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Welcome to the click through demonstration of Credita, Ocarina Systems web based Credit Management application. The aim of the demonstration is to give you and your colleagues a high level presentation of Credita, demonstrating some the products key features and business benefits.
Welcome to the click through demonstration of Credita, Ocarina Systems web based Credit Management application. The aim of the demonstration is to give you and your colleagues a high level presentation of Credita, demonstrating some the products key features and business benefits. click to move on …..
To navigate through the presentation simply click your mouse button or hit the enter key when you see this sign appear. The rest of the presentation is fully automated so sit back and enjoy the show. Following the presentation should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Credita is the new Credit Management module of Ocarina’s Riporta web based reporting application. Credita’s key features include:- • the ability to collect and track statistical information about your customers payment record • to determine which accounts are late payers and need to be chased. • provision of an active diary into which tasks are logged, with users being prompted through alerts to automatically chase up customers for payment.
Credita is the new Credit Management module of Ocarina’s Riporta web based reporting application. The system is designed around the way the users want to work:- • by reviewing groups of accounts through reports such as Age Analysis Reports • by looking at individual accounts • by reviewing diarised tasks • producing debt chasing letters Tasks can be escalated to supervisory or managerial level with the minimum of effort. All account history is there to see
Three different methods of accessing accounts are shown here to the left. Let’s look at each in turn. Remember that the system is designed in such a way that each user will have the flexibility to access accounts how they wish.
Once again flexibility is key to searching for a customer Search for the account directly Enter the customer code directly as shown to the right, or enter wildcard ‘D*’ for instance to obtain a list of customers beginning with letter ‘D’
Once again flexibility is key to searching for a customer Produce a list of all accounts managed by you Each customer is assigned to a credit manager (a user on the system) To review a list of all your accounts, simply click and the display to the right will be shown
Once again flexibility is key to searching for a customer Run aged debt report
Once again flexibility is key to searching for a customer KPI reports, for instance average days to pay… you may have other forms of KPI style reports to use instead.
Whichever method of accessing the account is most beneficial, you use it. The flexibility of the system is such that all the examples we have just been through are designed around Riporta Views of information from your database. Therefore this means that if you design a specific view that would be useful as the start point for Credit Management then you simply assign it to this section on the left. To progress further let’s use the Age analysis report as our example….
Although this is a very useful report in its own right, to use it as the start point for debt chasing, simply click on the account you wish to chase… Harp Logistics for instance
An Account Summary section is designed using Riporta, so you determine what information you want to display and in what sequence This is the main account summary screen, from which various options are available. Again we have designed it with flexibility of operation in mind. The task scheduler is displayed on the lower half of the screen. This is where new tasks associated with chasing this account are entered. More on this later
Items such as Open Tasks and Closed Tasks reference a Riporta View. Others such as Letters are provided with the product and perform a specific function with Credit Management In the left hand panel you again have a series of standard menu items, but with the ability to add in additional items.
Let’s take a closer at 2 areas:- • Letter production • Task scheduler Letter production is a separate function located on the menu.
Information such as the account number is brought through automatically. Other information such as letter template, style of output is chosen on this screen. Let’s run a reminder letter and View the results on screen
The template which is a simple Word document is merged with the data you have chosen for the account you have selected. The result as in this case is displayed in the window, where minor changes could be made prior to printing/posting, faxing, emailing directly to the customer. All aspects of configuring these letters, is user definable. It is not expected that any technical or IT involvement would be necessary. This example is a reminder letter
This example is a statement of an account. The stationery design is totally configurable to meet the requirements of your business.
Top right there is a monthly calendar view and below it the alert panel where tasks are grouped into logical time bands (again all user configurable). The diary screen as you can see is split into different sections. In the centre of the screen there is a list of tasks laid out for the operator for that day (timescales and time intervals all both user configurable)
To enter new tasks click on Add a task To review and amend an existing task click on the diary or task on the alert panel, here, or here
This is the screen that you would update your tasks from, All boxes such as owner, Priority, Action and Excuse are user configurable, so Actions and Excuses are meaningful to your company
Although that concludes this brief overview of Credita, there are a number of features in the product that have not been shown here:- • Management information to track effectiveness of Credit Controllers • Full audit trail of all tasks showing who did what, where and when. • We hope this introduction to the product has proved useful, full details of how to take this forward follow on the next slide.
Thank you for taking the time to view this presentation. I hope that you have found it to be of interest relevant to your business. We would be delighted to hear from you should you have any questions regarding Credita. Please visit our web site at www.ocarinasystems.com or alternatively call us on 01423 874747 for further information.