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Environmental Management System in Japan Railway . Naoto Mifune Railway Technical Research Institute Japan. Energy Consumption in Japan. Energy Consumption on Transportation in Japan. CO 2 Emission from Passenger Transport in Japan. Modal Shift s In order to Decrease Energy and CO 2.
Environmental Management System in Japan Railway Naoto Mifune Railway Technical Research Institute Japan
Modal Shifts In order to Decrease Energy and CO2 Road Traffic Railways Aviation Is this supported by consumer?
◎Good for Environment (Best 120 companies) 1st Car (Toyota) 3rd Car (Honda) 9th Car (Nissan) 37th Railway (JR) 79th Physical Distributor 80th Railway (JR) ●Bad for Environment (Worst 40 companies) 1st Steel 2nd Fast Food 3rd Aviation 17th Railway (JR) 19th Railway (JR) 26th Railway (JR) No car company!! Consumer’s Evaluation(Nikkei newspaper,560companies, 2004)
Consumer’s Evaluation Viewpoints 1.Railway is environment-friendly, this is by nature 2.Railway’s efforts can not be seen in public 3.Consumer’s evaluation is based on total efforts toward not only environmental performances but also management (philosophy, concept)
Total Environmental Load based on Consumer’s Evaluation Environmental Load/unit Car Railway 19?? 20?? 20?? 20?? Year
Totally Environment-Friendly Company 1. Environmental performances, of course!! 2. Legality 3. Volunteer works for environment and ecology 4. Public investment, Mecenat and so on 5. Transparent and visible 6. Refined sense of mission 7. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Sustainable Development of Railway Visible Safety Environment “To be Visible” from Consumer’s Viewpoint EMS Transparent
Environmental Management System-ISO14001- • Total Environmental Management system 2. Visible 3. Universal
“Development of Railway” supported by quality (safety) and environment (mission) Development of Railway Environment Quality Needs Public opinion
Selection by environment Shift to higher level of green markets and increase in green consumer concerns Communication by environmental information Green purchase Green investment etc. Quality of environmental management Reaction in financial markets Environmental efficiency Practical use of economical skill for a environmental policy Environmental report Initial EMS Environmental strategy Recognition of environmental issues TIME 1990 Trend toward Sustainable Railway 20??
Next Step - Beyond ISO14001 Enforced requirements are 1.Communication 2.Cost Saving, Efficiency 3.CSR And ultimately aiming 4. To Increase in Railway’s Share in Transportation 5. To make sure the Sustainable Railway
Conclusions 1.EMS is indispensable in order to acquire high level of evaluations by consumer. 2. Many railway companies have got ISO14001 certifications in Japan. 3. A New type of EMS is being discussed in some railway companies in Japan. 4. The Ultimate aim to get ISO14001 certifications is to meet with consumer’s green concerns and to make sure the sustainable railway.
鉄道における迷信ー環境 • 「鉄道は他の交通機関に比較し、当然環境に優しい筈」? • 省資源 • 自動車のリサイクル率:95%(リサイクル法) • 鉄道車両のリサイクル率:? • 省エネルギー • 燃料電池自動車:走行中のCO2の排出ゼロ 新規登録車の64.5%低公害車(02.10~03.6)、500万台突破 • 環境配慮の努力評価 当然、鉄道に対する世間の評価は高いはず
世論の評価の視点 • 企業の社会的責任(CSR)遵守 • 社会貢献(ボランティア活動・支援) • 犠牲的精神(直接利益に繋がらない) • 継続的な努力(停滞は評価されない) • 企業活動全般の高い透明性 • グループ企業群としての評価 • 三菱ふそうの不祥事は、三菱自動車、三菱電機、三菱銀行のブランド力低下へ
Conceit in Railway Company 1.High level of environment-friendly performances of railway is well-known in public 2.Consumer can not see data 3.Consumer does not concern about data 4. Consumer are watching extent of effort
Target • Totally environmental friendly company • Good performances are just results