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Herwig++. M. Baehr, S. Gieseke, M. Gigg, D. Grellscheid, K. Hamilton, S. Latunde-Dada, S. Plaetzer, PR, M.H. Seymour, A. Sherstnev, B.R. Webber. Peter Richardson IPPP, Durham University and CERN Theory Group. A. Siodmok J. Tully. Introduction. Current Status Plans for the Future.
Herwig++ M. Baehr, S. Gieseke, M. Gigg, D. Grellscheid, K. Hamilton, S. Latunde-Dada, S. Plaetzer, PR, M.H. Seymour, A. Sherstnev, B.R. Webber Peter Richardson IPPP, Durham University and CERN Theory Group A. Siodmok J. Tully HERA-LHC 29th May
Introduction • Current Status • Plans for the Future HERA-LHC 29th May
Current Status • We made a first production release available for hadron-hadron collisions in September 2006. • All parts of the simulation needed for hadron-hadron collisions were present in that release. • Some areas, in particular the underlying event, still needed improvement. • Limited experimental feedback, despite significant experimental pressure to produce this release. HERA-LHC 29th May
Current Status • A second hadron-hadron version (2.1) was released on 20 Nov 2007 with major improvements with respect to the previous version. • Major changes • Multiple parton-parton scattering model of the underlying event, based on the FORTRAN JIMMY program. • New model of meson and tau decays. • Inclusion of BSM physics including the MSSM, UED and RS models. • Tuning to LEP, SLD and B-factory data. • Various other minor improvements. HERA-LHC 29th May
Current Status • A third hadron-hadron version was released on 18 Apr 2008. • Major changes • New Zh0, Wh0, Z+jet and W+jet hard processes. • gggh0 matrix element correction. • The source code is available from http://projects.hepforge.org/herwig/ together with wiki and bug tracker. • In order to improve user support in the first instance all requests for support to herwig@projects.hepforge.org. • We will open a ticket for all issues and use this for all interactions to improve support and keep a record. HERA-LHC 29th May
Manual • We (finally) released a full manual arXiv:0803.0883 in March. • This contains a full description of the physics together with the overall structure of the code and is designed to supplement the Doxygen documentation of the code and all parameters. • The PDF of the manual is linked to the Doxygen code and parameter descriptions to make finding things easy. • There are also a number of examples of using various Herwig++ features in the manual and on the wiki. HERA-LHC 29th May
Underlying Event • Major new feature is a multiple scattering model of the underlying event. • In good agreement with CDF data on the underlying event. • Talk by M. Bahr on Tuesday. HERA-LHC 29th May
Higgs Matrix Element Correction HERA-LHC 29th May
Hadron Decays • Our new hadronic decay model is now used for meson and tau decays, baryon decays will be added soon. • The model includes: • An update of the particle decay using PDG’06 including a new database to store the information; • Spin correlations in all decays, including taus produced in the perturbative stage of the event; • A sophisticated treatment of off-shell effects. HERA-LHC 29th May
Examples of Hadron Decays Tau Decays, tgrnt Bgpen HERA-LHC 29th May
HERWIG+TAUOLA + Hw++ Tau Decays Right Handed stau Left Handed stau Fraction of visible energy carried by the charged pion HERA-LHC 29th May
BSM Physics • New approach for the implementation of BSM physics. • Rather than hard coding scattering and decay matrix elements have general matrix elements for 2g2 and 1g2 processes based on spins. • Code the Feynman rules for the different models. • Makes adding new models and getting the spin correlations right much easier. HERA-LHC 29th May
HERWIG + Hw++ BSM Physics Unpolarised HERA-LHC 29th May
UED e- near e- far Look at the decay q e- near q*L Z* e+ far e+ near e+ far e*R g* HERA-LHC 29th May
Tuning • The parameters of the first Herwig++ release were adjusted to improve the agreement to LEP data, not a real tuning. • A number of significant improvements have been made since then. • Did a retuning of the parameters to LEP, SLD and B-factory off-resonance data. • Randomly selected parameters (2000 points) and minimised about the best set. HERA-LHC 29th May
Before tune After Tune Tuning: Jets HERA-LHC 29th May
