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Library: Technikon Southern Africa, Gauteng Roodepoort. . Library: Technikon Southern Africa, Gauteng Roodepoort. Library: Technikon Southern Africa, Gauteng Roodepoort. Library: Technikon Southern Africa, Gauteng Roodepoort. African Digital Library. Two main topics from this presentation would be:Overview to the ADLProblems experienced establishing the ADL in Africa.
1. The African Digital Library Introduction of selfIntroduction of self
6. African Digital Library Two main topics from this presentation would be:
Overview to the ADL
Problems experienced establishing the ADL in Africa www.wunderland.com/ EBooks/Ebooks.html
Overview of speech
Flashes of TSAs libraryOverview of speech
Flashes of TSAs library
7. Introduction of topic: To establish the ADL in Africa. Introduction of topic: To establish the ADL in Africa.
8. African Digital Library Meet the volunteers
Responsibilities are:
To register users
to identify new material to be added to the ADL
Establishment of the ADL:
The library was established at the Technikon in November 1999 by the Director of Life-long, without getting the library involved in the establishment. The Technikon provede seed funding with the provisio that donor support should be found to fund the library.
The director applied for funds through the WB development funds and received a grant of $90 000 with which the collection was built.
The collection developed with the funding stands on 7800 titles, in various subject areas
In 2001 the Director for LL Learning left the country and the ADL was passed on to the CIO. The library was not attended to untill Feb 2002 when it was referred to the library and taken up by DR. van Vuren, She left for greener pastures and the ADL was given to me in August 2002 - placed on the ice with a drip to keep it alive.
netLibrary contribute dot the project by way of discounted storage fees. The collection is housed on Netlibrarys server in Boulder in Colorado.Meet the volunteers
Responsibilities are:
To register users
to identify new material to be added to the ADL
Establishment of the ADL:
The library was established at the Technikon in November 1999 by the Director of Life-long, without getting the library involved in the establishment. The Technikon provede seed funding with the provisio that donor support should be found to fund the library.
The director applied for funds through the WB development funds and received a grant of $90 000 with which the collection was built.
The collection developed with the funding stands on 7800 titles, in various subject areas
In 2001 the Director for LL Learning left the country and the ADL was passed on to the CIO. The library was not attended to untill Feb 2002 when it was referred to the library and taken up by DR. van Vuren, She left for greener pastures and the ADL was given to me in August 2002 - placed on the ice with a drip to keep it alive.
netLibrary contribute dot the project by way of discounted storage fees. The collection is housed on Netlibrarys server in Boulder in Colorado.
9. ADL: Overview The idea for the establishment of the ADL was to contribute to Africas lack of information and to assist Africa in the arena of providing up to date textbooks FREE of CHARGE. The only prerequisite would be to have Internet access and a computer.
Africa is recognised as a continent desperate for development and needed access to information as a key component to its development and its quest to become part of the information super highway.
The idea for the establishment of the ADL was to contribute to Africas lack of information and to assist Africa in the arena of providing up to date textbooks FREE of CHARGE. The only prerequisite would be to have Internet access and a computer.
Africa is recognised as a continent desperate for development and needed access to information as a key component to its development and its quest to become part of the information super highway.
10. Aims of ADL Contribution to revitalization of
education in Africa
Alleviation of Digital Divide
Contribution to Human
Provision of Recent Publications The digital library is a core component of the Virtual Learning Experience
The Virtual Learning Experience is extending the role of the library.
The ADL would then contribute to the revitilisation of education. Africa is in dire need to educate its populace
To contribute to the alleviation of the Digital Divide - the divide that exists between the haves and the have nots
to Contribute to the development of Africas human capital by contributing to education social services and some commercial activities.
It is a resource that would provide students with recent publications to support life long learning and self paced learning.
The ADL would then contribute to the revitilisation of education. Africa is in dire need to educate its populace
To contribute to the alleviation of the Digital Divide - the divide that exists between the haves and the have nots
to Contribute to the development of Africas human capital by contributing to education social services and some commercial activities.
It is a resource that would provide students with recent publications to support life long learning and self paced learning.
11. Contribution of ADL to: Contributing factors to the Digital Divide
The ADLs contribution to alleviate the Digital Divide had to deal with the following factors:
Africa suffers from economic decline and poverty. It is reported that 340 million Africans have to live on less than $1,00 per day.
War acitiviteis creates higher inflation and lesser money for needed education.For example - Zimbabwe has an inflation rate of 480% and it is still rising. Africa suffered from more than 100 coups since 1950 - latest is the coup of Guinea Bissau with a population of I Million and reported to be ONE of the poorest of the African countries.
