(t,V,n,m,h)-> 1000*(alphan(V)*(1-n) - betan(V)*n): > rhsm:=(t,V,n,m,h)-> 1000*(alpham(V)*(1-m) - betam(V)*m): > rhsh:=(t,V,n,m,h)-> 1000*(alphah(V)*(1-h) - betah(V)*h):
Interactive demonstration > inits:=V(0)=vrest,n(0)=0.315,m(0)=0.042, h(0)=0.608; > sol:=dsolve({diff(V(t),t)=rhsV(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(n(t),t)=rhsn(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(m(t),t)=rhsm(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(h(t),t)=rhsh(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)),inits}, {V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)},type=numeric, output=listprocedure); > Vs:=subs(sol,V(t)); > plot(Vs,0..0.02); > sol20:=dsolve({diff(V(t),t)=rhsV(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(n(t),t)=rhsn(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(m(t),t)=rhsm(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(h(t),t)=rhsh(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)),inits}, {V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)},type=numeric); > with(plots):
Interactive demonstration > J:=odeplot(sol20,[V(t),n(t)],0..0.02): > display({J}); > pulse:=t->-2*(Heaviside(t-.001)-Heaviside(t-.002)): > rhsV:=(t,V,n,m,h)->-(gnabar*m^3*h*(V-Ena) + gkbar*n^4*(V-Ek) + gl*(V-El)+ pulse(t))/cm: > sol2:=dsolve({diff(V(t),t)=rhsV(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(n(t),t)=rhsn(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(m(t),t)=rhsm(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)), diff(h(t),t)=rhsh(t,V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)),inits}, {V(t),n(t),m(t),h(t)},type=numeric); > K:=odeplot(sol2,[V(t),n(t)],0..0.02,color=green): > display({J,K});
Interactive demonstration > L:=odeplot(sol20,[V(t),n(t)],0..0.02,numpoints=400, color=blue): > display({J,L}); > odeplot(sol20,[V(t),m(t)],0..0.02,numpoints=400); > odeplot(sol20,[V(t),h(t)],0..0.02,numpoints=400); > odeplot(sol20,[m(t),h(t)],0..0.02,numpoints=400); > a:=0.7; b:=0.8; c:=0.08; > rhsx:=(t,x,y)->x-x^3/3-y; > rhsy:=(t,x,y)->c*(x+a-b*y); > sol2:=dsolve({diff(x(t),t)=rhsx(t,x(t),y(t)), diff(y(t),t)=rhsy(t,x(t),y(t)),x(0)=0,y(0)=-1}, {x(t),y(t)},type=numeric, output=listprocedure); > xs:=subs(sol2,x(t)); ys:=subs(sol2,y(t)); > K:=plot([xs,ys,0..200],x=-3..3,y=-2..2,color=blue): > J:=plot({[V,(V+a)/b,V=-2.5..1.5],[V,V-V^3/3,V=-2.5..2.2]}): > plots[display]({J,K});
Virtual Cell - Hodgkin-Huxley • Versions of the models in “Computational cell biology” by Fall et al have been implemented in Virtual Cell • These are available as Public models • The Hodgkin-Huxley Model is a scientific model that describes how action potentials in neurons are initiated and propagated • Within Virtual Cell, use File/Open/Biomodel • Then open Shared Models/CompCell/Hodgkin-Huxley
Compartments • Extracellular • Plasma Membrane • Cytosol Biochemical Species • Potassium • Sodium • Potassium Channel Inactivation Gate-closed "n_c" • Potassium Channel Inactivation Gate-open "n_o" • Sodium Channel Inactivation Gate-closed "h_c" • Sodium Channel Inactivation Gate-open "h_o" • Sodium Channel Activation Gate-open "m_o" • Sodium Channel Activation Gate-closed "m_c"