Before tune After Tune Tuning: Event Shapes HERA-LHC 29th May
Before tune After Tune Tuning: Kaons and Protons HERA-LHC 29th May
Before tune After Tune Tuning: Charm Fragmentation HERA-LHC 29th May
Using Herwig++ • Need to download and install ThePEG and Herwig++ as explained on http://projects.hepforge.org/herwig/versions.html • Has been tested on a wide variety of Linux systems (32 and 64 bit) using gcc 3.4.6, 4.0.4, 4.1.2 and 4.2.2, 4.3.0 and Intel based Macs. • We use autotools, configure and make for installation. • Detailed instructions at http://projects.hepforge.org/herwig/trac/wiki/HerwigInstallation • A number of examples for different colliders are provided. HERA-LHC 29th May
Using Herwig++ • A number of examples are installed in the share directory. • We have simplified the structure of the input files so that the majority of users should only need to edit one file. • If you try the LHC example LHC.in • herwig-location/bin/Herwig++ read LHC.in • Creates the event generator LHC.run • herwig-location/bin/Herwig++ run LHC.run –N#of-events • Runs the event generator. HERA-LHC 29th May
# Drell-Yan Z/gamma insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2gZ2ff # Drell-Yan W # insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEqq2W2ff # gamma-gamma # insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaGamma # gamma+jet # insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEGammaJet # gg/qqbar -> Higgs # insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggs # higgs+jet # insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHiggsJet # QCD 2-2 scattering # insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEQCD2to2 # top-antitop production # insert SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] MEHeavyQuark Using Herwig++ • The hard process can be changed by adding new matrix elements HERA-LHC 29th May
Using Herwig++ • Simple analysis of the events, producing output in topdraw format can be switched on ################################################## # Useful analysis handlers for hadron-hadron physics ################################################## # analysis of W/Z events # insert LHCGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/DrellYan # analysis of top-antitop events # insert LHCGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/TTbar # analysis of gamma+jet events # insert LHCGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/GammaJet # analysis of gamma-gamma events # insert LHCGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/GammaGamma # analysis of higgs-jet events # insert LHCGenerator:AnalysisHandlers 0 /Herwig/Analysis/HiggsJet HERA-LHC 29th May
Using Herwig++ • Cuts on the particles produced in the hard process can be changed, e.g. pT and h of photons set PhotonKtCut:MinKT 20.0*GeV set PhotonKtCut:MinEta -3. set PhotonKtCut:MaxEta 3. • Switch off parts of the event generation • Hadron Decays • Multiple scattering set /Herwig/EventHandlers/LHCHandler:DecayHandler NULL set /Herwig/Shower/ShowerHandler:MPI No HERA-LHC 29th May
Plans for the Future • At this point the most important thing is that the program is included in the experimental software andUSED. • Experimental feedback is vital to enable us to fix any problems and guide future developments. • Support for the FORTRAN will decline, there will only be bug fix releases. • The next bug fix release is likely to be the last. • User support will be concentrated on the C++, the FORTRAN is a much lower priority. HERA-LHC 29th May
Future Improvements • We are continuing to work on a number of further improvements • CKKW matrix element matching; • The multi-scale shower; • MC@NLO; • The Nason approach to MC@NLO; • IVAN soft underlying event model; • Improved modelling of baryon decays; • Additional new physics models and better simulation of off-shell effects. HERA-LHC 29th May
Off-shell effects in BSM Physics Hw++ + MadGraph Top mass at the Tevatron HERA-LHC 29th May
POWHEG method for Drell-Yan Herwig++ POWHEG MC@NLO CDF Run I Z pT D0 Run II Z pT HERA-LHC 29th May
Summary • We have made a lot of progress in the last year. • Herwig++ is now fully ready for hadron collisions. PLEASE USE IT • A comprehensive manual is now available. • User support available from herwig@projects.hepforge.org • Further improvements will follow. HERA-LHC 29th May