Debt: Africas debt in 1999 was calculated at $563 mill which is equivalent to 360% of its total export.
Braindrain - Africa lost more than 60 000 professionald between 1985 - 90 and is losing approximately 20 000 professionals every year since then.
Illiteracy and gender disparities: 41 % of Africas people over 15 years of age is classified illiterate. Only 3% of female vs. 41 % of male students enroll for further education. 33% of enrolled students drop out from university.
I am going to show you precisely how big Africa is it is the 2nd largest cotinent of the world and you could it into Africa \europe, USA and Chian and would still have spare ground left.
The ADLs contribution to alleviate the Digital Divide had to deal with the following factors:
Africa suffers from economic decline and poverty. It is reported that 340 million Africans have to live on less than $1,00 per day.
War acitiviteis creates higher inflation and lesser money for needed education.For example - Zimbabwe has an inflation rate of 480% and it is still rising. Africa suffered from more than 100 coups since 1950 - latest is the coup of Guinea Bissau with a population of I Million and reported to be ONE of the poorest of the African countries.
Debt: Africas debt in 1999 was calculated at $563 mill which is equivalent to 360% of its total export.
Braindrain - Africa lost more than 60 000 professionald between 1985 - 90 and is losing approximately 20 000 professionals every year since then.
Illiteracy and gender disparities: 41 % of Africas people over 15 years of age is classified illiterate. Only 3% of female vs. 41 % of male students enroll for further education. 33% of enrolled students drop out from university.
I am going to show you precisely how big Africa is it is the 2nd largest cotinent of the world and you could it into Africa \europe, USA and Chian and would still have spare ground left.
12. Electricity Supply to Africa2nd largest continent in the world! Slide indicates electrification of the world at night.
One of the most significant things impacting on the DD is the delivery of electricity. 70 -80% of Africas population lives in rural areas and have no access to electricity. SA and Egypt has the highest electrification levels at approximately 70% average. Zambia only has 18% of this level.
Africa truly spoken is the dark continentSlide indicates electrification of the world at night.
One of the most significant things impacting on the DD is the delivery of electricity. 70 -80% of Africas population lives in rural areas and have no access to electricity. SA and Egypt has the highest electrification levels at approximately 70% average. Zambia only has 18% of this level.
Africa truly spoken is the dark continent
13. Telephone Density: Africa Africa hosts 816 million people which is 14% of global population. Of these only 600 million have acces to 3 million telephones - 1 telephone to every 200 people. This situation is even worse in the Eastern african regions.
There are more phones in Manhattan or Tokyo than on the entire African continent.
The following slides will take you through the telephone initiatives used in South Africa. The telephone connections are done through a service unit by a mobile agency, and power is generated from batteries linked to the unit. Costs vary from owner/operator to owner.Africa hosts 816 million people which is 14% of global population. Of these only 600 million have acces to 3 million telephones - 1 telephone to every 200 people. This situation is even worse in the Eastern african regions.
There are more phones in Manhattan or Tokyo than on the entire African continent.
The following slides will take you through the telephone initiatives used in South Africa. The telephone connections are done through a service unit by a mobile agency, and power is generated from batteries linked to the unit. Costs vary from owner/operator to owner.
16. Mobile service provider 2 MTN
17. Mobile service provider 3 CellC
18. Language Differentiation: Africa Africa is the mother of 800 ethnic groups and hosts over 1000 actively spoken languages on the continent. It has no prominent language.
It also produces the least number of scientific publications and delivers less than 1,50 of world publications.
The oral tradition is strongly manifested in Africa and the transmitting of information from one generation to the other is a recognised means of communication.Africa is the mother of 800 ethnic groups and hosts over 1000 actively spoken languages on the continent. It has no prominent language.
It also produces the least number of scientific publications and delivers less than 1,50 of world publications.
The oral tradition is strongly manifested in Africa and the transmitting of information from one generation to the other is a recognised means of communication.
19. Education: Africa Although education is one of the key focus areas for the NEPAD initiative, the following has impact on Africa:
Unesco designated Africa as the Continent of Illiterateracy. Access to education is limited overall. Only 3% of 18-25 year old african er\nroll for further education. 60% of all illiterates on the continent are women. Ethipia scenario: 50% of school going children attends the first year of schooling,
50 % of those drop out to attend to daily chores.
11% of all school going children lives on the continent.
A report stated that the book vs. student ration is 1 book to every 30 students.
