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Verbs. German. Deutsch ist Super! Los geht’s ! . Click here to begin!!. Why Study?!. Sound professional Eliminate small errors in conjugation Know when to use which tenses Wear Lederhosen… maybe! . weiter .
Verbs German Deutsch ist Super! Los geht’s! Click here to begin!!
Why Study?! • Sound professional • Eliminate small errors in conjugation • Know when to use which tenses • Wear Lederhosen… maybe! weiter.
Hallo! Today we will be learning how to conjugate sentences in different tenses in German! weiter.
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Where to? If you would like to review, go If you would like to skip the review and begin on today’s lesson, Or, you can go directly to the weiter. überspringen. quiz!
Review - Präsens Here is a table of how the pronouns are conjugated in the present tense. We can remember these with the phrase, „Eastern Standard Time, Ten, Ten.“ Früher weiter überspringen
Review - Perfekt In this tense, we will have to use haben and sein as helping verbs as you will soon learn, so let‘s review how to conjugate them. Früher weiter überspringen
Hurra! Let’s learn some German in the PRESENT tense!! Are you ready?! Ja! Nein! Quiz, bitte!
Präsens Let‘s try forming sentences given a subject and a verb! ich/haben du/machen wir/spielen ichhabe du machstwir spielen We can see here how those endings from the review section really help out in conjugation! Quiz Rückblick weiter
Präsens Some verbs are sort of irregular. du/tanzen er/lesen er/treffen du tanzter liest er trifft OFTEN, irregular forms come in the “er” or “du” forms of words. Moving forward, these are things that just have to be remembered. Quiz Rückblick weiter
Let’s try some practice questions!! Conjugate in the präsens: Wo ______ du? bist bin ist sein siest A B C D E Quiz Rückblick
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check your conjugation rules and your personal ending rules. Versuchsnochmals
Let’s try some practice questions!! Conjugate in the präsens: Ihr ______ ins Kino. geh gehen gehte geht gehst A B C D E
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check your conjugation rules and your personal ending rules. Versuchsnochmals
WUNDERBAR!! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
Perfekt This is a form of past tense in German. It is used during conversation. Sometimes, it is referred to as the “conversational past”. This form uses a helping verb. HABEN or SEIN Conjugate the helping verb for the subject. Quiz Rückblick weiter
Perfekt The ACTION verb will get kicked to the END of the sentence. The ACTION verb will also take on a past tense form called the “past participle”. In English, we typically add –ed. In German, we typically add a ge–prefix and a –tsuffix. This is for WEAK verbs. Quiz Rückblick weiter
Perfekt For STRONG verbs, some use the ge– prefix with the –en suffix. These verbs sometimes have a vowel change, too. Examples: Schießen geschossen Sehen gesehen Beginnen begonnen Quiz Rückblick weiter
Perfekt Most verbs (weak and strong) use haben. SEIN is used to represent movement or change in state/condition. There are far fewer sein verbs than haben verbs, making it easier to memorize sein verbs. HELPING VERB SEIN HABEN Quiz Rückblick weiter
Perfekt Special Rules: • Verbs with separable prefixes: ge– goes between prefix and action verb. • Verbs taken from other languages (verbs ending in –ieren) have NOge– prefix. • There will be exceptions always, these you will just have to remember like you do in English! Quiz Rückblick weiter
Here are some examples!!! • Ichhabegemacht. • Wirhabengeschlafen. • Du hast gekauft. • Ihrseidgegangen. • Er hat besucht. • Siehabeneingekauft. • Sie hat telefoniert. Quiz Rückblick weiter
Let’s try some practice questions!! Conjugate in the perfekt: Er ____ das Buch ______. ist … gelesen hat … gelest ist … gelest hat … gelesen habt … gelesen A B C D E
