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Re-commissioning of Community Health Services for Children and Young People Stakeholder Workshop

Re-commissioning of Community Health Services for Children and Young People Stakeholder Workshop. Re-commissioning of Community Health Services for Children and Young People Stakeholder Workshop. Introduction & Welcome Richard Bailey, Deputy Head Joint Commissioning,

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Re-commissioning of Community Health Services for Children and Young People Stakeholder Workshop

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  1. Re-commissioning of Community Health Services for Children and Young People Stakeholder Workshop

  2. Re-commissioning of Community Health Services for Children and Young People Stakeholder Workshop

  3. Introduction & Welcome Richard Bailey, Deputy Head Joint Commissioning, NHS Nene CCG and NHS Corby CCG

  4. Purpose of the Day • Provide a briefing on what is being re-commissioning and why • Explain the re-commissioning process • Set out the opportunities to participate in the re-commissioning process • Share with you information and data derived • Offer the opportunity to delegates to share some early thoughts

  5. Agenda – 1 • 9.40. Why Re-Commission? Dr Emma Clancy • 9.55. Re-Commissioning Process Judith Cattermole, Alison Shipley, Stephen Marks Summarise; Questions • 10.15. Demographics; Needs Assessment David Loyd-Hearn, Sian Heale Summarise; Questions • 11.00. Tea/Coffee

  6. Agenda – 2 • 11.15. Table Top Tasks - Please ensure Tasks written Judith Cattermole • 12.15 Feedback –Verbal: one key message to assist re-commissioning • 12.35 Next Steps & How You Can Get Involved Richard Bailey • 12.40Panel Q&A • 12.50 Closing Remarks Dr Darin Seiger

  7. Why Re-Commission? Dr Emma Clancy Children and Young People Clinical Lead NHS Nene CCG

  8. No Change – Not An Option • Growth in Need; Staff running to stand still • Frustration from Young People and Parents • Variability • Access & Coverage across Northamptonshire • Understanding (Clinicians; Service Users; Parents) • Inability to align local authority and NHS Services • Ultimately need to Service Fragmentation; • Lessons from Victoria Climbie & “Baby P” • But Change also brings opportunity

  9. Imagine a joined up approach with a locality flavour with services delivered in a place convenient for children, young people and families…

  10. …Health & Local Authority Services Together in Children Centres, Schools and Communities…

  11. So That… • Families could access GPs, Health Visitors, community nurses, mental health support etc. in one place • Promotion of community involvement and activities • Health is more family friendly: • It’s easier for patients to integrate into community and social schemes • There is a reduction in isolation, fostering good support networks and promoting physical, emotional and mental wellbeing

  12. What Could We Do? GPs could: • do child surveillance clinics • immunisations for pregnant women and new-born babies • drop in clinics for mums needing GP advice Hospital and Children Community Health services could: • Run children’s outpatient clinic running • Base community children’s nurses locally to help with admission avoidance work

  13. What Could We Do Together? • Offer a multi-disciplinary network including: • Everything that children centres already offer • Breast feeding support & midwives • Learning Disabilities and special needs, community paediatrics, secondary care, GP, Health Visitors, CAMHS, social services, voluntary sector • Streamline and integrate health & wellbeing and so • Meet all needs for families from pre conception to late teens and beyond • Use the model to support the work we are doing to improve the care currently being given to Looked After Children (LAC)

  14. Where Do We Start? • Look at current services, infrastructure and estate • Get feedback about what works well and where, and what could be done better/differently • Use that to devise a centrally commissioned service using the best models and recreating them to fill gaps (e.g. community paediatric nurses in the North might be useful in the South) • Flexing approaches to suit local circumstances • Today is the start of that journey…

  15. Our Vision “Children and Young People’s Community Health Services within Northamptonshire will put the voice of children, young people and their families at the centre of everything we do. Over the next 3 years and beyond, we will continue to improve community health services to ensure they are responsive, equitable and inclusive. Services will be available where and when they are needed the most. By working together we aim to ensure children and young people are happy, healthy, safe and resilient, enabling a positive transition into adulthood.”