Although education is one of the key focus areas for the NEPAD initiative, the following has impact on Africa:
Unesco designated Africa as the Continent of Illiterateracy. Access to education is limited overall. Only 3% of 18-25 year old african er\nroll for further education. 60% of all illiterates on the continent are women. Ethipia scenario: 50% of school going children attends the first year of schooling,
50 % of those drop out to attend to daily chores.
11% of all school going children lives on the continent.
A report stated that the book vs. student ration is 1 book to every 30 students.
20. To fully picture the enormous task to educate Africa, to address the digital divide and to establish a library in Africa, it is good to be confronted with the second largest continent of the world.
You could fit in the USA, Europe and China in Africa and still have some square miles left/ spare. To fully picture the enormous task to educate Africa, to address the digital divide and to establish a library in Africa, it is good to be confronted with the second largest continent of the world.
You could fit in the USA, Europe and China in Africa and still have some square miles left/ spare.
21. Library History in Africa
If we look at the library tradition of Africa, it is eminant that Africa has no historical library tradition. The Alexandria library was establisehd on thenorthern most part of Africa. Other libraries were created due to either colonialist influences or had an Islamic provenance.
Africa however has a strong oral tradition and reading was only introduced during the colonial years of ruling.
Libraries were established as post seconf waorl war institutions, initially well funded but expereinced collapse in late 70s early 80s.
Africas library staff also suffers from not being recognised as of importance and the library in Africa generally suffers from under-funding or being dependant on donations or grants.
The Library in University of Sierra Leone and Uniersity of Kenyatta had to acquire generators to generate electricity to run their computers by and to do binding.
If we look at the library tradition of Africa, it is eminant that Africa has no historical library tradition. The Alexandria library was establisehd on thenorthern most part of Africa. Other libraries were created due to either colonialist influences or had an Islamic provenance.
Africa however has a strong oral tradition and reading was only introduced during the colonial years of ruling.
Libraries were established as post seconf waorl war institutions, initially well funded but expereinced collapse in late 70s early 80s.
Africas library staff also suffers from not being recognised as of importance and the library in Africa generally suffers from under-funding or being dependant on donations or grants.
The Library in University of Sierra Leone and Uniersity of Kenyatta had to acquire generators to generate electricity to run their computers by and to do binding.
22. Funding: Africa University Libraries. This slide is to indicate the poorly resourced libraries in Africa. The library that is reportedly best funded is that of Botswana. Most libraries receive donations that are not subject related or old and not of use.This slide is to indicate the poorly resourced libraries in Africa. The library that is reportedly best funded is that of Botswana. Most libraries receive donations that are not subject related or old and not of use.
23. Bridging the Digital Divide Initiatives by and for Africa Bridging the Digital Divide
Initiatives with an African Flavour
Camel Library Services: Kenya
Taking books to Rural areas surrounding city
Africa has something to add to bridge the DD. One such initiative is the Camel library services of Kenya.
3 Camels are loaded with 4 boxes containing 300 books each and taken to the rural area where people could use these resources. The camels also carry a tent, chairs and a piece of material on which the books are spread out.Africa has something to add to bridge the DD. One such initiative is the Camel library services of Kenya.
3 Camels are loaded with 4 boxes containing 300 books each and taken to the rural area where people could use these resources. The camels also carry a tent, chairs and a piece of material on which the books are spread out.
24. Camel Library service
26. Bridging the Digital Divide Initiatives by and for Africa Bridging the Digital Divide
Initiatives with an African Flavour
Camel Library Services: Kenya
Taking books to Rural areas surrounding city
Donkey Drawn Electro-Communication library carts: Fitted with Internet, e-mail, fax and telephone services
Another initiative is the DD Electro Communication carts of zimababwe. These cart are fitted with solar panels used for generating power, fax machines, internet and email. It is also supplied with books and is taken to the rural area of Zimbabwe
It is reported that these carts loaded with information and books were instrumental in alleviating illiteracy to a low level of 15% in this particular area.
Another initiative is the DD Electro Communication carts of zimababwe. These cart are fitted with solar panels used for generating power, fax machines, internet and email. It is also supplied with books and is taken to the rural area of Zimbabwe
It is reported that these carts loaded with information and books were instrumental in alleviating illiteracy to a low level of 15% in this particular area.
27. Donkey drawn electro-communication library carts of Zimbabwe
28. Bridging the Digital Divide Initiatives by and for Africa Bridging the Digital Divide
Initiatives with an African Flavour
Camel Library Services: Kenya
Taking books to Rural areas surrounding city
Donkey Drawn Electro-Communication library
Obsolete computers revamped
Another notable initiative is the revamping of obsolete computers and the placement of these computers in community centres and schools in Africa. The orginasations responsible for this is computers for Africa and pcs for Africa. One company UK based and the other American based.