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check your helping verbs and your personal ending rules. If you know your helping verb is correct, check your past participle!! Versuchsnochmals
Let’s try some practice questions!! Conjugate in the perfekt: Ich ____ Einkaufen _____. bin … gegangen habe … gegangen bin … gegeht bin … gegehen habe … gegehen A B C D E
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check your helping verbs and your personal ending rules. If you know your helping verb is correct, check your past participle!! Versuchsnochmals
Imperfekt IMPERFEKT is the written past tense. This is the tense used most often in stories that are written down in books. Here, we also have WEAK and STRONG verbs. SPECIAL: * NO helping verbs* *NO endings on the ich and er/sie/es forms.* Quiz Rückblick weiter
Imperfekt WEAK VERBS: • drop the –en from the infinitive form • add –te suffix • add appropriate conjugated endings to the verb after the –te • make sure it is pronounceable!! • Endings in g, d, or t need an extra –e– to say. • Example: arbeiten arbeitte arbeitete Quiz Rückblick weiter
Imperfekt STRONG VERBS: 3 CATEGORIES 1. VOWEL CHANGE! • The vowels change to make the imperfekt form. • Examples: • Beginnen begann • Bleiben blieb • Trinken trank • Schlafen schlief • Add personal endings to the imperfekt forms. Quiz Rückblick weiter
Imperfekt STRONG VERBS: 3 CATEGORIES 2. CONSONANT CHANGE! • The consonants will change to make these forms. • Examples: • Gehen ging • Haben hatte • Add personal endings to the imperfekt forms. Quiz Rückblick weiter
Imperfekt STRONG VERBS: 3 CATEGORIES 3. MIXED VERBS! • The consonants AND vowels change. • Examples: • Denken dachte • Verbringen verbrachte • Kommen kam • Essen aß • Add personal endings to the imperfekt forms. Quiz Rückblick weiter
Let’s try some practice questions!! Conjugate in the imperfekt: Er ______. schläft schlafte schlief schlieft schliefte A B C D E
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check what type of verb you are working with. Is it weak or strong? If it is strong, which of the three categories does it belong to? Versuchsnochmals
Let’s try some practice questions!! Conjugate in the imperfekt: Wir ______. denkten dachten dachte denkte denken A B C D E
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check what type of verb you are working with. Is it weak or strong? If it is strong, which of the three categories does it belong to? Versuchsnochmals
Time For… Concept Review! Präsens: Conjugations for pronouns E ST T EN T EN “Eastern Standard Time Ten Ten” Perfekt: weak verbs: ge-STEM-t strong verbs: ge-STEM-en (stem may change) -ieren verbs: STEM-t separable verbs: prefix-ge-STEM-t/en You will have to memorize a bunch of verbs! Quiz Rückblick weiter
Time For… Concept Review! Imperfekt: Weak verbs:STEM-te Strong verbs 1: vowel change beginnen begann Strong verbs 2: consonant change gehen ging Strong verbs 3: mixed verbs denken dachte Quiz Rückblick weiter
Are You Ready For Your Quiz?! JA! Präsens Perfekt Imperfekt Rückblick Hauptmenü
Quiz!!! 1. In the Präsens, how can we conjugatesein for the following forms? Ichbist ; Wirseid Ich bin ; Wirsein Ich bin ; Wirsind Ichist ; Wirsind Ichbist ; Wirsein A B C D E
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check your conjugation rules and your personal ending rules. Versuchsnochmals
Quiz!!! 2. In the perfekt tense, how could be correctly form this sentence: You danced. Du bistgetanzt. Du bin getanzt. Du habstgetanzt. Du hast getanzt. Du hast getanzen. A B C D E
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter
SO EIN MIST! That’s not quite right! Go back and check your helping verbs and your personal ending rules. If you know your helping verb is correct, check your past participle!! Versuchsnochmals
Quiz!!! 3. Fill in the verb that is correctly conjugated. Ihr ______ Kekse _______. habt … gemacht seid … gemacht habt … gemachen seid … gemachen hast … gemacht A B C D E
WUNDERBAR! Good job on paying attention! You’re going to be fluent in no time!! weiter