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HERWIG validation report

HERWIG validation report. ATLAS MC Validation Meeting, 24 May 2011. Responsibles: Jon Butterworth (UCL), Claire Gwenlan (Oxford), Daniela Rebuzzi (Pavia, INFN). Today: validation for MC11 ( 16.6.5.Y, AUET2-LO** tune, HERWIG 6.520 ).

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HERWIG validation report

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  1. HERWIG validation report ATLAS MC Validation Meeting, 24 May 2011 Responsibles: Jon Butterworth (UCL), Claire Gwenlan (Oxford), Daniela Rebuzzi (Pavia, INFN) Today: validation for MC11 (16.6.5.Y, AUET2-LO** tune, HERWIG 6.520) (SM validation: D. Rebuzzi; SUSY validation: C. Gwenlan)

  2. Fortran HERWIG validation AIM • Validation of athena 16.6.5.Y (including MC10JobOptions to MC11JobOptions migration, change to new evgen transform Generate_trf.py, HERWIG version update and new AUET2-LO** tune) for MC11 production • Check impact of new “AUET2-LO**” tune for Herwig/Jimmy • details documented in ATL-PHYS-PUB-2011-008 NB HERWIG version updated to 6.520 for MC11 [majority of updates in 6.520 already in our patches for 6.510] • validation samples •, MC10JobOptions, AUET1 tune (Baseline MC10 sample) •, MC11JobOptions, AUET1 tune [checking athena and HW version updates only] • 3., MC11JobOptions, AUET2-LO** tune Conclusion: no problematic issues observed 1

  3. HERWIG SUSY validation • Validation SampleBs (50k events) • mc10_valid.105403.SU3_jimmy_susy.recon.AOD.e787_a124 (MC10JOs,, AUET1 tune) • private samples (MC11JOs,, HW 6.520, AUET1 tune) • mc11_valid.105403.SU3_jimmy_susy.recon.AOD.e789_a124 (MC11JOs,, HW 6.520, AUET2) example: dilepton mass (OSSF) ratio of black/red SUSY validation: all distributions looks sensible and within expectations (one small issue I would like to understand a bit better – see later) 2

  4. HERWIG SUSY validation Some more examples (further plots in extras) – look OK MET number of events number of events Anti-Kt4 truth jets number of events number of events electrons 3

  5. HERWIG SUSY validation Possibly some observable difference in e.g. jet multiplicity • Trend appears more to do with athena/HERWIG update than due to PDF/tune change i.e. green and black, run in same athena version but with different tunes, look similar pT > 20GeV, |eta|<5 number of events Anti-Kt4 4

  6. Summary validation status: • (MC11JobOptions) checked against baseline of (MC10JobOptions) • Log files visually checked to ensure correct parameter settings ✔ • Distributions look sensible given new PDF/tune (and HERWIG version) • AUET2-LO** tune vs AUET1-LO* (using; MC11JobOptions) • Some differences observed in e.g. jet multiplicities – appears to be to do with (athena/)HERWIG update rather than tune • (differences are likely understandable; will perform some more checks to pin down in next couple of days) 5

  7. Extras 6

  8. HERWIG SUSY validation (cont.) SampleB plots using Evgen_trf.py (r15) or Generate_trf.py (r16) @ 7TeV (followed by csc_addTruthJetMet_trf.py) config tags: 1. e787 (MC10 JOs,, AUET1-LO* tune) 2. private samples (MC11 JOs,, AUET1-LO* tune) 3. e789 (MC11 JOs,, AUET2-LO** tune) 7

  9. HERWIG SUSY validation MET quantities number of events number of events ratios of black/red 8

  10. HERWIG SUSY validation electron quantities number of events number of events number of events number of events 9

  11. HERWIG SUSY validation electron quantities ratios of black/red 10

  12. HERWIG SUSY validation muon quantities number of events number of events number of events number of events 11

  13. HERWIG SUSY validation muon quantities ratios of black/red 12

  14. HERWIG SUSY validation photon quantities number of events number of events number of events number of events 13

  15. HERWIG SUSY validation photon quantities ratios of black/red 14

  16. HERWIG SUSY validation dilepton masses number of events number of events OSSF elecs+muons SSSF elecs+muons number of events number of events OSSF electrons OSSF muons 15

  17. HERWIG SUSY validation dilepton masses ratios of black/red 16

  18. HERWIG SUSY validation jets quantities: anti-kt4 number of events number of events pT > 20GeV, |eta|<5 number of events number of events 17

  19. HERWIG SUSY validation jets quantities: anti-kt4 ratios of black/red 18

  20. HERWIG SUSY validation jets quantities: cone4 number of events number of events pT > 20GeV, |eta|<5 number of events number of events 19

  21. HERWIG SUSY validation jets quantities: cone4 ratios of black/red 20

  22. HERWIG SUSY validation SUSY “4-jet, 0-lepton” analysis (anti-kt4 jets) number of events number of events number of events number of events 21

  23. HERWIG SUSY validation SUSY “4-jet, 0-lepton” analysis (anti-kt4 jets) ratios of black/red 22

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