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The IFC, The IBC and E Occupancies International Fire Code Intent
International Fire Code Intent • The purpose of this code is to establish the minimum requirements consistent with nationally recognized good practice for providing a reasonable level of life safety and property protection from the hazards of fire, explosion or dangerous conditions in new and existing buildings, structures and premises and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency conditions.
International Building Code Intent • The purpose of this code is to establish the minimum requirements to safeguard the public health, safety and general welfare through structural strength, means of egress facilities…and safety to life and property from fire and other hazards attributed to the built environment and to provide safety to fire fighters and emergency responders during emergency operations.
Chapter One Administrative
IFC Section 106 Inspections • 106.3 Concealed work. Whenever any installation subject to inspections prior to use is covered or concealed without having first been inspected, the fire code official shall have the authority to require that such work be exposed for inspection.
IBC Section 109 Inspections • To be accessible and exposed until approved… - Footings and Foundations - Concrete slab and underfloor areas - Lowest floor elevations (flood zones) - Framing - Lath and gypsum board inspections
IBC Inspections Continued - Fire-resistive penetrations - Energy efficiency inspections - Other inspections required by building official. - Special Inspections - Final Inspection
IFC Section 107 Maintenance • Whenever or wherever any device, equipment, system, condition, arrangement, level of protection, or any other feature is required for compliance with the provisions of this code, or otherwise installed, such device…shall thereafter by continuously maintained in accordance with this code and applicable referenced standards.
Maintenance Cont’d • Testing and operation of equipment • Test and inspection records • Re-inspection and testing • Supervision • Rendering equipment inoperable. • Owner/occupant responsibility • Overcrowding
Chapter 3 General Fire Precautions Use & Occupancy Classification
IFC Section 304Combustible Waste Material - Not allowed to accumulate in buildings or upon the premises. Includes spaces underneath grandstands and bleacher seats. - Storage not to create a nuisance or hazard. - Oily rags to be stored in listed, disposal container with tight fitting lid and contents disposed of daily.
IFC Section 3 Cont’d • Dumpsters and containers with an individual capacity of 1.5 cubic yard or more shall not be stored in buildings or placed within 5 feet of combustible walls, openings or combustible roof eave lines.
IFC Section 308Open Burning & Recreational Fires • General – A person shall not kindle or maintain or authorize to be kindled or maintained any open burning unless conducted and approved in accordance with this section. • Permit required. • Authorization from Division of Air Quality • Location-not less than 50 feet from any structure.
IFC Section 308 Open Flames • A person shall not utilize or allow to be utilized, an open flame in connection with a public meeting or gathering for purposes of deliberation, worship, entertainment, amusement, instruction, education, recreation, …without fire obtaining a permit. • Candles shall not be located on or near combustible materials
Section 313 Fueled Equipment • Fueled equipment including but not limited to lawn-care equipment… shall not be stored, operated or repaired within a building. Exception: A building or room constructed for such use in accordance with the IBC. - 313.1.1 Authorizes the fire code official to require removal of fueled equipment from locations deemed hazardous.
IFC Section 314 Indoor Displays • Displays of highly combustible goods, including but not limited to…agricultural goods, are prohibited in main exit access aisles, corridors or within 5 feet of entrances to exits and exterior exit doors when a fire involving such goods would rapidly prevent or obstruct egress.
Vehicles 1. Disconnect battery 2. ¼ tank of fuel or 5 gallons, which ever is less. 3. Fuel tanks and fill openings are closed and sealed to prevent tampering. 4. Vehicles are not fueled or de-fueled within the building. Indoor Displays Cont’d
IFC Section 315 MiscellaneousCombustible Materials Storage • Storage in buildings shall be orderly. Storage shall be separated from heat sources. • Clearance from ceilings, 18 inches in sprinklered buildings, 24 inches in non-sprinklered buildings. • No storage in means of egress, exits or exit enclosures. • No storage in boiler rooms, electrical or mechanical equipment rooms.
Incidental and AccessoryUse Areas • Areas or spaces that are subordinate and secondary to the structure’s primary function. • Limited in size • May or may not require separation
IBC Section 302.1.1.1Separation • Where Table 302.1.1 permits an automatic fire-extinguishing system without a fire barrier, the incidental use area shall be separated by construction capable of resisting the passage of smoke.
Chapter 4 Emergency Planning Special Detailed Requirements Based on Use
IFC Section 404Fire Safety and Evacuation Plan • Emergency egress or escape routes • Procedures for employees who must remain to operate critical equipment before evacuating • Procedures for accounting for occupants and employees after evacuation has been completed
Section 404 Cont’d • Identification and assignment of personnel responsible for rescue or emergency medical aid • The preferred and any alternative means of notifying occupants of a fire or emergency • The preferred and any alternative means of reporting fires and other emergencies to the authorities
Section 404 Cont’d • Identification and assignment of personnel who can be contacted for further information or explanation of duties under the plan • A description of the emergency voice/alarm communication system alert tone and preprogrammed voice messages, where provided
IFC Section 404.3.2Fire Safety Plans • The procedure for reporting a fire or other emergency • The life safety strategy and procedures for notifying, relocating, or evacuating occupants • Site plans indicating: a. The occupancy assembly point b. The location of fire hydrants c. Access routes for vehicles
Section 404.3.2 Cont’d • Floor plans identifying: a. Exits b. Primary and secondary evacuation routes c. Accessible egress routes and areas of refuge. d. Pull stations e. Fire extinguishers f. Fire alarm annunciators and controls
Section 404.3.2 Cont’d • A list of major fire hazards • Identification of personnel responsible for maintenance of systems and equipment installed to prevent or control fires • Identification of personnel responsible for maintenance, housekeeping and controlling fuel hazard sources
IFC Section 405Emergency Evacuation Drills • Emergency evacuation drills shall be conducted monthly in elementary schools. • Emergency evacuation drills shall be conducted at least every two months in secondary schools for a total of four drills in nine months. The first drill shall be conducted within the first two weeks of the school year.
