1. 1
2. 2
3. 3 Program Information available at the following website : WWW.MABASRADIO.ORG
this site also links to many other communication resources.
4. 4 Presentation Overview: Presentation of Statewide programs
IREACH What is it and how do we use it ?
Wrap-up and Questions
5. 5 Statewide Communications Strategy …is to provide a statewide warning and interoperable emergency communications system designed to support local emergency operations and yet be flexible enough to respond to multiple emergencies throughout the state…..
...and is based on the following premises….
6. 6 A variety of communications systems are in place and operational. Enhancement of these systems will improve their effectiveness and ensure immediate statewide interoperability.
7. 7 Communications resources , including frequencies, should be based on mission assignments, rather than assigned to individual departments.
8. 8 Initial response to a terrorism event, as with all emergencies and disasters is local…. Systems must be built to provide initial immediate support to the concept of unified incident command. As additional resources are brought to the scene, communications capabilities must rapidly expand based on mission assignments.
9. 9 All communications covered by the strategy are based on an “all hazards” approach…. …The communications systems can be utilized to coordinate emergency and disaster operations regardless of their origin.
10. 10 The provision of warning is a shared responsibility of the State, the counties and municipalities…. It is understood that each county and the City of Chicago will assume the responsibility for the dissemination of warnings and bulletins to municipal governments, taxing districts, local officials and designated special facilities.
11. 11 Three separate but interrelated components 1- Statewide warning and alerting systems.
2- Incident scene management and interoperability.
3- Infrastructure to support interoperable scene communications
12. 12 Component 1 : Statewide warning and alerting systems EMnet …Satellite based data system
State EOC main originator of messages.
Ability to forward messages.
Confirmation of receipt.
E-mail bulletin format.
Many locations: County EOC’s , State Police posts, POD Hospitals, Main MABAS dispatch centers, ILEAS Dispatch, IDPH, IDOT, National Weather Service offices, City of Chicago
13. 13 Additional alerting: STARCOM : voice bulletins
LEADS: primarily Law enforcement
HSIN: Homeland Security Information Network ( not yet in service in Illinois)
14. 14 Component 2: Incident Scene Management and interoperability (frequencies) First response is at local level with local frequencies and resources.
Other available frequencies include: IREACH, IFERN,FIREGROUNDS,V-TAC, U-TAC, I-TAC and Federal frequencies when working with Federal Agencies.
15. 15 Component 2: cont’d (Scene Equipment) VHF interoperability mobiles. (3000)
ITECS Trailer suites (10) strategically located throughout the State.
16. 16 VHF interoperability mobile Motorola XTL 5000
17. 17 ITECS Trailer Illinois Transportable Emergency Communications Suite
18. 18 Component 3: Infrastructure to support interoperable scene and backbone system-wide communications. IREACH Base stations.
Public Health access to IREACH. (mobiles and / or portables .
Rebuild Hospital radio system.
Enhance State Direction and Control system. lowband ( 45.44)
STARCOM integration
19. 19 IREACH BASE STATIONS All 102 counties and City of Chicago.( Many others in dispatch centers in Metro Chicago.)
Coverage availability not necessarily from your own county.
20. 20 Public Health IREACH radios XTL 5000 mobile A4
HT 1250
21. 21 Hospital Base Stations 110 Wattt VHF.
Up to 16 transmit frequencies
Equipped with 3 receivers
#1 155.280 Hosp. – Hosp. (statewide)
#2 155.340 (w statewide ambulance tone)
#3 155.400 or 155.340 or 155.160 or 155.220
Depending on local need with local tone.
22. 22 Hospital Radio equipment Motorola MTR 2000 w/ aux receivers in a cabinet.
Gai-Tronics console
23. 23 IREACH Illinois
24. 24 IREACH Information available at www.prairienet.org/ireach
25. 25 Licensing 155.055 The County or city that your health department is affiliated with must have a valid FCC authorization (license)
Independent advisory governing board established in 1982 to oversee licensing, operational policy and enforcement issues.
26. 26 Authorized Users Public Safety Agencies and other affiliated agencies.
27. 27 Purpose To allow any pubic safety employee to talk to any other public safety employee via radio, provided the radio traffic relates to official duties and the protection of life and property.
i.e. Public health worker relating critical information to a paramedic or other emergency worker or dispatch center.
28. 28 Base stations are allowed to operate on IREACH to foster coordination and communications between public safety units. A base station may initiate a dispatch if it is of significant interest to two or more disciplines.
IREACH shall not be used by a single agency for field operations or as an intra-agency car to car channel.
29. 29 Misc. Thoughts Ideas for use
IFERN in a MABAS environment
Your own frequencies where available
30. 30
31. 31 Communications Info:
32. 32 Thank You