These computers are taken from the dustbins of companies, revamped and rebuilt, shipped to africa and placed in these non for profit organisations. This initiative is to alleviate the computer illliteracy that exists in Africa in general.
Another notable initiative is the revamping of obsolete computers and the placement of these computers in community centres and schools in Africa. The orginasations responsible for this is computers for Africa and pcs for Africa. One company UK based and the other American based.
These computers are taken from the dustbins of companies, revamped and rebuilt, shipped to africa and placed in these non for profit organisations. This initiative is to alleviate the computer illliteracy that exists in Africa in general.
29. Obsolete computers recovered for Africa
30. Computers for Africa
31. Bridging the Digital Divide Africas own initiative to bridge the DD and to support capacity building is the NEPAD initiative. The new partnership for Africas development
CLICKAfricas own initiative to bridge the DD and to support capacity building is the NEPAD initiative. The new partnership for Africas development
32. NEPAD: Eradication of poverty in Africa It has to its focus the following objectives which was mentioned in the DD slide.
To built on peace and security - alleviate the wars and political instability
ensure economic growth - addressing the education and human growth capacity
development of infrastructures - addressing the provision of electricity
to become financial stable - relieving debt and building of economies. It has to its focus the following objectives which was mentioned in the DD slide.
To built on peace and security - alleviate the wars and political instability
ensure economic growth - addressing the education and human growth capacity
development of infrastructures - addressing the provision of electricity
to become financial stable - relieving debt and building of economies.
33. Bridging the Digital Divide If we look at the provision of Internet in Africa, another sombre picture greeted us. Africa only has 6,31 million internet users. If SA is taken from this, africa has just over 2 million internet users.
CLICKIf we look at the provision of Internet in Africa, another sombre picture greeted us. Africa only has 6,31 million internet users. If SA is taken from this, africa has just over 2 million internet users.
34. Africa is however connected. All 54 countries in africa has some form of Internet access. However between countries barely no links exists. Internet traffic happens through service providers situated in Europe and America.
One internet connection is also used by between 3-5 users bringing the usage of internet to a higher usage pattern
Internet access in Africa - in Mozambique and the Tuareg camp - a nomadic nation that has internet connection.Africa is however connected. All 54 countries in africa has some form of Internet access. However between countries barely no links exists. Internet traffic happens through service providers situated in Europe and America.
One internet connection is also used by between 3-5 users bringing the usage of internet to a higher usage pattern
Internet access in Africa - in Mozambique and the Tuareg camp - a nomadic nation that has internet connection.
35. Internet Africa: Mozambique
36. Internet in Africa: Mali CLICKCLICK
37. This van is a multifunctional van equipped with 4 computers, access to internet and email. The van is driven from village to village in Kenya. The population is trained to use internet and hopefully eventually the ADL.
Why is the ADL then so important for Africa if the access to electornic information is so limited?
We still believe that the Internet would eventually take off in Africa. It would take time and perseverance and the ADL is a free product, ready for use. This van is a multifunctional van equipped with 4 computers, access to internet and email. The van is driven from village to village in Kenya. The population is trained to use internet and hopefully eventually the ADL.
Why is the ADL then so important for Africa if the access to electornic information is so limited?
We still believe that the Internet would eventually take off in Africa. It would take time and perseverance and the ADL is a free product, ready for use.
38. Internet is established in \africa in Schools, community centres and hops. The postitive side of installation of internet access in these centres is that the shop owner, school teachers etc. are the staff who teach the necessary skills of using the internet to the users.
Great success stories of internet connectivity is being reported from Eritrea, Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania
In Africa there is approximately 1 Internet user for every 250 400 people, America and Europe has 1 in 2 In easterne Africa it is 1.3 in every 1000 peopleInternet is established in \africa in Schools, community centres and hops. The postitive side of installation of internet access in these centres is that the shop owner, school teachers etc. are the staff who teach the necessary skills of using the internet to the users.
Great success stories of internet connectivity is being reported from Eritrea, Kenya, Mozambique and Tanzania
In Africa there is approximately 1 Internet user for every 250 400 people, America and Europe has 1 in 2 In easterne Africa it is 1.3 in every 1000 people
39. Bridging the Digital Divide The ADL was created for Africa in the spirit of the African \renaissasnce to adress Africas other famine the text book famine.
It is a collection of paid e-books, ready for use by every person living on African soil, FREE of CHARGE.