IFC Section 408.3Emergency Evacuation Drills • First drill of each school year shall be conducted within the first 10 days. • Emergency drills shall be conducted at different times of the day • Outdoor assembly areas shall be designated and shall be located a safe distance from the building. • Shall provide accountability
IBC Section 410.1Stages and Platforms • Stage is a space within a building utilized for entertainment which includes overhead hanging curtains, drops, scenery or stage effects. • To be called a stage the area must measure 1000 sq. ft. in floor area and 50 ft. in height.
Stages & Platforms Cont’d • Section 410.5.2 - Dressing rooms, scene docks, property rooms, workshops, storerooms and compartments appurtenant to the stage shall be separated from each other by fire barrier wall and horizontal assemblies, or both, with not less than a 1-hour fire-resistance rating with protected openings.
Stages & Platforms Cont’d • An automatic sprinkler system is required for stages that are 1,000 square feet in floor area and 50 feet in height. • Standpipes are required on stages 1,000 square feet in area and 50 feet in height. • At least one exit from each side of stage is required
Spray Finishing Areas • Spray booths, areas and rooms shall be protected by a sprinkler system • Construct of materials that allow cleaning • Filters shall be changed often • Sprinkler heads are to be protected • Light fixtures and exposed electrical wiring shall be explosion proof
Chapter 5 Fire Service Features General Building Heights and Areas
IFC Section 504Access To Building Openings • Required exterior doors and openings shall be maintained readily accessible for emergency access by the fire department. • Required exterior doors for fire department access shall not be eliminated without prior approval and shall not be obstructed
Section 505Premises Identification • New and existing buildings shall have approved address numbers, placed in a position that is plainly legible and visible from the street or road fronting the property
IFC Section 507Hazards to Fire Fighters • Trapdoors and scuttle covers shall be kept closed at all times except when in use or are automatically operated. • Outside opening accessible to the Fire department and which open on a hoistway or shaftway communicating between two or more floors shall be plainly marked in red letters, 6 inches high, on white background
Hazards to Fire Fighters Cont’d • Door or window openings to a hoistway or shaftway from the interior of the building shall be plainly marked. • The intentional design or alteration of buildings to disable, injure, maim or kill intruders is prohibited
IFC Section 508Fire Protection Water Supplies • Fire hydrant systems shall be subject to periodic tests and shall be maintained in an operative condition at all times and shall be repaired where defective. • A 3-foot clear space shall be maintained around the circumference of a fire hydrant. • Bollards shall be provided when needed
IFC 510FD Access to Equipment • Fire protection equipment shall be identified in an approved manner. Rooms containing controls…shall be identified for fire department use. Signs shall be permanently installed, readily visible and durable.
IBC Chapter 5General Building Heights and Areas • Numbers or addresses shall be provided for new buildings in such a position as to be clearly visible and legible from the street fronting the property.
Chapter 6 Building Services & Systems Types of Construction
IFC Section 605 ElectricalEquipment Wiring & Hazards • Identified electrical hazards shall be abated. Electrical wiring, devices, appliances and other equipment that is modified or damaged and constitutes and electrical shock or fire hazard shall not be used • Illumination shall be provided for service equipment areas, motor control centers and electrical panals.
Electrical Equipment, Wiring and Hazards Cont’d • A working space of not less than 30 inches in width, 36 inches in depth and 78 inches in height shall be provided in front of electrical equipment. • Doors into electrical control panel rooms shall be marked with a sign stating ELECTRICAL ROOM. • Electrical panals shall be labeled.
Electrical Hazards Cont’d • Multiplug adaptors shall comply with the NEC or are prohibited. • Relocatable power taps shall be polarized or grounded, equipped with overcurrent protection and be listed. They shall be directly connected to a permanently installed receptacle. • Shall not extend through floors, walls, etc.
Electrical Hazards Cont’d • Extension Cords shall not be used as permanent wiring, shall not be affixed to structures, extended through walls, ceilings or floors, under doors or floor coverings and shall not be subjected to damage. • Extension cords shall be used only with portable appliances.
Electrical Hazards Cont’d • Extension cords shall be plugged directly into a receptacle • The ampacity of the cord shall not be less than the rated capacity of the appliance being served. • Maintained in good conditon • Extension cord shall be grounded when serving grounded appliances
Electrical Hazards Cont’d • Open junction boxes and open-wiring splices are prohibited • Electrical appliances and fixtures shall be tested and listed • Temporary wiring for electrical power and lighting is allowed for a period not to exceed 90 days.
IBC Chapter 6 • Types of Construction