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Learn about the latest advancements in the Herwig++ project for Monte Carlo event generation, including shower improvements and simulation of QED radiation. Explore how this update enhances physics understanding and accuracy.
Herwig++ S. Gieseke, D. Grellscheid, K. Hamilton, A. Ribon, PR, P. Stephens, M.H. Seymour, B.R. Webber Peter Richardson IPPP, Durham University M. Baehr, M. Gigg, S. Latunde-Dada, S. Plaetzer, A. Sherstnev, J. Tully Moriond 20th March
Introduction • Monte Carlo event generators are an essential part of most experimental analyses. • The HERWIG program was highly successful during at LEP/HERA and the Tevatron. • However our understanding of the physics involved has improved over the last 20 years. • It has been possible to improve and extend the program a great deal but it has reached the end of its life. Moriond 20th March
Introduction • In order to include all the new theoretical ideas from the last 5-10 years for the LHC major changes were needed. • The Herwig++ project was to write a new generator, using the same physics philosophy as HERWIG, but including new developments wherever possible. • The initial plan was • Recode the cluster hadronization model making minor improvements to fix problems related to the number of excited mesons included. • Write a new angular-ordered parton shower with better: • treatment of mass effects; • Lorentz invariance properties. Moriond 20th March
Shower Improvements • Most of the recent progress in Monte Carlo simulations has been in better simulation of hard radiation. • While there are a number of different ideas all of them rely on being able to understand what the shower does. • To make these improvements we often need an analytic understanding on what the shower is doing. • Also some of the approximations which we made in the past were shown to be poor. Moriond 20th March
Dead-Cone • For massive particles radiation with angle less than m/E is suppressed, the “dead-cone”. • However in order to implement this we had to make an extreme approximation which leads to problems in physical distributions. Soft radiation pattern from a top quark with 1 TeV energy. Moriond 20th March
Shower Improvements • In the FORTRAN program the shower implemented angular ordering using and the DGLAP splitting functions. • The major change with the new algorithm were to generalise the evolution variable and use the quasi-collinear splitting functions of S. Catani et. al. Phys.Lett.B500:149-160,2001 • Also changed the definition of z to give invariance under boosts along the jet direction. Moriond 20th March
Shower Improvements • The main aim was to allow evolution down to zero pT for radiation from massive particles and to avoid the ‘dead-cone’ approximation used in the FORTRAN program. Moriond 20th March
Status • After the first release which only did e+e- collisions we decided to make a number of further improvements: • The extension to hadron collisions; • Developments to make implementing Standard Model scattering processes and Beyond the Standard Model physics easier; • Improvements to the simulation of QED radiation; • Improvements to the hadron decays. Moriond 20th March
pT of the Z compared with CDF data Moriond 20th March
Top Shower • In the FORTRAN algorithm the simulation of QCD radiation in the decay of heavy particles was performed in the rest frame of the decaying particle. • Within the formalism the decaying particle did not radiate in this process. • However if we consider tgbW+ the radiation from the bottom quark did not fill all the soft region. Moriond 20th March
Top Shower and Matrix Element Correction in tgbW+g • In the new formalism there is radiation from the top quark in the decay ensuring that the soft region is filled. • However the soft matrix element is required to give smooth coverage in the soft region Keith Hamilton, Peter Richardson, hep-ph/0612236, JHEP0702:069,2007 Moriond 20th March
Simulation of QED Radiation • In the FORTRAN there was no simulation of QED radiation. This is important for leptonic W and Z decay. • Also in some hadronic decay processes. • In the C++ we have a new simulation of QED radiation based on the YFS formalism. • This is a formalism for simulating soft electromagnetic radiation which can be systematically improved by including higher-order corrections and collinear emission. Moriond 20th March
Simulation of QED Radiation K. Hamilton and PR hep-ph/0603034, JHEP 0607:010, 2006. Moriond 20th March
Status • The current release 2.0, S. Gieseke et. al. hep-ph/0609306 includes: • Initial-State showers; • Top Decay Shower; • UA5 Soft Underlying event model; • QED Radiation; • Many important hadron-hadron matrix elements. • This version can be used for hadron collider physics. Moriond 20th March
Status • After this version there are a number of features which we still need to include: • JIMMY multiple scattering model for the underlying event; • different kinematic reconstruction procedures for the shower; • BSM Physics; • new hadron decay model; • spin correlations throughout the simulation. In order for the simulation to be as good as, or better than, the FORTRAN for everything. Moriond 20th March
Hard Processes and New Physics • In the FORTRAN each hard process and decay matrix element was typed in by hand. • Isn’t a good use of time. • Meant that models of new physics were very hard to include. • In the C++ we have used an entirely different philosophy. • A C++ helicity library based on the HELAS formalism is used for all matrix element and decay calculations. • Code the hard 2g2 matrix elements based on the spin structures. • Code the 1g2 decays in the same way and use phase space for the 1g3 decays to start with. • Easy to include spin correlations as we have access to the spin unaveraged matrix elements. M. Gigg and PR hep-ph/0703199. Moriond 20th March
New Physics M. Gigg and PR hep-ph/0703199. Moriond 20th March
HERWIG + Hw++ New Physics Unpolarised M. Gigg and PR hep-ph/0703199. Moriond 20th March
HERWIG+TAUOLA + Hw++ Tau Decays Right Handed stau Left Handed stau Fraction of visible energy carried by the charged pion M. Gigg and PR hep-ph/0703199. Moriond 20th March
Tau Decays H,Agt+t-gp+np-n Moriond 20th March
UED • The idea was that with the new approach to simulating BSM models other than SUSY should be easier. • The first test of that is the inclusion of the Universal Extra Dimensions (UED) model. • This is a model where all the particle propagate in an extra dimension. • Gives a similar spectrum of new particles to SUSY but the new particles have the same spin as their Standard Model partners. • It is a useful “straw-man” model to decide if the spins of new particles can be measured Moriond 20th March
q e- near Z* e*R g* UED Look at the decay e- near e- far e+ far q*L e+ near e+ far J. Smillie, B. Webber JHEP 0510:069,2005, hep-ph/0507170 Moriond 20th March
Hadron Decays • The simulation includes detailed modelling of many decays. Moriond 20th March
Future Shower Improvements • In addition to the other features one of the main reasons for going to C++ was to allow improvements to the shower algorithm. • CKKW matrix element matching • The multi-scale shower • MC@NLO • The Nason approach to MC@NLO Moriond 20th March
Nason Approach to MC@NLO hep-ph/0612281 Oluseyi Latunde-Dada, Stefan Gieseke, Bryan Webber Moriond 20th March
Summary • Herwig++ is now ready for hadron collisions. • Many further improvements are planned. • There will be a new release in the summer which will include the new simulation of BSM physics, hadron decays and some shower improvements. • In the near future the C++ simulation will replace the FORTRAN. Moriond 20th March