The aim of the ADL is to provide digitise full text resources to learners in Africa via the Internet.
It was developed to assist the less fortunate in an underdeveloped continent in the world.The ADL was created for Africa in the spirit of the African \renaissasnce to adress Africas other famine the text book famine.
It is a collection of paid e-books, ready for use by every person living on African soil, FREE of CHARGE.
The aim of the ADL is to provide digitise full text resources to learners in Africa via the Internet.
It was developed to assist the less fortunate in an underdeveloped continent in the world.
40. African Digital Library: Benefits Automatically regulated against copyright abuse
No books lost or stolen
automated return
No additional shelf space
Support distance education
& distributed learning
Although the use was initially not as good as was hoped it gradually picked up. It could be due to the fact that Africa was and still is not ready for a digitised resource, and that it was developed for them in stead of by them
The ADL is a good resource due to the fact that the resource is a secure resource that cannot be stolen,,damaged or lost. \It requires very little administration, books are automatically returned and it supports life-long learning.
The biggest problem of the ADL is tht the collection is mainly in english with a strong american content. African content is much sought for and hopefully would be added in future.
Although the use was initially not as good as was hoped it gradually picked up. It could be due to the fact that Africa was and still is not ready for a digitised resource, and that it was developed for them in stead of by them
The ADL is a good resource due to the fact that the resource is a secure resource that cannot be stolen,,damaged or lost. \It requires very little administration, books are automatically returned and it supports life-long learning.
The biggest problem of the ADL is tht the collection is mainly in english with a strong american content. African content is much sought for and hopefully would be added in future.
41. African Digital Library Why e-books
Current usage
Growth of Registrations The benefits of e-books are that it is available at any time, any day throughout the year 24X7X365
It is an additional library, available free of charge
It consists of books that can be searched using key words, subjects, authors ets.
The collection is safe and secure for usage. It allows for short loan periods maiking the collection accessible for a greater numer of users.
The collectio is automatically regulated against copyright abuse.
The current usage indicates that the Business and economics subjects are the highest use subjects, followed by computer and general social sciences. Education and medicine are also high use subjects
Access is provided through registration. Data is followed up by the volunteers helping with this task. Initially IP authentication and domain filtering were used regulate access to the collection.
The user population more than doubles since taking over the Adl mainly due to vigorous marketing of the ADL to individuals and groups.
The benefits of e-books are that it is available at any time, any day throughout the year 24X7X365
It is an additional library, available free of charge
It consists of books that can be searched using key words, subjects, authors ets.
The collection is safe and secure for usage. It allows for short loan periods maiking the collection accessible for a greater numer of users.
The collectio is automatically regulated against copyright abuse.
The current usage indicates that the Business and economics subjects are the highest use subjects, followed by computer and general social sciences. Education and medicine are also high use subjects
Access is provided through registration. Data is followed up by the volunteers helping with this task. Initially IP authentication and domain filtering were used regulate access to the collection.
The user population more than doubles since taking over the Adl mainly due to vigorous marketing of the ADL to individuals and groups.
42. The administrator finds herself in a predicament - The collection is built using donations and The administrator of the ADL has no experience in writing donor proposals but were lucky to receive two grants already.
The world bank gave the ADL a nebula classification due to inactivity reported and no additions made to the current collction. We hope to overturn this classification in due course.
The cost of books in an African context are extremely expensive. Because of the in perpetuity use, 5% has to be added to each book acquired to ensure the placement of the book on the server.
Ladies and gentlemen Although the pictures presented to you is of doom and gloom, we still believe that the ADL would eventually be to the benefit for the African population.
We know the needs are there . The opportunities are there .we have the abilities . But do we African librarians have the courage and the conviction to do what is being expected of use as information brokers for this continent?The administrator finds herself in a predicament - The collection is built using donations and The administrator of the ADL has no experience in writing donor proposals but were lucky to receive two grants already.
The world bank gave the ADL a nebula classification due to inactivity reported and no additions made to the current collction. We hope to overturn this classification in due course.
The cost of books in an African context are extremely expensive. Because of the in perpetuity use, 5% has to be added to each book acquired to ensure the placement of the book on the server.
Ladies and gentlemen Although the pictures presented to you is of doom and gloom, we still believe that the ADL would eventually be to the benefit for the African population.
We know the needs are there . The opportunities are there .we have the abilities . But do we African librarians have the courage and the conviction to do what is being expected of use as information brokers for this continent?
43. it is a journey, a very long journey I would like to end with the wisdom from the song to dream .I would like to end with the wisdom from the song to dream .