  16. The Re-Commissioning Process Judith Cattermole Children and Young People Commissioner NHS Nene CCG, NHS Corby CCG, Northamptonshire County Council Lead for Re-Commissioning Programme

  17. Why are we doing this now? National and local drivers • Legislative Changes - Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN) new Education Health and Care Plan (EHC) with effect from September 2014 • Drive for Personalisation and Personal Health Budgets (PHB) • NCC- Review of Designated Special provision (DSP’s) • NCC- Devolution of funds to schools • Safeguarding requirements to develop Early Help strategies and services. • Recent OFSTED inspection of NCC and partners regarding Adoption and Fostering, Safeguarding and Looked After Children (LAC) services

  18. Local Health Provision Children’s Community Health Services • Two main providers - Northampton General Hospital (NGH) and Northampton Healthcare Foundation Trust (NHFT) • Inequity and inconsistency and gaps - in terms of pathways and ease of access to specialist services • Rising demand for specialist services • High demand A&E services (children under five, self-harm rates) • Rise in the number of long term ventilated babies • Rise in the number of inpatient mental health admissions • Pressure on Home Care support/packages -children remaining in hospital once medically fit for discharge • Impact upon the quality of life for our most complex children and their families

  19. Financial challenges • Cost of A&E and inpatient admissions are tariff based and high • Financial challenges impacting upon all organisations- need to develop more effective and efficient local services across agencies which • avoid duplication • ensure streamlined pathways • improve outcomes • value for money • CAMH services were subject to a tender exercise and need to be re-tendered no later than 1st October 2014

  20. Joint Commissioning Opportunities • NCC currently carrying out 2 major areas of re- provisioning • SEN & Disability – Designated Special Provision (DSP) review, EHC plans • Re- commissioning Early Help and Prevention Services- Children’s Centres and Support Services to over 5’s Opportunities to fully align commissioning activity now..

  21. EHC Plans and SEN Provision Review SEN Changes and Designated Specialist Provision DSP ReviewAlison ShipleyNorthamptonshire County Council

  22. EHC Process & Plans EHC process supports child/family/schools with Local Offer if assessment or plans not agreed Greater personalisation Shorter process (20 weeks) externally facilitated Co-ordination of education, health and care needs & provision as required Reviewed annually Possibility of notional or real personal budgets Can be in place 0-25 if required

  23. EHC Roll Out Roll out for NEW requests for statutory assessment EHC process currently being offered to new applicants in Kettering, Corby, Wellingborough & East Northants. EHC process will be offered to other areas on: - 1st November 2013 - Daventry & South - 1st January 2013 - Countywide Rowan Gate Special School trialling transfer of Statements to EHC Plans from November 2013

  24. SEN Provision Review - Scope The review was commissioned to evaluate: the diversity of provision in the county’s Resourced Provisions (RPs) and SEN Unit provisions (Ups) the impact of the special/specialist provision on developing inclusive practice and improving outcomes for all children as well as those supported in special/specialist provision the cost of current special/specialist provision and its sustainability in the light of changes in funding mechanisms and current financial restraints

  25. SEN Provision Review – implications for all Children and young people should access a wider range of opportunities locally, and a more personalised education offer, through the partnership working of schools with other schools, alternative providers and special/specialist services Review the Speech and Language Resourced provisions in partnership with the Nene and Corby Clinical Commissioning Groups Ffacilitate the provision of an all through Special School in the south of the county for ASD, SLD and PMLD

  26. SEN Provision Review – implications for all commission bridging places for secondary aged young people for the LA to use for Day 6 provision/assessment for permanently excluded pupils and for schools to commission, places for the assessment of pupils at risk of permanent exclusion or in need of specialist support for re-integration develop a continuum of provision across the county for BESD and Autism promoting partnership working between special schools, SEN Units and mainstream schools

  27. SEN Provision Review – implications for all establish satellite units who will work with an agreed number of primary school children at any one time to implement, under the supervision and guidance of the special schools, a range of provision and programmes for primary pupils at risk of permanent exclusion or permanently excluded

  28. SEN Provision ReviewCentral services re-design NCC in partnership with other stakeholders to review and re-configure the capacity of centrally managed education services  regain central responsibility for receiving direct notification from schools of permanent exclusions and arranging Day 6 provision for them commission, from a range of providers, packages of education tailored to meet the needs of each permanently excluded secondary pupil, as close to their home as possible re-commission/de-commission special/specialist provision where necessary

  29. Central services re-design review the funding arrangements for special/specialist provision ensure all provision is of high quality and value for money re-commission speech and language provision for children to establish an equitable county wide service (with Nene and Corby Clinical Commissioning Groups)

  30. SEN Provision Review - timescales Informal consultation held 7th June 2014 Formal consultation with stakeholders October – December 2013 Cabinet – January 2014 Implementation – May 2014 onwards

  31. Early Help & Prevention for children and families in NorthamptonshireStephen MarksNorthamptonshire County Council

  32. Purpose To enable children and families to access appropriate support as early as possible, to help them maintain their quality of life, prevent any problems getting worse and reduce the demand for high cost, specialist support services .

  33. Outcomes for Children & Families All Families are able to maintain healthy and stable living conditions. All families are strong enough to manage stress over money, poverty & unemployment. All families can give and receive support from friends, neighbours and the wider community. All children and young people do well in education and this gives them the skills they need to find work. All families maintain good health and well being for happier, healthier lives. All parents support their children’s healthy physical, emotional, learning and social development. All families maintain stable and good quality family relationships.

  34. Prevention and Demand Management Current Future Costs savings generated by reduction in volume (Stock and Flow) Helping You when you can’t help yourself Tier Universal Specialist Specialist Targeted Prevention Targeted Prevention Prevention / earlier intervention (Stage not age) Helping You to Help yourself Early Help Early Help Universal

  35. Early Help Forum Areas:

  36. Statutory and priority services forNCC Early Help and Prevention Commissioning • Children’s Centre Services (under 5s) • Supporting Services • Interpersonal Violence Services • Youth Provision • Services for young people with challenging behaviours • Parenting

  37. Key Target Dates – Supporting Services Tender • Launch of Invitation to Tender – Mid October 2013 • Tender will close – late November 2013 • Tender evaluation and moderation – December 2013 to January 2014 • Award of tender – late-Jan 2014 to mid-Feb 2014 • Mobilisation, transition and implementation – Mid Feb to May 2014 • Services commencement date – June 2014

  38. Key Target Dates – Children’s Centre Services Tender • Pre Qualification Questionnaire opens - Late Oct 2013 • PQQ closes - Early Dec 2013 • Launch of Invitation to Tender - Mid Dec 2013 • Tender will close - Early Feb 2014 • Tender evaluation and moderation - Mid Feb / Early March 2014 • Award - Late March / Early April 2014 • Mobilisation, transition and implementation - April to late July 2014 • Services commencement date Late July / early August 2014

  39. Other joint commissioning opportunities • Regional Specialised Commissioning – neonatal pathways, High Dependency, Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) specialist rehabilitation and Tier 4 Inpatient CAMHS etc. • Public Health – Renewed focus on emotional well being as underpinning poor health outcomes • Further opportunities to align approaches with Alcohol and Substance misuse, sexual health etc. • Police and community safety initiatives – focussing on prevention- opportunities for closer collaboration • Safeguarding improvement plans – opportunities to consider a more joined up approach………

  40. Service Redesign Areas Key Interfaces NCC- Early Help NCC- Social Care NCC – Educational Psychology Clinical Commissioning Group’s- Adult Mental Health Commissioning Youth Offending Service (YOS) Key Interfaces A&E and Acute Hospitals NCC- Social Care Acute Paediatric Services CCG’s Community Services Key Interfaces NCC- SEN and Disability – EHC/Provision Review CCG’s- Adult LD commissioning CCG’s – Community Services (Long Term Conditions) 

  41. What services will this involve? Linked (NCC funded) TAMHS ADHD support service Youth counselling services Homestart

  42. What services will this involve?

  43. What services will this involve?

  44. What services will this involve? Recommissioning areas do not include Health Visiting and Mainstream School Nursing

  45. What is the timeline ?

  46. Change Process • Services currently delivered are valued and will continue to be required- build upon the areas of good practice and an opportunity for new models of delivery • Staff will feel anxious and unsure – we do not want to lose staff - ensure effective communication throughout the process • TUPE transfer conditions will apply. Provider organisations will have a responsibility to ensure staff are fully briefed about what this means for them • Parents will feel anxious – this is an opportunity ensure equitable and consistent service delivery- new service models should be responsive to parent and child's needs

  47. Programme Governance LSCBN Corby CCG Nene CCG Joint Commissioning Board CYPBB Health & Wellbeing Board Children and young people’s re-commissioning – Project steering group Children and young People Co-production Confirm & Challenge Parent/Carer Co-production Confirm & Challenge Stakeholder Groups

  48. Summary

  49. Questions?

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